Patterns&motifs Room design




Hi, it's Nadia!


In this tutorial I'll show you how I create patterns and motifs with Clip Studio Paint and how I use them!

Link to the video speeddrawing

If you're interested, I've done the speeddrawing from start to finish.

In the description, I've made sections as I do here in this post.

Please, note that the video is really fast (but some parts, I've made it slower than others) so if you want, you can set the velocity on youtube video settings to 0.25, so you can see it better!

Concept and studies

I've created a new file named "Room design" (I didn't write "concept" beacause it's the first one, but then I write names on files, so I can easily find them).


In a layer I've sketched really quickly some perspective view:

I already had an idea of what I wanted to do, a bedroom, so I've sketched some rooms in a new layer (so if I didn't like them, I just had to hide the layer and create another one for more sketches!).

Sometimes it takes me 3 to 8 sketches (or more! It's okay sketching a lot, it gives you a lot of ideas!) to find what I like, but when I start adding details to a sketch, I know that I like it!

I've then copied in a new layer the sketch I liked and then I've sketched what I needed to create:


1 Carpet motif

2 Wood pattern

3 Stone pattern

4 Vine motif

I've created new files for each pattern I wanted to do with their name.


The files size I've used is 2000 x 2000 px, 300 dpi. (it is not neccessary this dimension, I just find it nice for the brush size I usual use) Basic expression color: color

I used them with color even if I do a black ink. Because you can also add colors to your pattern so it's already colored! And I've saved this as preset so when I need it, I just click on the preset menu!


For save a preset click the second button on "Preset:" section. The third is to delete a preset you've created.



Patterns and motifs

Using the ruler "guide" you can easily create seamless pattern.


There are two ways to create guide lines:

You can find it on the tool bar, click the Ruler icon and click on "Guide".

When you click on the canvas, it will appear a vertical guide or an horizontal. You can move it with the object tool.


But my favourite way to use guide is by taking them from the ruler on the canvas.

To make it appear, click "ctrl+r" and you will see it on your canvas (or if it is already shown, it will disappear. Just click the shortcut again to make it appear again!)


Or if you prefer, you can go on "View" and check "Ruler" as I've shown on the section "Carpet motif - creating pattern and register material 2:08" (on youtube you can click that blue number and it will automatically bring you at that point)

For enable/disable the guide click the button on the bar. When I draw free hand I sometimes disable the guide so you can still see it.

Carpet motif

I've done a circle with the ellipse tool (hold "shift" to make a perfect circle)

And then in a new layer, I draw a pattern trying to stay in the circle (just because I'll use this for carpet, but it's not necessary!)

Now I create guides.

Move the vertical one (1) on the drawing (it's the part that will repeat later).

Move the horizontal one (2) on the drawing (it's the part that will repeat later).

Leave the yellow part empty, because there will be put the part which will be repeated.

Use the rectangle selection tool to move the (1) part on the opposite side.

For the distance is as you prefer. Between the original drawing and the moved part you will add more drawing to make it feel nice.

Now you see that there is also another part on the (2) horizontal section. Move everything in the opposite side. The distance is as you prefer. (But if you do something geometric remember to use same distance!)


In this way the drawing will be repeated. But now I add more drawing to make it full for the carpet (except for the center)

When adding part, be careful to not go out of the cut part because if go out, the parts will not match.


I've colored the yellow part so you can see where it was cut

Hide all the layer you don't need and now the image is ready to register. It will be seamless!

Now you can see that in part 1 and 2 there is nothing! And there must be nothing, otherwise it will not match!

Click on

Edit > Register material > Image...


Write the name of the pattern if you like, then check "Tiling" ("repeat" and "vertical and horizontal" are already set, but in case they are not, click them as "repeat" and "vertical and horizontal". There could be exceptions if you create a pattern that you want to be repeated just vertically or horizontally, just modify there.)


Then select a folder you want to put your material, and click ok.


And it's done!


P.S. if it happens that you click "ok" before you have check "Tiling" (well, sometimes it happens to me ^^) it's fine, because you just need to go where you've saved you pattern, double click on it and it will open that same "Material property" window!

You can find your material on the material bar.


You can create any folder you want, just click the little folder, first button to create a new folder. Then you can move it wherever you want. For delete a folder is the second button. The third button is for rename a folder.

Or you can just right click on any folder and it will appear a window with options.

Wood pattern

I create a layer with lines. I use the "straight line" tool, but I've modified it to make it more fast to do!

