



STEP 0: Tools required to make this drawing

The Pen Tool

The Markers tool


The Eraser tool

The fingertip tool

The Airbrush tool

STEP 1: Draw the base of the eye

To start I draw a curve with the "Markers" tool and I use the "Eraser" tool to give the desired shape

Next I add the folds of the skin as well as the corners of the eye using the "Pen" tool

STEP 2: Draw the eyebrow

For this step I choose the "Markers" tool and I trace the base of the eyebrow

Then I create the shape of my eyebrow with the "Eraser" tool

Always with the "Eraser" tool, in the "Soft eraser" section this time I erase some part of the eyebrow

Then with the "Pen" tool I add the eyebrow hairs to give it a more real look

I also use the "fingertip" tool to work on the appearance of the eyebrow and I continue like this until I get a satisfactory result

Still using the "Pen" tool, I begin to trace the lashes around the eye one by one.

I define the point of the iris

After this step I uncheck the visibility icon of the layers containing the eyebrow, eyelashes and points of the iris

To better focus on the appearance of the eye


I draw a circle which will be the base of the pupil

I apply the eye shadow and I add red lines drawn to the "Pen" tool to accentuate the realism of the eye

Then, with the "Soft eraser" tool, I place the first eye shadow

Then I trace the details of the eye using the "Pen" tool "textured" section

Then I work the image of the eye by adding the shadows and the lights until obtaining the desired effect


I draw three small white dots for the reflection of light in the eye

Finally I reactivate the visibility of all the layers.


I add a few shades of color,

I place a few small white dots at the corners of the eye using the "Pen" tool and with the "Airbrush" tool I apply a light layer of white in a circle around the iris

I get this result:


STEP 1: The base of the eye

I make two plots using the "Markers" tool

I take the "Eraser" tool and apply it first on the curve that will act as an eye

Now I use the "Fingertips" tool to trace the first lashes of the eye

I continue to apply the "fingertip" tool over the entire surface of the curve in order to fill it entirely with eyelashes

STEP 2: The eyebrow

To start I uncheck the visibility icon of the layer concerning the eye.


Now I can just focus on the eyebrow


I use the "Eraser" tool and I give it the eyebrow shape

Then I take the "Eraser" tool section "Soft eraser" and I apply it on the tip of the eyebrow

I reactivate the visibility icon of the layer of the eye


Then with the "Fingertips" tool I work the appearance of the hairs by placing them at the level of the area lightened by the scrub

STEP 3: Shadows and lights

I apply the first eye shadows using the "Airbrush" tool

Then, always on the same tool "Airbrush" but on another layer I place a new layer of darker shade this time to accentuate the shape of the eye

Finally I keep the "Airbrush" tool and I add the white light to give realism to the eye



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