Animando Emote / Sticker con Clip Studio Paint
September 2023
Tips of the Month
The themes this time were "How to Draw Using Simple Mode for Beginners," "How to Make Animated Emotes," and "How to Draw Flowers." We are now accepting submissions for October's themes and looking forward to your posts!
Out of the Tips posted between September 1 to October 1, 2023, the writers of the following will be rewarded a cash prize or Gold points!

Video Award
This video tutorial shows how to make simple and cute animated emotes. The great thing about this video is that while each process is simple, you will be able to master the convenient features of Clip Studio Paint while following the examples. A must-watch for those who want to make animations!

Gold Award
This practical Tips explains how to make 5 types of animated emotes with simple methods. Each example is expressive and lively. You can follow along with Clip Studio Paint PRO, so try your hand at making animated emotes!

Silver Award
A comprehensive Tips that covers the features of Simple Mode, from the basic tools such as brushes to how to share your work. It also introduces how to draw with Simple Mode. We really commend it as a reference, so try drawing on Simple Mode while looking at this tutorial!
Flowers are popular as illustration motifs, but many probably feel that they are surprisingly hard to draw with their complex shapes. This Tips explains the basics for drawing flowers and is recommended for those having a hard time drawing them. It introduces ways to form shapes by combining them with cherry blossoms, roses, hydrangeas, and more as examples.
This Tips makes use of Clip Studio Paint's features and introduces how to process flower materials. It's great that you can apply many practical techniques showcased here, from changing colors with Tone Curve to positioning flower 3D materials with characters. Try them out now!
This Tips introduces how to create animated emotes just by separating layers for each part. Instead of drawing a lot of pictures like a flip book, you can complete the animation by simply placing each element. Recommended for people who usually draw illustrations and want to try creating animations!
Have you ever thought that creating comics would require using complex functions? This Tips gives a detailed explanation of how to make a webtoon with just Simple Mode. Try challenging yourself to create something new by reading this explanation!
We want those interested in creating animations but think it looks difficult to read this Tips. Starting with introducing the workspace, this tutorial guides the reader through making simple animations and gradually working up to complex works. We applaud the detailed explanations and the large amount of information. Try animating your illustrations with this tutorial as a reference!
Using the basic animation functions, this Tips provides an easy-to-understand method for creating animated emotes. All three examples are easy to follow and very interesting. This tutorial is great if you want to have fun reading about how to make animated emotes.

Bronze Award
Giving away US$10,000 every month!
Submit your "TIPS of the Month" and earn a reward!
Post your tutorial on our theme of the month and share your art knowledge with Clip Studio Paint users all over the world! Each month, we’ll select the best tutorials our users have to offer, giving away up to US$10,000 in prizes! Winning entries will be selected from tutorials covering the chosen themes on Clip Studio Tips, based on various factors such as novelty, range of use, usefulness, and views.