Realistic fire and Five flame fantasy ideas

4 102

T Mike

T Mike


Hello guys, I will be explaining the steps I used for five Flame Fantasy drawings I drew. There are no set rules for this I just hope you guys can get some inspiration for drawing flames from them.

Also, If you are interested in Natural realistic flame, pay attention to No 4. because the starting steps are similar, so I just had to add it as a subsection of No 4 for better understanding.

Alright guys, let get started.

Opening bonus: creating a flame wallpaper

This is an opening bonus for you all. I will be showing you how to create a flame wallpaper in a fast and easy way.

Firstly, Select Fire tool and increase the brush size. The link to get the fire tool from clip studio assets will be found at the end.

Draw out big flames in this pattern.

Add more fire lines in between but not too much.

Clip a layer to it and use a lighter blue to color some part as shown and change blending mode to glow dodge. But make sure you activate Lock Transparent Pixel on the layer clipped to.

Create another layer, reduce the brush size of the fire tool and draw fire where there are black space but don't overdo it.

Select the clipped layer and go to menu > edit > shading assist and apply the setting shown in the image below.

It is not compulsory to follow these setting just applying shading assist with the default setting is okay

Wooh! Our flame wallpaper is ready

1. Dragon fire

These are the colors you will be using arranged in the order of layers

Get your dragon ready and use the soft airbrush tool to draw from the mouth outward with wine color and reduce the layer opacity to 40.

Create another layer and use the soft airbrush to draw out another layer using brown color, use the soft eraser to erase some part as shown then use the pencil tool to create orange shadings on another layer and change the blending mode to add glow but use yellow for the areas closer to the mouth because the intensity of fire is stronger around that area.

Select Fire tool, lower the brush size and shade from the mouth outward in a zigzag pattern to get that form and change the blending mode of the layer to glow dodge.

Now, we have our dragon fire. Select Magic shaper tool to give the dragon glowing eyes.

You can get the Magic shaper tool and the Fire tool on clip studio assets.

2. Rocket flame

This flame can be used for Sci-fi scenarios such as flying object powered by fire, It can be a flying robot or any other thing.

I will be using a jet for this drawing, now, get the object emitting the flame ready.

Start by drawing a line using red color from the source emitting the flame using Rope line (dual) tool. You can get this tool on clip studio assets.

Use soft eraser to trim the edges to give it the shape in the above picture. After trimming, create another layer and draw out another line of about the same size with G pen using the above skin color. When you change the blending mode to add glow, It will give you a see through white, use the airbrush to add intensity and a glow line using white color.

Note: when blending mode is changed to Add glow, the skin color used changes to white.

Now use the object tool to drag the line on the red flame you can also draw on top of the red flame directly then trim to fit and also use the blur tool to blur out the tail end of the flame.

You can duplicate it by marking the two layers at the same time and long press one of the layers select duplicate layer from the options.

You can move the copies with the object tool and make sure you are currently on the layer of the copy you made before moving.

You can also change the size using the scale/rotate tool.

Change the color by selecting the layer and go to layer property > layer color and change the color.

And that is it, our Rocket flame.

3. Fiery unicorn

This is an idea for drawing a glowing flamy creature. Let start with drawing the outline and fill with color to get the shape of our creature.

Now, we are going to add shades using a darker tone to make it maintain it solid form while being fiery, then put a black background, you can use any background but make it a dark background so the fiery creature can stand out.

Create another layer, use soft airbrush to add a lighter tone of sky blue to area where there are highlights and change blending mode to glow dodge.

Use the eraser tool to erase the external outline leaving the ones inside.

Use the blending tool to blend out the back of the legs and other areas at the back using a small brush size (zoom in for accuracy).

Select liquify tool, reduce brush size and use it to make the blending wavy so it won't just look like a smudge.

Create another layer, select Fire tool and draw out fire patterns with a blue color in the edges of the hair, tail and legs. Select blending tool, reduce the opacity and slightly blend out the edges a little to give it that flame effect, do that to the horn too as shown below, put some fire on the back also and change the blending mode to add glow.

Use the magic shaper tool to give the eye a glowing effect.

Our fiery unicorn is set!

4. Blade of flame

I will be explaining how to draw flame on blade, well,.. anything that has blade.

Also, there is a subsection for natural flame after this. The method I will be using in the natural flame drawing is quite similar to the method I will be using here.

Kk, let get our blade.

In this method, the liquify tool will be playing a huge role as well as creating layers.

Let create our first layer, and use soft airbrush to create a red glow as shown above Duplicate the layer and change the blending mode of the first layer under to add glow and lower the opacity of the second copy to around 75.

Create another layer.

Select Paint and apply brush. (The link for this brush can be found at the end).

Use the paint and apply brush to create flame like patterns using deep orange color as shown below.

Use the liquify tool to shape it into a flame shape as shown in the steps in the image below and change blending mode to add glow.

Note: Each flame shape you draw must be done on separate layers. Don't draw two or more flames on the same layer so the liquify tool can be used effectively.

Create another layer and repeat the same steps;

  • Draw out an orange flame pattern using paint and apply brush.

  • Use the liquify tool to further enhance the flame shape.

  • Change layer blending mode to add glow.

Keep repeating the same steps to fill the blade with flames.

After covering the blade with flames, to give it that fantasy feel, change some of the flames to another color by selecting the layer of the flame you want to change then go to layer property > layer color and change color.

I will be changing some of the flames to purple color.

Finally our blade is glowing brightly.

Drawing Realistic fire

For our realistic fire, I will be drawing an up-close view of a bonfire.

Let get started. Just like we did in the blade of flame drawing, draw the red glow first with air brush tool. Duplicate the layer, change first layer blending mode to add glow and reduce the opacity of the second layer.

