Basics of the Saturated Line Tool: Settings




In “Basics of the Saturated Line Tool”, we explained how to draw action lines (saturated lines) using the [Saturated line] tool and about the tool properties. This lesson will cover the [Saturated line] settings in more detail.


  • For the basic instructions on action line tools, please refer to the following article.




First, let's display the [Sub Tool Detail] palette by checking [Sub Tool Detail] in the [Window] menu at the top.



You can also display the [Sub Tool Detail] palette for the [Saturated line] tool by selecting the [Saturated line] tool and clicking the button at the right bottom of the [Tool Property] palette (“A” in the below figure).

Once you get used to these settings, you will be able to create a wide variety of action lines!

I will explain each of the items in the red box above one by one.


[1] Saturated line

① Destination layer: Choose the destination layer of the action lines.


・ [Draw on editing layer]

Draws on the currently selected layer. If you draw on a layer other than a saturated line layer, the "reference point" of the action lines will not be created, and you will not be able to make later adjustments.


・ [Always create saturated line layer]

Creates a new saturated line layer every time you draw with the tool. It's a good idea to use saturated line layers, because these include the base line, shape line, and center point that let you adjust the action lines later.


・ [Draw on saturated line layer]

When a saturated line layer is selected, another base line is added to the previously drawn action lines.




② Toning: Check this box to add screentones to the action lines.

  • For details on ① Destination layer and ② Toning, please refer to the following article.




③ Use radial line ruler for center: Check this box to draw action lines aligned with the center point of the ruler, as long as [Snap to Special Ruler] is turned on.

The radial line ruler and radial curve ruler can be found under the [Tool] palette > [Ruler] tool > [Special ruler].

Select [Radial line] or [Radial curve] from the drop-down box in the [Tool Property] palette and click the canvas to create the ruler.


If [Snap to Special Ruler] is turned on, any created action lines will follow the shape of the ruler.


Press [Snap to Special Ruler] on the [Command Bar] to turn snapping on. You can also go to the menu bar > [View] > [Snap to Special Ruler] to achieve the same result.


[A] If I draw action lines at this position relative to the ruler...

[B] These action lines are drawn. [C] The base line looks very different from usual.




④ Make curve: Check this box to add a [Control point] for curving the [Shape line] of the action lines.

  • For details on control points, please refer to the following article.




⑤ Fill ground: Check this box to fill the area surrounded by the base line.

Here, the color of the background fill has been changed to blue (in the initial settings, it is set to white).

If [Make the reference position jags] is turned on, the area will be filled in jaggies.




⑥ Opacity of ground: You can change the opacity of the background fill when [Fill ground] is turned on.




⑦ Line color: You can set the color of action lines when [Fill ground] is turned on.

Use this setting when you want to use a color other than black for the action lines in a color comic.


・ [A] Main color

Use the main drawing color for the action lines. (Black in the initial settings)


・ [B] Sub color

Use the sub drawing color for the action lines. (White in the initial settings)

Change the main color (sub color) by clicking the [Main color (Sub color)] at the bottom of the [Tool] palette and choosing a color from the color set palette or color wheel.


・ [C] User color

Use a user-selected color for the action lines. (Black in the initial settings)

Click the [User color] icon, then select a color from the color set palette or the color wheel with the eyedropper tool. Hover the cursor over the user color icon to change it to the bucket icon, then set the color by clicking the icon.


・ [D] Select user color

Displays a dialog box where you can select the color of the action lines.

  • This option does not have an icon on the [Sub Tool Detail] palette.




⑧ Fill color: Specify color for the background fill.

Example settings: The line color is set to blue (main color) and the fill color is set to yellow (sub color).

[2] Figure




① Figure: Set the shape of the base line for the action lines. You can select between rectangle, ellipse, and polygon.




② Number of vertexes of polygon: Set the number of vertexes when [Polygon] is selected in ①.

③ Roundness of corner: Set the roundness of corner vertexes when [Rectangle] or [Polygon] is selected in ①. The higher the value, the rounder the corners become. (As the value increases, the shape will become more circular)




④ How to specify (the roundness of corners)

・ [Specified ratio]

Specify the range of rounded corners with the ratio (%) in relative to the length of the figure.

・ [Specify length]

Specify the range of rounded corners according to the length from the vertex.




⑤ Aspect type: Check this box to set the figure’s aspect ratio specified in ①.

・ [Specified ratio]

Fix the aspect ratio.

