How to draw night sky and nebula




■ How to draw the night sky

Thumbnail (1/9 additional)

Draw the following night sky.

Since I can not make it without using a star pen or downloading the material, from my MyTIPS

Download from "Material"

See "How to make a star pen" to make it.

First place the night sky gradient and draw the stars on a separate layer.

Prepare a new layer and apply colors (yellow, green, purple, pink) to the stars with an airbrush. This layer is clipping. Stars look more realistic.

■ How to draw nebula 1

Place a gradient in the night sky and gently place it with a black airbrush.

Draw lightly with a white airbrush.

Use the watercolor set of brushes to draw clouds, and draw it in black as shown below. It is better to make the thickness random. Then draw a little with airbrush black.

Lightly brown with an airbrush.

Draw a star with a brush, and place the glitter B brush on the star. The stars and glitter layers are attached together.

Apply the color with an airbrush and clip.

■ How to draw a nebula 2

Draw the material below with watercolor cloud brush (fluffy) black as below. The purple groundwork is easy to understand. The groundwork and the black pattern layer are separate.

Prepare a new piece of paper and darken the whole.

Draw with the airbrush (red blue white).

Put a black pattern.

Add a star, clip it, and color the star.

■ How to draw a nebula 3

Make some ingredients. First, draw with a watercolor cotton cloud brush (fluffy) as shown below.

[Filter]-> Transform-> Pinch, pinch the red circle. Choose a color mix from the tool and stretch it with your fingertip tool. Material 1 is completed.

Make material 2. Rotate Material 1 slightly and put the airbrush black on it.

Make a small material 3 using a blur.

Prepare this layer used last time.

Paste material 1 and rotate 90 degrees. Make Material 1 yellow.

Invert the yellow one to the left and right to make it orange.

Place material 2.

Place a light blue airbrush.

Place Material 3 and turn it red.

Use a small size brush in the red, and shade it with a watercolor cloud brush.

Put a lighter color.

Add stars to complete.

■ Nebula 4

Draw as you did before.

■ Material collection

Please download it by all means.

■ Dodge light emission with jpg (1/9 additional)

Looks more beautiful.



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