Tutorial to make a simple animation with sound




Hello everyone. Here is a tutorial to make a very simple little animation with sound.

This tutorial will introduce a cat watching the rain through the window. I'm going to animate the rain, the cat's tail and the text.

Personally, I love the sound and the smell of the rain, I find them soothing.


Bases and names of tools


I will explain in detail how you can make your own animations, but for starters, some notions and names of tools used for this tutorial.

When creating a new file, choose the small movie icon to start your project.

1 - note the dimensions of your project.

2 - the frame rate allows you to adjust the number of frames per second of your animation. The higher the number, the smoother the animation. If you are not sure what to use, it does not matter. You can change this setting later.

At the bottom of your work plan is a window (timeline).


A: animation cellulo folder: this is a folder in which we will be able to put several cellulos. (our drawings to make the animation)

B: Animation cell: here, you create an image on which you will draw. By adding lots of cellullos, the animation will be done.

C: onion peel: it allows you to put your previous animation celllulo in transparency in order to locate you when you draw the next one.

D: timeline: this is where the animation is played. You can see your cellulos on it, your fixed background layers, you can also attach sounds, music and move the elements as you wish.

X: the blue lines show the start and end of your animation. You can move these points by clicking and dragging them.

E: layers window: your cellulos will appear in it.


Draw the base image

This image will be fixed, we will need it throughout the video. it can be a decor, a character or whatever you want. You can do a lot of details.

We will only need it once in the video, so treat yourself.

It is also for this reason that in many anime or animated films the backgrounds and decorations are much more worked on the level of the shadows, the textures of the details than the characters who are going to move and therefore ask lots of drawings.


I decided to make a cat by the window in a comfortable interior. I added plants, a bookcase, a radiator, curtains, etc. I drew the shape of the cat (without its tail) because the animation will be done only on its tail.



Steps :

-The sketch

-The line

  • The solid colors

  • the shadows and lights

Your background can go into an animation cellulo by enlarging the image over the entire length of the animation or put it on a normal layer.

animation creation

We're going to animate the cat's tail. To do so, create an animation cellulo folder (A). It will be visible in layers.

Then add the animation cellulos (B), as much as the animation will count. (between the blue lines)

To access a specific one, click on it.


I drew a cross on a new layer, outside the folder, because the base of the tail should not move. This cross will serve as a benchmark.

I made the structure of the tail with a curve on the first cellulo. To continue the animation by making it move. Draw on the layers one after the other by shifting the tail to give a feeling of movement. We will need a very practical tool: the onion peel (the two overlapping squares). It allows you to view the previous layer so that you can draw the movement more easily thanks to the previous marker.

Now that the tail movement is done (bring it back to the starting point, it allows to have a loop in your animation). You can click the play button and watch your animation. The more drawings you have, the more fluid your animation will be.

As you can see, the rendering is not top and fast. We're going to change that.


1- in the upper left corner of your timeline, click on the parallel lines

2- select Chronology

3 - Click on Change the frame rate


Choose a lower number. The lower the number, the slower your animation, the risk is that the animation will be less fluid. For my part, I want something slow and I don't mind that my work is not very fluid. My work was on 30 fps, I lowered it to 12 and thereafter to 6.


Tip: if the number of cells or if your background no longer goes to the end of your animation, click on the elements that are too short or long, drag them correctly between the two blue lines of your timeline (Background, animation, text etc. .) or add images

Liner and colorize

Create a new cellulo folder above your sketch folder.

Add the corresponding number of cellulos (images, in green on the image) to your animation.

Draw your tails clean on the layers corresponding to the line (red).


For example image 1 of the sketch folder (blue) = line 1 corresponding to your line folder (red).


Activate the onion peel to get a base from your previous drawing.

Do the same on all cellulos.

When you have your own animation, you can delete the sketch folder.

For coloring, repeat the process and put your new color cell file under that of the line and work on each corresponding cell.

Tip: don't forget to uncheck the onion peel when you want to see the result.

Animate rain.

Now let's animate the rain. As before, create a new animation folder, add the number of cells corresponding to your animation.

To draw rain flowing along a window, make large drops on your first cellulo and advancing in layers, make the drop drop down, the more it will drop the more it will refine so as not to than a thin trickle of water and disappear

Do you understand how to make a drop? You can make others, make a multitude of points, drops, lines on the different layers to make the rain.

Animate a text


Create a layer outside of folders with your text.


Repeat the previous technique.

-Create an animation file.

-Add the number corresponding to your animation.


In each cell, copy the text, do it 12 times (or according to the number of images in your animation)


Iron on the text in each image will give a slight movement on the text.


When you are finished, delete the text that you used for reference.

Find sound references

To find audio references, there are many sites providing royalty free audio banks.

You can also capture the desired sound, yourself. It's fun and so you're sure to have exactly what you're looking for.


For this animation. I could have recorded the sound of rain on a shutter, for example.


Insert sound into animation

You have your recording, your sound.


On Clip studio paint

1- File

2- Import



Import your audio file

While pressing the audio track in the timelapse, a white fist should appear and a red rectangle should surround the audio track. By dragging it to the right or left, you choose which part of the audio you want to use in your animation.

Adjust the audio volume

By clicking on object - tool properties - volume. You adjust the volume of the audio track.

You can split the audio track, keep the items you like, re-paste, and even change the volume depending on the split item.


To do so, choose the part in your timelapse (between the two blue lines) Press above the audio, a red line appears at the place that will be split.


If you are on a computer, right click, select "split clip".


If you are on Ipad.

-Select the small parallel lines.

-Edit the track.

  • Split the clip.

Change the volume of each split part by clicking on it and changing the volume in the tools.

Export animation

Now that the work is done, all that remains is to export it.



-Export the animation

-Film (activates the sound, unlike Gif)




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