・ [Specify length]

Create a figure with a specified height and width.




⑥ Width: Set the width of the figure if [Aspect type] is checked.

⑦ Height: Set the height of the figure if [Aspect type] is checked.


[3] Shape operation

① Start from center: Check this box to draw the figure (base line) based on the starting point (the place you start drawing). When this is unchecked, the lines will start outside the figure.


② Adjust angle after fixed: Check this box to confirm the figure (base line) and pause the process of drawing the action lines. In this state, you can edit the angle of the figure freely.


③ Step of angle: Set the smallest unit of rotation angle when [Adjust angle after fixed] is turned on. You can change the angle freely when [Adjust angle after fixed] is turned on. Use this option when you want to specify the value of the angle.


[4] Brush Size


① Brush Size: Set the width of the action lines.

Use the slider, or click the triangle icons next to the numeric field to change this setting. Click the [Effect source] button at the right to manipulate pen tablet settings that affect the drawing size.

For details on the effect source setting, please refer to the following article.


② Disarray: Check this box to add variation to the line width.


③ Brush Preview: Display a preview of the current brush shape.


[5] Drawing interval

① Gap of line (angle): Sets the gap between neighboring lines based on the center point. You cannot alter this when [Gap of line (distance)] is selected.


② Gap of line (distance): Sets the gap between neighboring lines based on the base line. You cannot alter this when [Gap of line (angle)] is selected.


③ Disarray (lines): Check this box to add variation to the gaps between lines.

Further details on [Gap of line (angle)] and [Gap of line (distance)] can be found here.


④ Grouping: Creates a [Grouping] of lines when the checkbox is selected. Increase this value to widen the gap.


⑤ Disarray (grouping): Check this box to add variation to the number of lines within one grouping.


[A] has disarray disabled. A single grouping always consists of five lines.

[B] has disarray set to maximum (100). Each grouping consists of one to five lines.


⑥ Gap: Set the size of the gap between each grouping.

The width between lines will be the value of “Gap” multiplied by the value specified in [Gap of line].


[6] Drawing position

① Length: Set the length of lines.


② Disarray: Check this box to add variation to the length of lines.


③ Extend outside frame: Extend the lines so that the end of the line appears outside the frame. Lines extend to the crop mark or edges of the canvas if there are no frame folders.

Check this option to ignore the set length and extend the action lines.


④ Reference position: Set the direction of drawing based on the base line. Select the middle point to draw in both directions.


⑤ Gap from reference position: Check this box to add variation to the [Reference position].


⑥ Make the reference position jags: Check this box to make the drawing position of the action lines jaggy. These jags will make parts of the action lines drawn close to the center point. (However, the base line will not show as jaggy)


⑦ Number: Set the number of jaggies in the drawing positions when [Make the reference position jags] is checked.


⑧ Height: Set the size of jaggies at the drawing position. The larger the value is, the more jaggy the position becomes.

  • For details on ⑤ Gap from reference position, ⑥ Make the reference position jags, ⑦ Number and ⑧ Height, please refer to the following article.


[7] Ink

① Opacity: The opacity value indicates the transparency of the drawing. You can change this setting using the slider. Alternatively, click the triangle icons next to the numeric field to change the setting. However, reducing opacity will make the color gray, so do not change this setting if you are creating a black-and-white comic for printing. You can change this setting when creating comics or color illustration for posting online!


② Blending mode: Set how the colors drawn afterward affect the colors drawn beforehand within the same layer.

For details on blending modes, please refer to the following article.


[8] Anti-aliasing

① Anti-aliasing: Apply anti-aliasing on the lines.

The jaggies of the line become less visible to make a smooth drawing line. However, anti-aliasing turns the color gray, so do not change this setting if you are creating a black-and-white comic for printing. You can turn this on if you are creating a comic or color illustration for posting online!

This setting is unavailable if the layer’s expression color is set to [Monochrome] and the destination layer of action lines is [Draw on editing layer].


[9] Brush shape

① Register to preset: Register the current brush as a preset.


② Preview: A preview of the current [Brush shape] is shown here.


③ Brush shape preset: Displays the list of registered preset brush shapes.


④ Apply brush shape: Select a brush from the preset list and click [Apply brush shape] to apply the brush.


HINT: What can you do by changing the brush shape?

You may have already guessed from seeing the previewed brush shape presets, but...

You can create action lines like the above just by using the initially registered materials.

