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Hi, it's Nadia!

This is a quick tips on values. I'll explain it as I've understand it, but I'm still learning myself so please, don't take everything I say for rule! I've learn all this things on different tutorials and advices, and I still have to learn a lot, but I hope this could help a little~


Edit: I've added a tutorial on how to make it more realistic (the third image)


Here I've drawn a square and I've choosen a light source. I put the top part light, the hidden part a bit dark and the middle one like a middle of the two with also a little shadow to show the shapes:

But it doesn't feel right, (unless you are doing this because you prefer it like so!)

So here I've changed the grey colors and I've made the light grey lighter and dark grey darker. With this contrast you could feel the shadows and the light.

More the light is strong, more the shadow is darker.

So the same is for other shapes, you should find were they light comes and the apply shoadows following the shapes.



Now I'll do the same thing of the square but with a more complicated image (well it will be easier if you think of it as lots of shapes!)


I did a quick sketch and then I've done the ink. Then I've hidden the sketch layer:

I've created a new layer and I've added flat colors.

Then I've duplicated both layer ("ink" layer and "flat colors"layer) so then now I've two of them:

Creating Greyscale-making layer

Create a new layer above all

Change the Layer set in "Color"

Fill all the layer with black

This is what will appear:

Everything on your canvas will be shown in grayscale!

When you don't need it, just hide the layer so you have it for later.


Now I create a new layer set in "Multiply" and in "Elf 1" I add a light purple shadow while in "Elf 2" I add darker purple shadows:

They both seems nice, but if I look at them in grey scale they would be like so:

With darker shadows it's better to see the shapes!


Now I add lights. I create a new layer set in "Normal"

I choose a light orange for Elf 1 and an even lighter orange/yellow for Elf 2

You can already see differences, but in grey scale it's more clear:

Finished colors

With a "soft brush" I add a bit of gradation.

I use a blue color on the shadows on a "Normal" layer and low the opacity to 42% (more or less)

I create a new layer in "Overlay" and I use an orange color

You can see that it has some shadows a bit lighter in some part and in others they are darker, but that you can see where there is shadows and where is light!

This is finished!


This was a simple color example.

There are lots of way for coloring and applying light and shadows. Try different ways to see what you prefer!

You should remember about values and contrast on you drawing and checking them with the grey scale so it's easy for your eyes to see the difference!

Thanks for reading, I hope this was helpful! And if you have any question feel free to ask!

Greyscale portrait

Hi, I've added this section later because I wanted to share how I apply values on rendering to make it more realistic. I leave the link to the speed drawing (I've speeded it up because it was about 2 hours (sorry I'm a bit slow) but if you want you can click on "settings" and on "playback speed" set "0.25" that it's still fast, but I hope you can see it better!)

This is it's the result:

I just use a simple process in the start:


  • I use only on brush, "Soft Brush" and I change the size whenever it's necessary

  • I lower the opacity of ink layer

  • When I've done the flat greys, I create a new layer in "Multiply" and I do "Shadows 1"

  • Then I create a new layer in "Multiply"and I do "Shadows 2"
  • In "Layer 1" I've just added the bleck on her eyes

-Then I create a new layer above everything in "Overlay" and I add the light

  • I put all the layer in a folder and I duplicate it. I the merge all the layers in one of one folder so I have the backup if needed

Adjusting shapes: part 1

  • Now I just start creating shadows and lights picking greys with the "Eyedropper" tool (the shortcut is "Alt") and I keep attention to the shapes!

I create new layers above the on just created so if I do mistakes I can erase easly.

So first, I've fixed a bit eyes, nose and mouth (but I'll fixed again later!)

Here I've fixed some lights and shadows. I just do few parts but everywhere, so when I can back I see other things that maybe I've missed!

  • I've duplicated the layers and merged all in one

  • I did better lines outside (because I've used a pencil brush before for the ink, so it was not soft)

Adjusting shapes: part 2

Here I've started coloring the hair

It doesn't matter if I've colored the ear, because I'll fix it later

Here I've just added a bit of black shadow on the eyelids and I lowered the opacity to make it more transparent

And here (also on the eyelids) a bit of bounced light with low opacity

Adjusting shapes: part 3

Actually they are not "parts" I just save them sometimes to have a backup!

Like here I've continued with hair

And here neck and ear

For the light on the ear I've created a new layer because I actually didn't like how it was coming (in the video you can see how much I've struggled XD)

Here I've adjusted mouth (again! XD) and eyes

Adjusting shapes: part 4

As always I duplicated all the layers I've used and then marged all in one.

Then I've fixed the scarf

I've added again a bit of lights and shadows everywhere

And lastly a bit of light on the eyelid

Laslty I've added my signature and a background with the gradient tool

Link to the speed drawing:

Thanks for reading, I hope this was helpful! Have a nice day~



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