◆ Screen tone : Mistakes & Tips ◆

9 009



Yo! For this month's TIP we are talking about something really fun: 「Screen Tones」!


The usual procedure for 「Screen Tones」 when drawing Manga the traditional way is

①Sticking ②Trimming


When it comes to the digital way of applying 「Screen Tone」, it feels like ② is often skipped.

So today we'll look at some common mistakes and various uses of this tool.

◆ Layer Property : Quick & Easy Screen tone

I had mentioned this use of 「Layer Property」in my TIP on Manga Backgrounds before, so we'll just quickly recap it!


Go to 「Layer Property」→「Effect」→「Tone」

Here you can turn 【monochrome】 and 【colorful】 pictures into 「Tone Sheets」via one simple click.

Adjust the ① Shape & ② Frequency  accordingly.



① Put in the shading  ② Set Layer to 「Tone」

◆ Pen : Various Texture Screen tone

Another way to use「Screen tone」is by using this ASSETS brush.


They work just like normal Pen-Tools and you can adjust them to your liking!

This way you can create really fine「Screen tone」without it looking too uneven!

【 ! 】 When working with 「Layer property」Screen tone & 「Pen」Screen tone,

   I recommend that you use 【Mask Layer】so you can freely adjust certain

   Screen tones, without having to find the exact same colour or pen to redraw it.

◆ 1# Mistake

I see some people just inserting「Screen tone」and then thinking it's finished.


Of course, there are no set rules on how to use「Screen tone」, but personally I find this to give the drawing a very cheap look.



Using the「Layer Property」method we just dicussed, I'll shade in my drawing.

The problem with leaving it like this is, that the texture of the 「Screen tone」does not blend into 'non-tone' areas.

There are several ways to solve this problem.

We'll be discussing 3 methods that I like to use use.

◆ ① Solution ― Thick Shadows 

First, we go back to our 「Lineart」and add 「Contrast」where our shadows are going to be.


Already think about where you would like to use 「Screen tone」to adjust the gaps in the 「Contrast」.

Thanks to these shadows, we almost have a safe guide on where to focus the use of 「Screen tone」at.

As you can see I left 'shining areas' (white) at certain spots, rather than covering the whole surface of an object with the 「Screen tone」. This is again a stylistic choice, but I think it gives the drawing more dimension this way.


We can blend the 「Screen tone」into the shadows by repeating a hatching pattern like this.

See the difference?

Next we'll move to 【Gradation】!



◆ ② Solution ― Gradation

I like to use these two methods to create 「Gradation effect」with Screen tone.

【Layer property → Tone】

 I lock the content on the Layer with the 「Screen tone」and use the 【Airbrush】

 with a lighter colour than the one I used for the screen tone.


 As the title implies, I use custom Erasers from ASSETS to get this

 cloudy 「Gradation」that you often see in Shoujo-Manga

 I also use default Brush-Tools & Effect Brushes as 「Eraser」by setting

 the drawing colour to 'transparent'. (Here I used the standars 'Gauze Cloud')

Let's apply this to the darkest shade of the drawing!

We'll now move onto 【Trim】!

◆ ③ Solution ― Trim

Gradation and atmospheric effects.

① Commonly used in Shoujo-Manga : Leave a little bit of the「Screen tone」around thin Line art to give it a softer look. (Keep the Line art thin! Almost dissolving into the background at some spots)

② Layer trimmed「Screen tone」for a more dimensional look

③ Trim「Screen tone」on walls, pillars, building, etc. to quickly give them more detail

We shall apply this method, so you get a better idea for it!

We'll first repeat methos ① and ② for the scarf!

With that the scarf is done!

And we will keep repeating step ①, ② , ③ according to the effect we wish to create.

◆ Finished Illustration (Final Review)

And with that our magical hero with「Screen tone」shading is done!

【Important Points】

【Mistakes to avoid 】

I hope that these tips will be useful to you, the next time you use「Screen tone」!

Have fun drawing!



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