From feathers to epic flights: Guide to drawing wings





Since time immemorial, wings have captured the human imagination as symbols of freedom. Whether in majestic birds that fly in the skies or in fantastic creatures from mythology present in series, movies and storybooks.


The design of a wing depends on several factors:

Is it for a function or for an ornament? , How many details do I need? In which case should I simplify them? Etc, etc, etc

If you're creating a comic, you may want to focus on the details of your character to make a memorable impression.


In this article, we'll explore techniques and tips for drawing wings easily and creatively, whether it's the delicate wings of a butterfly or the mighty feathers of an angel.

1) Basic knowledge

_1.1 The wings of Birds ; The origin

They have always been an inexhaustible source of wonder. They awaken in us a deep connection with nature and invite us to contemplate the grace and skill with which they fly through the skies. (To make it easier for the reader to understand, most of the relevant information will be added)

This example is made up of:


Primary feathers; the primary feathers are the longest, stoutest feathers on the wing, which are essential for flight. They provide lift, thrust, and maneuverability during flight, and are controlled by the wing muscles.


Secondary feathers; they are shorter feathers found between the primary feathers and the body. They contribute to lift, wing shape, and control during flight, working in conjunction with the primary feathers to enable efficient flight and maneuverability.


Tertiary feathers; tertiary feathers are shorter, less prominent feathers found on the inner side of the wing, near the torso. They do not play a major role in flight.


Primary Coverts, feathers located at the base of the wing's primary feathers, help maintain the shape and aerodynamics of the wing during flight, and may also have a distinctive cosmetic appearance in some species.


Secondary Coverts are feathers located at the base of the wing's secondary feathers. They play an important role in maintaining the shape, structure, and aerodynamics of the wing during flight.


alula; It is a structure formed by modified feathers and a small finger on the front part of the wing of some birds. Its main function is to provide stability and control during low-speed flight and precise manoeuvres.


Marginal Coverts are feathers located on the outer edge of a bird's wings, and play an important role in flight by providing structure, shape, and proper aerodynamic flow during movement. (They act as a kind of "lining" that helps reduce air resistance and maintain an airfoil, it's where the small and medium feathers sit)


Scapular feathers; They are a group of feathers located on the upper part of the bird's wing, near the shoulder. They have cover, protection and visual communication functions, contributing to aerodynamics, display and courtship in birds.

_1.1.1 The wings of Birds; How many feathers do they have?

The exact number of feathers on a wing varies depending on the species of bird and the specific section of the wing that we are drawing. However, the most common is to find around 9 to 12 primary feathers and find around 9 to 15 secondary feathers, there may even be more, so let's try to capture its essence.

special note

It's important to note that you don't have my brush and to fix that.

I will show you how to create it.

1) Open the Clip Studio icon >

2) start the program >

3) Locate the Pen Sub Tool( Maru) tab > Right Click Duplicate Sub Tool >

4) the new Tool should be at the end of the nibs > check the "adjust according to speed" box >

5) left click on the key > the "sub tool detail" will open in a new window >

6) right click on the square divided diagonally, uncheck all the boxes >

7) Check the "minimum 1 pixel" box >

8) we will close the window >

9) in brush size we will choose 2

_1.1.2 The wings of Birds; Essence

As can be seen, the bones of a bird wing and human bones share similarities, just as they do in most animals that have arms. (3 fingers have been removed to make it easier for the reader to understand)

Continuing with the explanation, I will show you how to draw a basic bird's wings in an easy way.

0) Open the program > file > new > accept > add a vector layer and the Maru nib created in special note 1 (To make it easier for the reader to understand, a special note 2 will be added at the end of the section. )


1) Start by drawing a Horizontal zig zag line that will serve as the main base of the wing. You can decide if you want the brim to be extended or folded.


2) Continue drawing more Horizontal zig zag lines, overlapping one on top of the other to represent the skin layers.


3) Add a last line below image 2 and covering the base.

4) From image 3, Draw 2 tree leaves below it.


5) ) Change the layer to red color (by clicking on "change layer color"), in

a new vector layer Continue by drawing a series of feathers overlapping one on top of the other to represent the feather layers of the wing. This will help give the drawing more volume and realism.

