How to do Character Group Compositions in any Illustration




Hi everyone!\

Today we are gonna try to solve such a serious problem about multiple characters drawing with a fitting composition. Nobody shall worry about it or struggle to do so since it can be done in a really easy process within your idea. We shall start then\


1.First Point (Theme)

It is really important to choose a theme before starting any drawing or illustration. It really makes the process easy along the way.

There is always a ton of options for themes but it's the best to pick only one of them.\

Today I will be choosing fantasy theme



2.Second Point (Characters)

While drawing multiple characters group connection it is a key element to match their personalities with each other which also helps you to create a better story and interaction between them

More information is something you need if you want to know more about the characters and draw multiple illustrations with them

Maybe draw more perspective to get a better view of the characters

3.Third Point (Poses)

This is the part where we mainly start with the software process. During pose creating you must look through how all the characters showing their interaction with each other.

During characters pose built up you can always use the 3d models for it. You can select all the body parts separately to create a specific pose. Also there is poses that are already included in the software.

It is easiest way to make well built poses.Then you can just put down your characters on spot and double check if they look suitable for everything.

4.Fourth Point(Background atmosphere)

To make a specific background for your drawing then you must be focusing on characters position and relation with the background and it's atmosphere

After all of that make sure the background contacts with at least two or three characters if there is lot of characters in the drawing.(all being connected to the background isn't necessary) It's a common scenario that all of the characters action doesn't always deals with their background but they must have at least a slight connection with the other characters in the drawing

5.Fifth Point (Colors)

A great choice of color always makes a great art piece. Color basically creates more living like drawing. Here first we'll know about color theory's basics a little bit.



After getting a decent knowledge from it you can work with any color base.

Then do the characters and background with those colors theory so that composition looks perfect.

Also colors helps you out to understand atmosphere quite a lot and characters all emotions, feelings, characteristics etc.

6.Sixth Point (Details)

On this sector I am including all sort of highlights and shading. The more you work with this sector the more better the drawing looks. Let's see how a drawing looks from lowest amount of details to highest amount of details.

Low details

Decent details

High details

7.Extras & Finishings

This is a part where you mainly going to know how to create a perspective or a vision so that people find your illustration interesting and storytelling.



Now there is a lots of way to do it. I will discuss about the main topics.



1.Expression-while drawing your characters they must be putting a facial expressions.

2.Roleplay-a character having role of main hero, villain, heroine etc.(Depends on theme)All themes may not have this topic included.

3.Accessories-it helps you create some more interaction with the atmosphere



So I think these are the ways you can use to create a good composition with multiple characters. I hope it helped you out for your topic..\

Sorry, but we reached the end.\

Maybe next time we'll learn something beyond this..\

ᕙ´꒳`ᕗFrieren <3 U\

She'll wait with u for another 10 years...



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