How to Get Smooth Lines in CSP!







This is a quick tutorial telling you how to get smooth inking lines in CSP!

The Problem

You may see your lines looking like the picture below. They look pixelated, or just ouchy.

If you can't see them that well, here's a close-up:

I mean, ew, just look at all those blasted pixels! Well, here's how to fix your pixelated lines FOREVER:

Go up to where you create your canvas, specifically the size selecion:

The Solution

When you click the icon in yellow, a splash screen should appear. Where the pink is, you can see dimensions. Now, yours may not match mine. To get smoother lines, MAKE DAT BAD BOI AS BIG AS POSSIBLE.


No, really, just make it bigger. Making it bigger will give more room for pixels, therefore making your brush (Specifically smooth ones like Mili pen, and other Inking pens.)


I usually make my canvas 9000 x 7000 pixels. Your lines should now look like this:

Now your lines should look smooth and clear. Note: I used the default Mili Pen for all images in this tutorial.


So there you are! Smooth lines for life! Here are a couple of helpful links relating to this topic:


How to restore default settings (Including Canvas size) in CSP:


How to change your canvas size after previous creation:


(If the text looks wierd, sorry, I don't know why it's doing that.)


Thanks for reading!





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