How to give your MC’s that Anime Look!




Yo! i’m Arimoto,

I’ll be showing y’all how i give my posters that “spunk.”

This lesson is not for beginners by this time you should know about your layers and etc.

These are the beautiful ladies from my manga “Apparition Caution!” (ch. 01 will release this winter) Starting from the left we have Mayumi, Cleo and Saia.

First as always start with your sketch. It’s very important to have your idea drafted it makes it all better in the end.

Next Ink your art and add your Shadows 48% opacity and blend should be Linear Burn. (please ignore the color on Saia’s nails i was on the wrong layer, remember to always label your layers don’t be like me 😅)

Next, if you want to fill in your art with tones and solid blacks this would be a great time to.

Next, Add your eye shines and Color Flats, also make sure that your Flats is on a layer below your Lineart work.

Next, Reapply your Shadows and Tone.

In this step feel free to add any effects that peak your interest and that conveys actions or emotions!

Next, you can add your pre-drawn or CSP Asset backgrounds/world!

In this step i just added an aura/ outline to my characters just to help them stand out in the background and to add to the sparkly essence..

THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT!! Select your characters and give them a nice color Toning by taking a color from your background or whatever your light source is, make sure the Opacity is 40% and the blend is a Linear Burn.

AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! i hope your MC’s are looking elegant and just as you like for your poster art. Thanks for stopping by!



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