Background in perspective with Ruler




Hello, here is a tutorial to present the "perspective ruler" tool in Clip studio Paint.

It is the perfect tool to render perspective in your drawing, it's very intuitive and easy to use.




Terms used :


▢ Vanishing points are the intersections of every parallels on a side of every part of an object ( building ). There could be only one or more, depends of the point of view.


▢ Horizon line or eyes level is a horizontal plane passing through your eyes and extending outward in all directions. It could be find beetween the sky and the ocean, or where sky meets land in the horizon. If you stand your eyes level rises with you and if you sit down, your

eyes level lowers.


▢ Line of sight is an imaginary line representing the direction of view from the observer.


▢ Cone of vision is the area, that naturally see the observer, it set the angle of view for the landscape.


▢ Foreshortening is a technique used in perspective to create the illusion of an object receding strongly into the distance or background. It applies to everything that is drawn in perspective.



▇ Some Basics


✚ The idea of the sight of vision, composed by the line of sight and the cone of vision can be represent like this way. It give the angle for the drawing and also the reference for the eyes level ( Horizon line ), that goes exactly at the same level of the line of sight, but not necessary the same direction.




Here are two squares include in the sight of vision of the observer.


▶ 1 : The " Cone of vision ". With thinking about this sight of vision fact, we here realise that the observer can't see on above and below the two squares. It is useful for futur drawing to know how to interpret the sight of vision.


▶ 2 : " Line of sight ", it determine the direction that the observer look at. Also important to visualise properly the line, to be able to draw the correct perspective.




✚ Vanishing point and Eyes level


✚ This is the view from the observer, we can see how goes the lines that are parallels and by this are suppose to never cross, but to correctly represent the perspective of the view, they all goes to a same point call the " vanishing point " wich is set in the line of the " eyes level ".


▶ 1 : Vanishing point, the center of this perspective. All parallels of an object converges to this point. If two different object are parallels, then again all the parallels of this second object will also converge to the vanishing point.


▶ 2 : Those are the lines passing through the parallels of the object going directly to the vanishing point and extend infinitly.


▶ 3 : Eyes level or Horizon line, is there the vanishing points are set, except for the perspective composed with 3 or more vanishing points.




✚ How to activate the [ perspective ruler ].

Here is the access to the tool.


⇒ Select the menu [ Layer ] >> [ Ruler / Frame ] >> [ Create perspective ruler ]



Then you can choose between 3 options.

Set a perspective with one point of perspective or two points and finally three or more points of perspective.

And the option of creating the ruler in a new layer, which is pre-selected.





Now you arrived to a setting like this.

This is a recap of the abilities coming with the [ perspective ruler ].


▶ 1 : The vanishing point and the lines converging to it.


▶ 2 : The Eyes level or horizon line.


▶ 3 : This icon, gives you the possiblity to move all the ruler and so ajust it to the right position you need, basically into the horizon you have in mind for your drawing.


▶ 4 : It's the icon that allows you to move the line converging to the vanishing point, they line up with the parallels of an object.


▶ 5 : This point, makes the line moving on as axe. Used to adjust into the parallels.


▶ 6 : With this icon you can activate or deactivate the eyes level line and the others. If you activate it, the line change color. If activate, your futur drawing is going to follow the lines already set and converge to the vanishing point. Very useful to merge directly all your line drawing you need to the vanishing point in a few seconds you will be able to complete.


▶ 7 : This icon also activate or deactivate line, but only the one leading the a unique vanishing point, so you can choose which direction you need to merge your futur line drawing.



✚ It is better to begin by drawing what you imagine or want to represent without ever having located vanishing point. Do a draft of the scene or landscape.


Then, decide where the eye level ( horizon ) is, draw a line on your picture representing that level. Now draw a long infinite line from one edge of the drawing to the eye level line

when this one cross the eye level line, you get your vanishing point, now every parallels lines will all pass by this point. You can now verify the slopes and angles of your drawing, if they accured to that vanishing point, but set on the [ Perspective ruler ].

You just aim them to the vanishing point and will have a proper perspective. You are able now to add more details to your drawing.