Now, start drawing out the flame shapes.

Remember, do them on separate layers.

I told you guys the method I will use here is similar to the blade flame, so, I will just show you the steps in images.

You already have an idea of what transpired in those images like using the paint and apply brush to draw flame, shaping with the liquify tool, then change blending mode to add glow.

Repeat the steps on separate layers and I don't think there is a limit to how many layers you can create on Clip studio paint.

Draw big flames as well as small flames in the middle as you see in the images.

Select some of the layers, let it be the layers for flames in the middle preferably, go to layer property > border effect > water edge and apply. This will give it some fine patterns. Apply this setting to just a few, maybe two or three layers.

Select soft eraser, lower the opacity and use it to draw out pattern from bottom to top mostly in the areas that are too yellow.

Blend areas where lines are too visible, but we shouldn't overdo it. Do it in a flame pattern

Blend out the edges of the flame around the red areas. Create new layer, add some fire particles around the fire and at the source which is the fire bottom and change blending mode to add glow. The fire particles shouldn't be too much, Apply moderately. I will drop the link to get the tool I used in clip studio assets.

Create new layer, select fire tool reduce brush size to 35 and draw from bottom to top in a flame pattern then change blending mode to add glow.

The more you blend the more the fire burns and the more realistic.

You guys can blend further while using the fire tool when you need to because it also contributes to the realism, but I will leave it at this. You can also use the fire tool to link the fire to your fire woods.

You can now make some overall adjustment and adjust the edges with the liquify tool and blend.

Select cloud tool from decoration in tool palette, lower the opacity to 10 and use ash color (grey) to draw out some smokes on top of the fire.

And finally, our realistic bonfire is ready… Wooh!

The good thing about this method is that whatever you draw on a layer under the flame layers reflects through the fire as a burning object like the firewood in the image below.

Doesn't it look like the firewood and stones were actually put inside fire..,..(✷‿✷)

Well guys, experiment this method with other things and have fun……ʘ‿ʘ…



5. Sorcery fire

I will be drawing sorcery fire this time. Let start by drawing out something like a green screen with the airbrush tool.

Create another layer, select cloud tool from the tool palette > decoration tool > background sub tool. Use it to create patterns like lines as shown above with a green color close to white. go to menu > filter > blur > radial blur, then give it the below setting.

Use the same cloud tool to create green clouds as shown above.

Select the airbrush, draw out green flame shapes and use the liquify tool to shape it.

Check the shaping steps shown in the image below for better understanding.

Change blending mode to add glow, also color the hands with green color using airbrush tool.

Use airbrush tool to create a small circle spot with white color on the hands. (Do it on separate layers).

Go to menu > filter > distort > ripple and apply.

Select Fire tool and draw fire as shown with a brush size of 15 px on another layer then change blending mode to add glow.

Go to menu > filter > blur > radial blur and apply the below settings.

You can also increase the strength in the setting above for more effect.

And.. here is the end product. You can also try it out with other colors and have fun.◉‿◉


We have finally come to the end of the five fantasy ideas tutorial.

But before I sign out I will be leaving a closing bonus on how to draw simple fireworks for beginners.

Closing bonus: how to draw fire works for beginners

This bonus section is for drawing fire works for beginners. Though, there are clip studio assets materials that can enhance drawing fireworks, but I just want to share my style of drawing fireworks in a simple form.

First and foremost, draw a circle on your canvas

You can select the circle tool from the tool palette and select eclipse from the sub tool.

Create a new layer and rename it as yellow lines.

Select yellow, and use G-pen to draw a broom shaped line from the center to the circumference of the circle, then draw three more strokes on each side of the five lines.

Put one or two strokes each in the five blank spaces and use the eraser to trim some of the edges to make it as ununiformed as possible.

some strokes should be shorter than the others.

Hide or delete the layer where the circle is drawn on.

Select the layer you want to hide.

Click the eye icon to hide/unhide or click the waste bin icon to delete.

Create a new layer and drag under the yellow lines layer.

Then fill with black color to create a black background.

Create a new layer on the yellow lines layer, choose a light yellow, then draw lines from the center in palm tree leaves pattern. Let the lines deviate from the previous lines direction an let the ends be well bent

Change blending mode from normal to add glow.

Select the two layers of yellow lines and go to layer property > border effect > water edge.

Create a new layer on top of the background layer, select airbrush, increase the brush size and reduce the opacity then select orange color and use the air brush to spread some light.

Create another layer and pick a yellow close to white ( you can also pick white exactly) but I will pick a yellow close to white from custom color, then use airbrush to create a glow in the middle. Reduce the Opacity and create bigger glow then change the blending mode of the layer to add glow.

Go to menu > filter > radial blur, select outward for direction and box for mode.

The fire work is complete.

Now, To multiply into copies of different positions, sizes, and color.

Create a layer folder and drop everything into it and duplicate the folder or you can merge everything and duplicate.

Use object tool to drag to a different position.

To change color, select the layer of the firework you want to change then go to layer property > layer color and change the color.

How to create copies is also explained in No 2 section.

That is all on how to draw fire works, I hope it is helpful.


I want to give credit to the creator of all those materials I used. Thank you for this amazing materials not to forget clip studio paint, thank you for this amazing software and it's features.

Here are the links of the materials from Clip Studio Assets I have used so far.



You will find the Fire tool I used and rope line (dual) in Dia brushes.

You can find the paint and apply brush in default sub tool

You will find the brush I used for fire particles in powdery brush set

Final note

I hope you guys have been inspired and learnt a thing or two from this tutorial. Thank you guys for reading.

And until next time when we meet again to share tips on another interesting theme, its bye for now.



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