How to Draw Jewellery and Accessories like a PRO!!

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So we are gonna learn how to draw jewellery and accessories. We will also draw 3-4 drawings to practice our skills.

What Makes Things Beautiful?

There are three things that can make a thing beautiful: Symmetry, Regularness/ a shape that has some thought put into it and Shininess.

First off is Symmetry. What is Symmetry? Symmetry is the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis according to the Oxford Dictionary. So as you can see, the diamond and the first necklace are symmetrical since when divided into half, they fold over each other exactly but we can't say the same for the bottom necklace since there is an extra piece dangling. This hinders the otherwise symmetrical drawing.

Next up, we have Regularness or a shape that has some thought put into it. So there was actually a thought experiment regarding this. People were asked to choose which one of the drawings looked more pleasing. One set of them was drawn by professionals and the other one was drawn by animals and kids. So they chose the one drawn by the professionals as it was made of shapes and had more thought put into them. Similarly, as you can see, the first necklace is less beautiful than the second one as in the second one, the shapes create an interesting design that helps break the repeating pattern.

Finally, we have shininess. I consider it quite important while drawing jewellery and accessories. You might be thinking, "how to make a metal shiny?". Well, all you need to do is to determine the base colour of metal(eg - gold - golden/ochre yellow, Iron - grey, Platinum - Light grey, Silver - grey very close to white) and then make it a little bit darker and use hatching to fill in the dark regions. Then make it lighter for lighter areas and so on. You may not leave white spaces as metals usually have a few highlights. Finally, add shadow and you are done.

Pro Tip: Use a mannequin (specifically for a necklace) to learn how to draw such jewellery and accessories and how they should be accommodated in your drawing. .

Drawing No. 1

I drew the mannequins shown above to learn the basics. I also decided to add a hatching sort of sketching to give it some depth. This was how it turned out. Watch the vid above to see the whole speed-drawing/timelapse.

Drawing No. 2

So for this drawing, I decided to draw a Puppy/Dog with clothes and accessories. I first drew a rough sketch then added the accessories and then painted them. Here's how it turned out.

Drawing No. 3

For the fourth drawing, I decided to draw a lady, this was my first time painting a portrait. The process was the same.

Drawing no. 4 a.k.a Bonus!!!

I decided to add a timelapse for the drawing for my thumbnail for the video. Hope it is good!! 😊



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