6) Add some additional details. (You can take as an example the wing of the

section 1.1 "The wings of the Birds; The Origin" to guide you. )


7) If you wish, you can Paint/shade some areas of the wing, finishing the drawing.



With that, we have concluded the explanation on how to draw a bird wing.

special note 2

How to create a canvas;

Open program > file > new > ok > add a vector layer and the Maru pen created in special note 1

_1.2 The enigmatic wings of bats

Wrapped in a halo of mystery and darkness, bat wings have aroused curiosity and admiration throughout history. These structures are often depicted with an air of nocturnal and singularity, impersonating vampiric flying creatures.


Note: (colloquially called ,

Bloodsuckers, vampires, Upir, Vrykolakas, Jiangshi, Chupacabras and my favorite: Strigoi).


In this section, we will represent the wings of bats. We'll explore the basic structure of these wings, from the smoothness of their skin to the wide span that allows them to glide silently through the dark. We will reveal the simplest technique that will allow you to draw the unique essence of these magnificent wings.


This example is made up of ;


The propagation ; It is a fundamental structure for the flight of bats, it extends from the body to the fingers and unfolds during flight, creating an aerodynamic surface that allows them to generate lift and maneuver in the air.


The Dactylopatagium ; that extends between the fingers and the arm


The Plagiopatagium ;The plagiopatagium extends between the fifth finger and the side of the body. This membrane provides additional support and stability during flight, helping to maintain the wing's shape and allowing for precise manoeuvres.


The fingers ; They have the various functions like the human hand.

As can be seen, the bones of a bat wing and human bones share similarities and differ in length, just like most animals that have arms.

Continuing with the explanation, I will show you how to draw basic bat wings in an easy way.

1) Start by drawing a Horizontal zig zag line that will serve as the main base of the wing.

2)Draw the lines for the fingers.

3) Add a membrane covering the base.(the propagation)

4) Change the layer to red (by clicking on "change layer color"), in

a new vector layer draws the wing bones.

5) Finish the wing by covering the bones with skin and giving it color and texture

With that, we have concluded the explanation on how to draw a bat wing.

_1.3 The "Error 404" of bugs

mmm... well, there are many and varied types of bugs but, in this section, we will represent the wings of 2 of them.



Butterflies: They are famous for their beautiful colors and patterns. Without further comments the procedure.

1) Draw an Angle of 90º.

2) Forming a rectangle x + 1/3 of the total surface = 1/4 x , in the lower part draw 1/2 of the total surface of 1/4x.

3)Add two 90º angles (one at the top and one at the bottom of the wing).

4) Draw a diagonal line at the junction of these angles on each side.

5) On the diagonal line that connects the 90º angles, draw a shape similar to a feather (this will be the division of the wing) Then, around it, draw more feathers.

6) Draw the wing cover with the shape you prefer (in my case, I'll draw the classic shape).

7) Erase the equations

8) change the color of the layer and modify the irrelevant lines (Red) and within each feather draw smaller ones, (as if they were covered)

9) Delete the irrelevant lines and change the color of the layer.

10) Fill the layer with the color that you like the most.

Houseflies: Some species of flies have wings with conspicuous spots or distinctive patterns. Without further comments the procedure.


1) Draw a square slightly tilted to the left.

2) Divide the square into 4 lines, with 2 lines at the top that will be a shorter distance apart than the 2 lines at the bottom.

3)Draw the wing cover with the shape you prefer (in my case, I'll draw the classic shape).

4)From the top, draw a zig zag line, varying the direction if possible, about 1/3 of the full length of the top line. Bring this line to the bottom, about 1/3 of the way from the other end of the square. Then, join each point of the zig zag to a wall of the lining drawn in point 3.

5) Removes the red guide lines.

6) Delete the square.

7)In a new vector layer, go over the wing with more flowing shapes, as if you were drawing water or hills. Then draw a freehand bone, any line will do.

8) Delete the reference layer and color the wing.


With that, we have concluded the explanation on how to draw an insect wing (which in broad strokes are almost all the same)

special note 3

If at this moment you are wondering why the examples at the beginning look simply ugly, it is because they were the base on which we will support the wing that we are creating.

