How To Use Sub Tools in Clip Studio Paint - Tablet Version

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Let's talk about using sub tools in the tablet version of Clip Studio Paint!

In this tutorial I'll explain everything you need to know about sub tools. What they are, how to use them, how to organize them, and how to download more or even create your own.

Sub tools are versions of tools like brushes and pens. They're tailored for a specific purpose or look.

In the tablet version of Clip Studio Paint your sub tools are located on the left margin of the drawing screen. They're organized by type. Some you'll likely use the most are brushes, pens, and decorative. When you tap an icon (such as the brush or pencil) the sub tools in the selected category will be shown.

You can move them into any order you'd like. You can also move them into another category. Simply tap and hold the icon for the desired sub tool and drag to the new location.

When you select a sub tool for use you can usually adjust the settings to your liking. Just tap the icon of the sub tool combined with a gear symbol.

Opacity changes the "thickness" of the paint or medium. Lowering it will look more like watercolor. Making it higher will look more like oil paint. Changing "Amount of paint" will have a similar effect but sometimes it will add a little more texture and it's also good to increase it if you'll be blending heavily.

If you haven't yet, be sure to check out Clip Studio Assets and download new sub tools and materials. There are thousands of options to choose from and some are very useful.

From the sub tool selection menu, tap add new sub tool and then Tap "search on assets".

After downloading you'll need to add the new sub tool. With the sub tool selection open, tap "add sub tool” once again. There's a plus sign next to it.

Now let's talk about how to create a custom sub tool! This is where you can really get creative and make almost anything you want. Start thinking about what kind of brush you'd like to have and I'll explain how to make it.

If you just want a circle as the brush tip you can skip ahead to the next step. If you want to use your own brush tip, you'll need to register the material first. Remember that if you want to be able to change the color of your brush you'll need to change the layer to monochrome.

Draw or import the image you want for your brush tip.



Get rid of the background and merge the imported image with a blank layer. This isn't always necessary but I find it to be an easier process.

Tap "edit" at the top of the screen and go down to "register material". You'll want to select "use image as brush tip" when you save it.



Next you'll need to tap "create custom sub tool" from the sub tool menu. In this instance we will select either brush or pen for input method.

Now a pop up will be shown that gives you the opportunity to customize everything about your new brush.

First let's tap brush tip and select the image we uploaded earlier.



You can see a small preview of what the brush will look like or you can move the pop up and actually test it out as you adjust the settings.

The spray setting is self explanatory but I want to remind you that you can change the look dramatically by adjusting the other settings within. In the photo I've changed the spray deviation and particle size to show the different possible results.

Dual brush is another very interesting setting. It can do a variety of things but here I've just used it to change the shape of the design as seen in the photo. Watercolor edge can create the look of shading or an extra color. It can also make faint designs more visible.

When you have the desired look, just select “save all settings as default” at the bottom right of the pop up window. If you're not going to post your brush to CSP assets then you're all finished. If you do want to post it (which I highly encourage) then you'll need to continue to the next steps.

Register the brush as material and save the file.

Next you'll go back to the home screen, tap on manage materials and select your new brush. Tap manage materials once again and then tap “Publish to Assets”.

Thank you for reading my tutorial, I hope that it was helpful and informative!





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