How I draw the inking and coloring a fluffy animal fur ?

14 587



A. Introduction

Hello everyone ~


I was so happy to know that you like my last month's tutorial about hairstyle, and I am so glad that it's helpful to you. So, this month I will tell you guys some tips I know when drawing a fluffy animal fur (I am kind of loving drawing hair LOL~).


Okay, let's get started !~

B. Preparing Artwork

My idea for this artwork is a Mongolian Musician with his wolf, staying in their Mongolia yurt on the meadow. After sketching, I will set the opacity of this layer to about 7 - 10% when I start to inking.

I use a reference to find the direction of the fur (the red line). After that, I determination of muscle tissue (the blue line). Do that to the other parts.

C. Inking the face

First of all, I need you to relax your knuckles. This's gonna be a really, really, really hard-working work. Based on the part which we have determinded above, start to draw the face's fur. Be patient and start drawing little by little, following the direction and the shape of the face.


For the short fur, you just need to draw a short and straight line, with the direction of the fur.

For the longer fur, like when we doing with the hair, try to draw it more freely and variety. The variety makes it look more nature. You need to observe carefully, because different part of the body has the fur with the different lenght, so the way you draw each part of them must not be the same

I have some example in the picture above, the ears, the face, the neck and the foot.

D. TIPS: Drawing a symmetry face

When you drawing a face from the front, the face is an symmetry object. That means, (even when I am not encourage you to do this), you can Copy and Paste the other part (LOL) to save time. Why it is not encouraged ? Because it is quite risky: sometimes it can look wrong.

As you can see, with so much fur like this, it will be time-consuming to draw it, (and make your hand hurt too), so I copy and paste it. flip and done.


But, you will see what was going wrong now.

When the light in the eye not in the same position, it look like the squint eyes, you can see the different in human drawing easier.

So I always check it carefully and fix it if I need to.

E. Inking the body

Using variety reference to have an overall look, so you can find out the similarities.

Because I can't see the back part of the wolf clearly so I have to sketch it again (LOL).

Repeat the steps above to finish the whole body of the wolf.

F. Coloring (digital watercolor)

First, I using a [Pen] brush for creating a based-part. Normally I will using the [Auto Select] tool to do that, but as you can see, the fur is so complicated and there will be some lines that not connected together. In other way, using a brush to draw make the fur can be more nature.


Fill it.

And then change the color into the based-color of the object. I am drawing a grey wolf now.


For the next step, I change the line art color to make it smoother. Choose the [Lock transparent pixel] of the lineart / inking layer and use a brush to change the color.


I change the color of the outside part to the lighter one, and the darker color for where covered by the front object.

Next, I will using these brushes to color this wolf. They are the "Realistic Watercolor brush" from Clip Studio Paint. I really like them, specialy when I drawing comic art.

Start with a light gray and a [Rough Wash] brush, and paint the dark part first. As you can see when I invisible the inking layer, it'll look like this. The thing I like the most of these brush is the multiply mode of it own, even when you're drawing in the [Normal} layer, the second line will multiply to the first one, so it likes drawing watercolor in the real life.


Next, using a darker grey and repeat the step above.

Then, using the [Flat water color brush] to add more shadow. To make it more value, I choose a purple color for shading. Like I said in the last tutorial, using only monochrome color will make your art work look boring,


It's look like this without the lineart. The way I do is like painting the hair. Start from the big part, and then separate into the little part.


The shading start from the part behind the fur layer above, then I add some in the middle.



Next, I am creating a new layer, and using the line art brush with the brightest color to draw over some fur.


Finally, created a [Overlay] mode layer to add some different color to it. As you can see, I added here some pink / orange color to the cheeks, the ears, the paws, and the chest.


Okay, so this is how it look when I've done !


G. Thank you <3

Congratulations, you have reach the rest of my tutorial about drawing and coloring a fluffy animal. I hope I have expression my opinion clearly and easy to understand. Thank you so much for reading 'til this part.


Hope my tips work for you ! And if it does, please give me a heart !!! Thank youuuu <3



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