how to relax and relieve stress while drawing part 2... yay!
Hey. I am not dead. well not physically. (WAKE ME UP! WAKE ME UP INSIDE-) anyways I decided to make a part 2 because there were a lot of ideas I had that I couldnt fit in the first one, which I recommend you go check out!
So plz enjoy part 2 and I hope some of these help
Lets start off with workspace. Having a cluttered and messy workspace makes it harder to focus or concentrate. So lets cleanup and organize some workspace both digitally and IRL!
goodness! Look at this workspace of mine! D I S G U S T I N G. Lets clean it up shall we? And while we are at it, lets try cleaning our room and sorting out books. Still not satisfied? then lets clean ourselves! taking a warm bath or a cool shower can make you and your mind feel refreshed!
There we go! nice and tidy! Now we have more space to draw on the computer or paint on a real canvas.
Now lets try our workspace digitally. this is what it looks like when you first start clip studio.
and this is what mine looks like after I adjusted some stuff
There isnt much difference between the original and mine, but the little changes here and there make it much easier for me to draw.
Now I'm not gonna lie, its a little harder to find what you are more comfortable with when changing your original worspace, sometimes you might remove or lose something and not know how to get it back or set it to the original! well, if you click on Window there should be an option that says workspace, and then you have an option to reset to default! ( Although if you deleted some tools I am afraid it will not bring them back.)
Moving on from workspace its time for every artists biggest fear (besides hands) ART BLOCK.
Art block can happen almost every day. It causes a lot and I mean a LOT of stress and frustration. But how can you get through your art block? Well what helps me is practicing anatomy and perspective or the the fundmentals. HOWEVER. They are really really BORING. But if you want to get better those are some of the main ways you can get better. And if you are lucky they will be so boring your inspiration goes wild and then no more art block!
But it is very hard to keep a hold of that inspiration before dropping it. So before you pick up your pen try doing something else first. Like reading, going outside or even looking at other peoples artwork! I have a guilty pleasure for video games, they help me a lot though! Especially Horror games! I guess seeing the main character going through something way wrose than me and somehow making it out alive makes me feel better! Also those jumpscares and running from monsters gives such an adrenaline rush its hard not to get excited for a drawing!
anyways I hope this helps as much as the first one did, I am very glad to see that some of you enjoyed it and I really hope it helped! Hope you have a nice day and Happy drawing! <3