_1.4The sublime wings of the Angels

They awaken in us a feeling of purity and elevation, evoking the celestial essence, (gods and those things).

For practical use I will make some wings for one of my OC (original character) Based on what we have seen in the bird section.

The procedure is the same as that of a bird's wing.

1) Start by drawing a Horizontal zig zag line that will serve as the main base of the wing. You can decide if you want the brim to be extended or folded.

2) Draw another Horizontal zig zag line below the first one.

3) Add a last line below image 2 and covering the base.

4) From image 3, Draw 2 tree leaves under it.

5)On a new vector layer Continue by drawing a series of feathers overlapping one on top of the other to represent the layers of wing feathers. This will help to give it more volume, you can use the bird section as an example.

6) Add some additional details.

_1.5 The imposing wings of a Dragon

These splendid structures bring to mind a sense of grandeur and mystery, symbolizing the might and ferocity of these legendary creatures.

In this section, we will represent the wings of dragons. (Which are similar to those of bats)

1) Start by drawing a Horizontal zig zag line that will serve as the main base of the wing.

2)Draw the lines for the fingers. they are usually longer than those of bats

3) Add a membrane covering the base and draw the bones of the wing.

5) Finish the wing by covering the bone with skin (usually the same size as the dragon's arm) and scales.

There are some differences between a dragon's wing and a bat's wing;

1) It is not based on aerodynamic principles.

2)The wing of a dragon is a fantastic creation and may vary in shape and size depending on the renderings.

3) It is represented scaly and membranous.

4)Not based on real anatomy

5) They span the size of the dragon itself



2) Various Factors

_2.1 How many details do I need?

The amount of detail needed when drawing a wing depends on the purpose of the drawing.

In a scientific context;

specific details on wing structure and characteristics may be required

While in a more general or aesthetic Context;

they can focus on general aspects such as color, size and shape.


For example; For a comic, if the goal is a first impression of a character/object, more details may be required than in a more general context where the character/object has a secondary appearance.


It is important to adapt the level of detail to the audience and objective of the drawing.


_2.2 Real wings?

The ratio of wings between a human and a common bird varies significantly due to differences in the structure and function of the upper limbs and although possible they are not very practical.

Bird wings are developed and adapted for flight. On the contrary, humans do not have such wings. although if we were going for a real scale they should be approximately two to three times the length of the body. To generate lift and maneuver in the air efficiently.

For an average Human these wings extend from their back and, when fully extended, can have a wingspan of approximately 5-6 meters. (Although the exact dimensions of the wings may vary depending on artistic interpretation, Function/If they are ornamental/ character size / Item)

_2.3 Functional Wings

__2.3.1 Functions based on Magic

The magic-powered wings are a representation of wings that do not follow the laws of physics.


With the following advantages;



1)Unique shape and design; they can be large, stylized, with jagged edges, exotic feathers, or even crystalline structures. The shape and design of the wings often reflect the essence or magical power of the wearer.

2) Flight without physical limitations; this means that there is no speed limit.

3) Ability to disappear or appear; This feature adds an element of surprise and magic to the wearer.

4) Additional Powers: The ability to cast spells, control items, protect the wearer, or split into magical pieces that attack the enemy.

5) Symbolism and connection with magic; like runes, engravings, symbols, phrases.


_2.4 Decorative or ornamental wings

Ornamental wings are an aesthetic and decorative representation of wings used to beautify and enhance the appearance of an object or design. Although they do not have a real or magical flight function, they are used for decorative purposes.

_2.5 When is it necessary to simplify them?

Sometimes you need to break things down into more digestible portions. (Because come on, life is complicated enough.) So sometimes it's time to make things simpler and Faster.

With only 3 rows of feathers, the wing is still recognizable as an angel wing. However, it is also possible to use 2 or even 1 row of feathers, depending on the style and design you want to achieve.

Let's make things easy! Simplifying is the path to happiness and comfort!

3)Tips and Tricks

#1 Tip

If something isn't right, delete it like there's no tomorrow.

#2 tip

Wait 3 days after finishing the drawing to modify it


As a final conclusion, I want to apologize to the reader, I still have to optimize the process, and wish you good luck.



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