Using 3D Drawing Figures: Adjusting the Body Shape




CLIP STUDIO PAINT includes 3D drawing figures as part of the materials to help you draw difficult poses or work out angles when drawing people.

You can freely adjust not only the pose, but also the body shape, height, and head-to-body ratio.

▲ You can freely adjust the body shape of the 3D drawing figures.


Start off by creating any body shape you like.


[1] Importing a 3D drawing figure onto the canvas

■ 1. Select a 3D drawing figure


The 3D drawing figures can be broadly divided into two categories: 3D drawing figure, a realistic male and female model, and 3D drawing figure in Ver.2 , a male and female model for Japanese manga-style drawings.

Choose the drawing figure that best matches your drawing style and what you want to draw.




■ 2. Load the 3D drawing figure


You can find the 3D drawing figures in the Material palette > Body shape. Drag and drop the 3D drawing figure that you want to use onto the canvas to load it.

Note: If the Material palette is not displayed, go to the Window menu and choose from the Material drop down menu to display the palette.




Tip: Changing the body shape and sex of a 3D drawing figure

From Clip Studio Paint Ver. 2.0, you can change the body shape and sex of a 3D drawing figure on the canvas.

You can change the setting from the Tool Property palette when the 3D drawing figure is selected with the Object sub tool.







If you load another body shape material from the Material palette with a 3D drawing figure selected on the canvas, it will switch to that material.




■ 3. Choose a camera angle


When you load a 3D drawing figure onto the canvas, it will initially load very large over the entire canvas.

It’s hard to change the overall look when it’s this large, but you can adjust it by changing the camera angle.


Underneath the drawing figure you can find the Object Launcher. Click the Specify camera angle from preset icon to display a list of thumbnails, and click the first option facing forward.


If you click this icon of the figure facing forward, the camera seems to pull away slightly from the 3D drawing figure.

You can also change the direction that the drawing figure is facing using these thumbnails.




■ 4. Body shape adjustment palette


On the left side of the Object Launcher at the bottom of the 3D drawing figure, click the Adjust body shape in detail icon.


Click this icon to display the Sub Tool Detail palette and adjust the body shape.

Note: You can also access the same functions from the Tool Property palette under Change body shape.


Detailed instructions on how to adjust the body shape will be introduced in part 3.




■ 5. Adjust height and head-to-body ratio


The height and head-to-body ratio of a character have a significant impact on its appearance. If you’ve decided what kind of body shape you want to make, it’s best to start by adjusting the height and head-to-body ratio.


Adjust head to body ratio with height

Under the initial settings, in the Sub Tool Detail palette, the option Adjust head to body ratio with height is turned on. When active, the head-to-body ratio automatically changes when the height is changed.


Here’s an example so you can see the difference between the settings when changing the height of the 3D drawing figure to 130 cm.

When turned on, the head-to-body ratio automatically changes to match the new height.

When turned off, the model keeps its original head-to-body ratio when the height is changed.


If you haven’t decided the height or head-to-body ratio of your character, it can be a good idea to keep this option checked as you decide what kind of impression you want for your character.


Tip: Setting the body shape and pose of a 3D drawing figure at the same time

In Clip Studio Paint Ver. 2.0, you can select and load the body shape and pose of a 3D drawing figure from Layer menu > New layer > 3D drawing figure. See the following article for details.


[2] Adjusting the body shape

Now let’s try adjusting the body shape of the 3D drawing figure.

In the below example, we’ll adjust the 3D drawing figure to make a body shape for a strong rival soccer player character from a boys manga.




■ 1. Choose the height


3D drawing figure - Ver. 2 (male) loads with a height of 175.0 cm in the default settings.

This time, we want to make a strong rival character, so we’ll change the height setting to 185.0 cm, taller than the average Japanese man.


We move the height slider to 185.0. Adjust head to body ratio with height is turned on, so the head to body ratio automatically changes from 7.3 to 7.7.




■ 2. Adjust the body shape


Adjusting the full body:

First, we adjust the overall body shape in the Full body section.

Click ① to adjust the whole body.

Click ② to adjust the body shape using a 2D slider.


You can change the body shape in the following way by moving the point away from the center along a vertical and horizontal axis.


Upward: Makes a more muscular and strong physique (for female models, makes a more curvaceous physique)

Downward: Makes a childlike body with few curves

Left: Makes a thin or slim physique

Right: Makes a heavier or overweight physique


In this example, we are making a strong rival soccer player from a boys manga.