✚ Here is an example of the foreshortening. This technique gives the fact of perspective with drawing.

On the first image below, I have represent trees with a similar distance with each other. On the same height, except the third that i have made taller for the example.





Now I have represent all of the trees with the foreshortening technique and with the help of the [ perspective ruler ] I can align them in a correct distance and height, that fit with the previous image.

We can see that the third goes a bit upper the line, because as said before he is taller than the others.

To do so, I have draw, the first tree and the last one to know where ends the line of trees. Then i have set the ruler, in order to join to base and top of both of them.

To finish with drawing the last trees between the first and the last.



▇ One point of perspective


✚ Let's have some practice. Starting with an example in one point of perspective.

One commun use of it is to give the impression of deep. It is used when the observer have a view on the scene or landscape front of it.


• In the scene below, the observer is standing, and face from front of the window in the background.


Everything here, converge to the central vanishing point. The doors, the floor tiles, the lamps on the ceiling.




Final result, we have this deep corridor and a perfect perspective using the vanishing point and the tool [ perspective ruler ].




• An other used more particular with one point of perspective, is the upper view.

Here the observe is the camera, in the elevator, and the effect is stuning and quit easy to give.


Again everything is going to the [ vanishing point ]. The corner of walls, the miror, the buttons.




The great of the [ perspective ruler ]. With the activation of point that allow all lines drawing converging directly to the vanishing point, it was a lot faster to draw this texture of walls.



▇ Two points of perspective


✚ With the two point of perspective ruler, you have a different point of view. You now had more different set of parallels, that will going away to two different vanishing point.


• Let's have an example, with the next one, we are in the forest, the observer in standing, and have a look on two differents path.


Both borders of the two path leads to another [ vanishing point ].

Vanishing points are again align with the [ Eyes level ].




✚ With the two points of perspective some challenge comes with. As for the example of the foreshortening technique. It will be use with this new point of view for the observer.


For the next example, i'm going to show you an other technique to render the foreshortening. It's called the " Method X ".

Here is the application from front.


• First you have to find the middle of your object, then with it you can cross the border to reach the exact opposite.


• It's gonna be the corner of the other next same object. Then you do the crossing again to find again the middle and continue to reproduce the same X method, to acheive your line.

It is really useful to make window on a drawing.




Here is a Gif with the application of the X method, to make some windows with a foreshortening effect.

( A bit too fast :) )




Then I complete the piece with some sofa and table, don't forget that every forme comes with a simple one, as square or sphere.

Here i have first simplefy the formes with the help of the perspective ruler set with two points of perspective.




The perspective for the first sofa.




Then with the next sofa on the right.

I recommand you to seperate your prespective rulers, so add more to your drawing, for every layers, or object. It will be less confusing.




Now the table, As i said a table is first a square, then you put a circle into it, simple that way.


The formes are rectangular but easier at first to draw with the ruler.




Then the final result, and coloring.

Important to put a caracter in the scene, it gives the legend of height.


Here the observer is sitting on a chair, so the eyes level, is a bit lower.



▇ Three points of perspective and more


When we arrive to a three and more points of perspective, the third is above or below the eyes level, which make a view from upper or down.

The effect is more use to render the deep and void, of building or a fall.

It gives marvelous effect.


On the next example, i have choose to draw a building with the forme of a prisme, so it gives you a good example of multiple vanishing points, here i got 5, one for each side of the building, plus the height of it which is the one a lot below the eyes level.




A little zoom on it.




On the next, i show the lines converging to the vanishing point for the Windows and for the parts on the roof.


Agains, thanks to the automatic liner that gives the [ perspective ruler ] to follow the lines sets to go directly to vanishing points.




Then here is the final result for this perspective building.



▇ Conclusion


The [ Perspective ruler ] is a great tool to have efficacity in the work of perspective.

First it set easily the parallels lines that converges to vanishing points, and secondly you have the possibility the activate an automatism that gives faster result.


In my opision it gives all the possibilities of the old architect technique that using and setting vanishing points.


It was a really good exercices and i have like the result so far.



For you, thanks for reading and watching, i hope you have enjoy the tutorial.


Take care and Good Drawing !









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