Hybrid character designs , lets have fun !




Hello this is miyushi twins , our video them is Hybrid character designs , let’s have fun !  Together I and I will explaining the idea of our design character .


  • introduction

  • Body

  • Counclotion


First the idea came from our idea which is we Inspired by our main character ( miyushi ) , so we will convert from human to bird and  the character of the bird she like to be cat which  is the style and clothes also the reactions ….




First start with Initial planning the face side and half and back side of the design character , drawing the details the accessories and the eyes look like cat eye . Then Lin it with mapping pen its easy and smooth h to drawing ..

Second color the body the main color is light yellow which is the base of the feather then I spray by soft spray using orange in side of the body and little overlay in light side and shade by black .. then color the hair by black and white and the clothes by  baby pink which miyushi color  … and color the purple of the eye … hart in the middle ..

Drawing three emotions , like she happy to look to someone lover and crying when she didn’t eat the treat and angry when she wants to fights …

Cute image she wear mask of cat month and she thinks she look like cat …

And drawing when she eat her favorite  cat treat which is rabbit … meat ..

Now drawing the accessories the balls rings which is the cat ring and a bow which sky color ..

and then design the background like cat antiquities and write in each accessory to discuss it in more details

Finally I hope that like it everyone and I hope like our idea how to inspire the bird in our character…

This is vedio explain how I drawing the character bird



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