If you think of it as drawing the patterns radially, you can use this tool in many different ways.


[10] Brush tip

  • For details on brush tips, please refer to the following article.


① Tip shape: Choose between [Circle] and [Material] for the shape of the brush tip.

If you select [Material], you can change the brush shape and use a combination of several brush shapes.


  • For details on brush tip shape, please refer to the following article.


② Brush tip: Displays the current brush tip shape. When multiple brush shapes are displayed, you can change the order of drawing by dragging and dropping the icons. Click the down arrow to the right of the brush tip shape to display the [Select brush tip shape] dialog box and change the material of the brush tip.


③ Add brush tip shape: Add a material to the [Brush tip].

Click to display the [Select brush tip shape] dialog box. Select the desired brush tip shape from the list of brush materials and click [OK] to add the material to the [Brush tip].

You can change the impact of the action lines by adding materials!


④ Delete brush tip shape: Delete the selected brush tip shape.


⑤ Hardness: Set the value for hardness.

The lower the value is, the more blurred the line will be. (This setting can only be configured when the [Brush tip] is set to “Circle”)


⑥ Thickness: Adjust the thickness of the brush tip image.

Click the [Effect source] button to manipulate pen tablet settings that affect the thickness of brush tip.


⑦ Direction of applying: Set the direction to apply the brush thickness. You can select between “Horizontal” and “Vertical”.


⑧ Direction: Set the direction of the brush tip. Move the slider to change the brush tip direction from 0 to 360 degrees.

Click the [Effect source] button to manipulate the pen tablet settings that affect the direction of the brush tip.


⑨ Brush density: Set the opacity of the selected brush tip.

Click the [Effect source] button to manipulate pen tablet settings that affect the brush density.

For instance, set [Effect source] to [Random] to add concentration to the drawing material.


⑩ Adjust brush density by gap: Check this box to decrease the brush density when the drawing intervals are smaller. In other words, it automatically adjusts to keep the opacity of the selection area constant.


  • You can set the [Effect source] of ⑥Thickness, ⑧Direction and ⑨Brush density. For details on [Effect source], please refer to the following article.


[11] Spraying effect

  • For details on [Spraying effect], please refer to the following lesson.


① Spraying effect: When turned on, the selected brush tip will be sprayed and scattered.


② Particle size: You can set the size of brush tip shape when [Spraying effect] is turned on.

The brush size refers to the area in which the particles are applied, and the particle size refers to the size of the brush tip shape.

You can set the particle size to [Random] with the [Effect source] button.


③ Particle density: When [Spraying effect] is turned on, you can set the number of patterns per brush tip spray.

You can also set the particle density to [Random] with the [Effect source] button.


④ Spray deviation: You can set how close the brush tip spray is to the center when [Spraying effect] is on.

The blue part in the figure shows the (approximate) area drawn with the selected [Brush Size].

By comparing both figures, you can see that the right figure has the pattern concentrated in the center area specified with the brush size.

The lower the value, the further the pattern deviates from the center area specified with the [Brush Size].


⑤ Direction of particle: You can set the angle of individual brush tips when [Spraying effect] is turned on.

Click the [Effect source] button to manipulate pen tablet settings that affect the direction of the particles.


  • For details on ②Particle size and ③Particle density, please refer to the following article.


[12] Stroke


  • The following article explains the [Stroke] in detail, so in this lesson I will describe it briefly.


① Gap: Set the gap between drawings. You can select between [Fixed], [Wide], [Normal], or [Narrow].


② Fixed value: Only when the gap is [Fixed] can you specify the value of the selected brush tip.

The larger the value, the greater the displayed gap between the dots become.

Click the [Effect source] button to manipulate pen tablet settings that affect the fixed value.


③ Ribbon: Check this box to make the drawing position of the brush tip jaggy and produce a natural continuous pattern.

However, [Ribbon] is unavailable when [Spraying effect] is turned on or when the tip shape is [Circle].


④ Repeat method: Set the material use order when creating brush tips by combining multiple materials.

You can set this option when there are multiple materials for the brush tip.


⑤ Mix brush tips with darken: Set the method of layering drawings.

When this option is on, the darker color will be shown. When this option is off, the density of the first color and the following colors are combined.


[13] Texture

You can configure the [Texture] of the brush tip shape.


  • For details on [Texture], please refer to the following article.


① Texture: Select the texture to apply to the brush. You can draw with the selected texture.