Therefore, the physique should be strong and robust. We move the slider upward.


Hint: Using the 2D slider

You can drag the center of the cross up, down, left, and right.


To adjust only the vertical or horizontal aspects, drag along the vertical or horizontal axis.


When adjusting the Full body, we recommend that you move the slider within the blue area shown below.




■ 3. Adjust individual parts


You can also adjust the width of individual parts.


Select the part you want to adjust, and move it within the 2D slider in the same way as the Full body.

This can be adjusted to express the personality of the character.



3D drawing figures with a realistic body type do not support changing the body shape of the Shoulders and Hips.



We adjust the legs to make large powerful thighs like a soccer player would have.

We select Legs, then move the slider upward.



We make the shoulders broader to create an intimidating impression suitable for a rival character.

We select Shoulders, then move the slider to the right to make them wider.



We made the figure more muscular, but it has created a slightly stout appearance. We will adjust the neck to improve the balance.

To make the neck longer, we move the slider upward.


Finally, because the height increased as a result of adjusting the shoulders and neck, we need to change the height back to 185 cm.

We uncheck Adjust head to body ratio with height and enter 185.0 in the Height field.


Now it’s finished.

This body shape is now suitable for a rival character in a boys manga.




[3] More body type customization (Ver. 2.2 and later)

From Clip Studio Paint Ver. 2.2 and later, Shoulder, Torso, Hips, Arms, and Legs have been added as new adjustable parts. With this increased customization you can now create body types that more closely match your art style, like a chibi character body.

Shoulder depth

Upper torso, Buttocks and Hip height

Upper arms, Forearm, Thighs, Calves

While you cannot directly customize the head of the 3D drawing figure, you can use a 3D head model in conjunction with the drawing figure. Please refer to the following article to find out more about how to join 3D materials together.


[4] Apply a pose

Once you’ve created your body shape, you can apply a pose material.

You can see how the adjusted body shape will change according to the body movement.


You can also move the arms and legs of the 3D drawing figure to make any pose you like, but it can take some time to create the exact pose you imagine.

For a quick check of how the body shape looks, try using the pose materials already registered in CLIP STUDIO PAINT.




■ Using pose materials


You can select pose materials from the Material palette > 3D > Pose.

Drag and drop your chosen pose material on top of the 3D drawing figure.

You can try out any of the poses in a moment.



When you want to use a pose material, drag and drop it onto the 3D drawing figure you want to apply it to.

If you drop it on an empty area of the canvas, it will create a new 3D drawing figure.


If you want to return the 3D drawing figure to the original pose when it was loaded on the canvas, go to the Object Launcher and click the Revert model to initial pose icon.




*Estimate poses from images of people


In Ver. 1.8.6 and later, a machine-learning-assisted feature called “Pose Scanner” has been added. Click the icon in the Object Launcher to load images and extract poses. You can also use this feature in the Tool Property palette.

Poses can be extracted from photos and applied to 3D character materials and 3D drawing figures.

Note: Not available in the limited features version.

Note: Network connection necessary.

For details, please refer to the following.


- Importing and applying BVH file poses


Starting with the July 2024 Update (Ver. 3.1), BVH files can be used to apply poses. A BVH file is a file format used to save motion capture data. Supported by various 3D tools.

Select Import > 3D Data from the File menu.


The pose will be applied to the 3D drawing figure. The 3D drawing figure will move when you adjust the Pose Number in the Pose Sequence palette within the Sub Tool Detail palette.

Once you have decided on the pose you want to use, adjust the slider accordingly.

You can register BVH files as Pose sequence material by selecting Register pose sequence as material in the Sub Tool Detail palette.

Please check the terms and conditions of BVH files before using or registering them as materials.




- Import poses from POSEMANIACS


From Ver 3.0 onwards, you can import and use poses from POSEMANIACS (

For details, please see the following TIPS on how to connect to POSEMANIACS.


[5] Register the body shape

If you create a body shape you like, you can register it as a material.

Once you save it under a name, you can use that body shape whenever you like. You can also release body shape materials that you create to be available publicly.


Go to the Object Launcher and click the Register 3D drawing figure to material palette icon.


In the displayed Material property window, enter the Material name and Location to save material, then click OK in the top-right corner.

You can choose to save your material in any location you like, but saving it inside the 3D > Body shape folder will make it easier to find later.



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