Tips on how to create character's cloth

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How to choose outfit for characters based on personality

Where to find references for characters outfit

Welcome to this beginner friendly tutorial on how to pick outfits that reflects your characters personality.

Welcome to this beginner friendly tutorial on how to pick outfits that reflects your characters personality. We will see some examples to understand some basic concepts we need when we develop characters outfits.

Before we begin this tutorial I want you to think and write down the personalities that your characters have are they shy, bold, smart, athletic, adventurous what do you want people to see when they look at your character? Making your characters outfit show their personality means someone can tell somethings about them by just looking at them so that's what we are going for.

This is our first character let's call her Lina so you can see she is wearing something a bit unique on top of her cropped top just from seeing her you can tell she is someone into fashion someone who likes mixing outfits someone who is stylish she looks outgoing and fun easy to talk to

If you want your characters to be someone who is stylish and is into fashion make sure they are always wearing trending pieces and something that’s different than the other characters

Here is another example of someone who would pick something a bit different than other people wearing unique pieces you can tell from this characters outfit that they are friendly and not shy very outgoing and expresses themselves and someone who does what they like.

On the other hand if you want your character to be a bit shy not outgoing or maybe you want your character to be a tomboy who doesn't like wearing dresses and loves their personal space

Mostly characters like this prefer to wear things that are comfortable baggy clothing such as baggy sweats with baggy hoodie the headphone adds that this person doesn't like to be bothered doesn't want people talking them so you can really see what kind of character this is.

If your character is someone who workouts out lot you can express that using certain outfits such as t shirts and shorts , or baggy sweats bottoms just make sure that someone can recognize their body as soon as they see them make them look bigger then other characters or you can incorporate gym bags as well

If your character is someone who workouts out and is hard working, consistent you can express that using certain outfits such as t shirts and shorts , or baggy sweats pants just make sure that someone can recognize their body as soon as they see them make them look bigger then other characters or you can incorporate gym bags as well this is if your main focus is gym guy or girl.

As you can see this looks like a rich boss CEO type of person you can tell this person is wealthy his personality looks like his someone serious someone who is always dressed formally someone who has expensive taste he doesn't give off a normal guy rather hard working and more workaholic who spends the day in the office and having meetings.



If your creating a character that’s a boss CEO rich and you want him to look like a serious person who is a workaholic and hard working you would wanna make his wear something formal like suits making his wear ties and you can show he has expensive taste by making his wear expensive shoes and watch accessories matter make him stand out.


You can find references from anime, Pinterest, webtoons I prefer anime style art so this are some references I use.

Bonus tip

If your having a hard time understanding how to reflect your characters personality using their outfit you can study your friends your families and even yourself people use outfits to express themselves who they are and what they stand for when your creating you character you want people to understand who your character is who they are.

Use simple things everyone knows and understands

-We know that people who wear glasses are usually considered smart so you can use that if your creating a character that’s really smart

- we know people who accessories a lot and wear expensive clothing are rich if you want your character to look spoiled you can make them wear latest clothing, shoe etc..

Using the simple things that we are all familiar with makes your characters personality show through those outfits.

I hope this tips helped good luck with creating your characters you got this!



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