Clicking the button shows the [Select paper texture material] dialog box, where you can choose an image to use for the texture.

  • To restore the texture settings to [None], press the trash can icon on the right.


② Texture density: Specify the density of the texture.

Click the [Effect source] button to select the pen tablet settings that affect the strength of the applied texture.

The [Effect source] button is only available when [Apply by each plot] is turned on.


  • For details on [Effect source], please refer to the following article.


③ Reverse density: Invert the gradation of the texture.


④ Emphasize density: Emphasize the difference in density in the texture image.


⑤ Scale ratio: Scale the texture image up or down.


⑥ Rotation angle: Specify the rotation angle of the texture image.


⑦ Method to apply texture: Select the method to combine the selected [Texture] with the drawn line.

The result differs depending on the selected texture, hardness, and brush density.


⑧ Apply by each plot: Check this box to apply texture to brush patterns of the drawing tool (brush tip drawings).

The brush patterns near the center of the stroke superimpose to display a combined texture.

Uncheck the box to apply texture to one entire stroke.


Hint: Texture setting for action lines

If you apply a texture to the action lines, gray parts may appear on some paper texture materials. This setting is unsuitable for monochrome printing, but it is effective for drawings that can have gray color, such as drawings for posting online and color illustrations.


④ You can remove the gray parts by turning [Emphasize density] on. Try this setting if you want to make a brush suitable for printing.


[14] Correction

① Able to snap: Check this box to snap the drawing to the ruler.


② Snap to default border: Check this box to snap to the default border (inner) size while drawing the action lines.

However, you have to draw the action lines near the default border to snap. (Action lines drawn at the center of the canvas will not be affected)


[15] Starting and ending

① Starting and ending: Set the starting and ending effects of the lines.

Click this option to display the [Settings of effect source of starting and ending] pop-up. Check the items that you want to apply as starting and ending effects. (Multiple settings are available)


  • For details on [Settings of effect source of starting and ending], please refer to the following article.


② How to specify: Choose how you want to specify the length of starting and ending effects.

・ [Specify length]

Specify the area by length.

・ [By percentage]

Specify the length of starting and ending effects as a percentage of the line length.

・ [Fade]

Apply only ending effects to the line. (This setting is not available as a starting effect)


③ Starting: Check this box to apply starting effects to the line. Adjust the length of the starting effects with the slider.


④ Ending: Check this box to apply ending effects to the line. Adjust the length of the ending effects with the slider.


[16] Continuous curve

Set the drawing method as a continuous curve.

This drawing method can only be used for [Dark saturated line].


① Curve: Specify the method of creating a selection area. Choose between [Straight line], [Spline], and [Quadratic Bezier].


These three different methods are used above to draw action lines that share the same control point (the square dot in the curve).

While the straight line and spline show similar results, the base lines of the quadratic Bezier are more gentle, so the action lines change accordingly.


  • For details on [Curve], please refer to the following article.


② Close line: Connect the starting point and ending point to create a closed curve.


③ Step of angle: Set the minimum unit of the polyline angle. This creates a polyline with increments of the set angle.

  • ① This option is only available when the curve is set to [Straight line].


[17] How to duplicate and save action lines / Export settings


Now that you’ve used the action lines, did you think that you might want to save them?

I’ll show you how to duplicate and save your favorite action lines!

Specifically, I will explain how to save, export, and import action lines.




■ Duplicate and save action lines


① Select the action lines you want to save. (Here, we’ll use [Scattered saturated line] as an example)


② Click [Show Menu] in the top left of the [Sub Tool] palette, and select [Duplicate sub tool] to create a duplicate.


③ The line has been duplicated.




■ Exporting action lines

Let’s export and back up the action line settings.


① Select the action lines and choose [Export sub tool] from the menu in the top left of the [Sub Tool] palette.


② When the [Export sub tool] dialog box pops up, choose where you want to save the file and click “Save”.


③ The file has been successfully exported. (You can now share the file with your friends)




■ Importing action lines

You can import sub tool files that have been exported as backups in order to restore deleted action lines.

You can also use this method to import action lines that you have received from other CLIP STUDIO users.

The easiest way is to import a tool is to drag and drop the file directly onto the [Sub Tool] palette.


You can also import a file by selecting [Import sub tool] from the menu at the top left of [Sub Tool] palette.




Artist profile: Mirai Sahara

My name is Sahara. I make explanations so that beginners to graphics software can understand it easily. I like to draw manga and play video games.



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