Spooky drawing for Halloween!




Hello! Sorry I haven't made anything in a while, I was busy on practicing some new tips to share with you guys! Also, ITS HALLOWEEN!! Yay! My favorite! So, without further ado, lets get into it!

This is my finished illustration

first, we sketch out our drawing using dark pencil. I used a 3D model for the first time for this drawing so I apologize for the stiff pose

Next, Line art. I use a scratchy, realistic pen but you could use a smooth one if you like

Now, try not to have to much detail in the line art, as the shading will do that for us. Now we will drawing in greyscale, so we fill the entire drawing with a light grey, and use the airbrush tool to lightly shade our drawing. Not to much detail though, we just want to establish our light source and outline the folds of the clothing,

Now using the opaque watercolor we add the hard shading and soften the edges with the blur tool.

then we take the air brush tool and with white we can make it more 3-dimensional

Now, when drawing with greyscale, if your doing it for the first time, sometimes the colors seem muddy or bland. to help prevent this, try clipping a brownish color set to overlay. It will make the colors slightyly less bland and see them easier!

Now we just add the color scheme. You could go head first into coloring, but I recommend you know what color everything is first.

Now we make a new layer for the actual coloring! I recommend using the airbrush tool for this part. Now using the layer from earlier we pick up colors and finish the color. Make sure they are halloween colors for the best "spooky" atmosphere!

Now, you might be thinking: "my colors are STILL muddy, what do I do? Well, my solution is dublicating the color layer, and setting it to orverlay and lowering the opacity to your liking!

See! now the colors are A little more vibrant and less bland!

to make the line are look less harsh, I soften it and color it a dark brown/red

Now I add a glow to the pumkin. I basically make an add glow layer and add a warm orange light to give the drawing a warm atumn feel, as there will be some cool colors added later.

I make another add glow layer, and since the moon will cast a blue light I use a blue light around the charcter.

This next step we basically just color the whole thing purple, set it to overlay, lower the opacity to give a purple hue.

this next part is pretty time consuming, but worth it! I take a blue slightly similar to the glow on the character, where the light touches I draw it blue. Oh! And with the pumkin, I use the airbrush and just lightly add a glow aorund the line art

This next step, to give it a VHS feel, we merge all layers and dublicate it, clip it to the lower layer and blur it. Then we set it to overlay and lower the opacity.

Then we draw the background, using the same methods from earlier! And of course use some color correction, add some glitter and sparkles here and there, and its complete!

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial! I'm sorry its kind of rushed but I hope this will help! I have a lot of ideas so expect more tutorials soon! Happy drawing and of course, Happy Halloween! :D



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