I've copied the Straight line tool and named it just "Straight line 2"

then I go on "sub tool detail" (click the button on "Sub tool proprerty")

I modified:

Stroke: Gap > I click the first button, and I adjust the distance of the points (they are points when you first modify it ^^)


I've enabled the "eye" so you can see the gap on the "sub tool property" and I change the distance whenever I need! (To make random distance, click on the button on "gap" section and click "random")

Then on "Brush tip"

click on "vertical" and put "Thickness" to 1000 (or less if you prefer)


And it's done!

Now I just click "ctrl+t" or Edit > transform > scale/rotate and I rotate it vertically.

Then I uncheck "Keep aspect ratio" so it scale it just where you move

And I modify it as I need! (you can download the Straight line I've created if you want ^^)

Now back to the wood pattern!


I use the "special ruler" "parallel line" so I make straight lines. But! As you can see I make not straight lines, because the wood it's not all the same! So do part light, do part more dark, and it will feel more real ^^

Then I add guides, and I move the vertical left part to right. The horizontal top part to bottom

I draw the missing parts

I hide everything I don't need, I register the material (Edit > Register material > Image... > write name > check "Tiling" > choose the folder where to save it > OK ) and it's done! ^^

Stone Pattern

This are easy to do because you don't even need to do the guide line thing!

They are distant from each other so I just need to do 2 different pattern and it's done!



And I save them normally!

Vine motif

So, because I've done one easy, now I do one difficult (just kidding! You need to be careful though, in the speeddrawing you can see I did it wrong, but it's ok! Then I've just did it again and it was right! ^^)

Remember when I've said that this yellow part need to be empty?

Well, that little part on the yellow side of the guide line, escaped from my sight!

And in the video you can see I was trying to delete the other part, but there was nothing there!! ahaha ^^

Ok let's do this now!

I draw some lines for the branches

Then I draw scribbled leaves, because it will be far away, so it doesn't need to have to much details!

I add guide lines

And I move, left to right

And top to bottom

I draw missing parts, register it as material (Edit > Register material > Image... > write name > check "Tiling" > choose the folder where to save it > OK ) and it's done! ^^


I create a new file named "Room design sketch"and I copy the study I liked from the "Room design" file.


I make the sketch bigger to fit the canvas (with "ctrl+t" or Edit > Transform > Scale/Rotate) and in "Layer Property" I click on "Layer color"so it becomes blue and I can see it better.

I then add a one perspective ruler layer


Layer > Ruler/Frame > Create Perspective Ruler > 1 point perspective > OK


And I do the first sketch with the right perspective

I lower the opacity of the layer, and in a new layer I make a better sketch with some detail

I create another layer to add other parts

I create another layer and I add more details!

A little note: as you can see, I've made some part in front of other, some near and some distant. This is a way to make things look more real!



The (orange) candels are one medium, one long and one short (it's all you need! Differences and random makes it feel more real ^^) the medium candle is behind the (purple) book but the long and the short are in front of the (blue) shelf! And also, the short one is half in front of the plant vase, so it creates more deep!

And the (green) chair is in front of the table and the window.

But sometimes I want to put a bit of simmetry, so I've added two candles on the other shelf with back stuff messy and random!


Now I go on


File > Save as...


In this way, I save a copy of this file ("Room design sketch") and name it as "Room design ink". I save all this files so I've a backup if needed!

So, since I've a backup file, I delete all the layers not needed and I merge all the sketched layer in just one (select layers > right click of the mouse > merge selected layers)

On "layer property"I click on "layer color" so the sketch layer become blue and I can see better.

As you can see in the video I start on inking randomly, and sometimes I add few details or remove other parts and changing a little things (that's why maybe I'm slow! But it's ok! If you have better ideas when you do the ink for your own illustrations, just go for it! Create another layer and add a sketch and then just do the ink! I think that is a nice way for practice! ^^)

I use the vine motif I've created, and I create a layer mask to hide unnecessary part.

Then I duplicate the layer 2 times, and I make them little and bigger, so it's random and it feels more real!


I then put all 3 layers in a single folder and apply there as well a mask so I delete unnecessary part once, instead of 3!

(well, with just ink it seems a bit to much, but then with color I'll use three different colors so it will feel nice!)

In a new layer I color with gray the floor, so I'll use it as a mask

I add the "wood pattern" I've created and I modify it with the perspective tool


Edit > Transform > Perspective...


I've added the shortcut button on the bar, to do so > right click of the mouse on the bar > Command Bar Settings > (and you can choose anything you want to add! I've also added for color regolation!) > Add > Close

And then you see it's there! If you want to remove it, just: right click on the button you want to remove > delete


(However I show on the video how to add and remove a button if you want to see it!.

On youtube description, click on the blue 4 and it will show it! ("Perspective tool" 4:00) )


I've then added some other details, even if the pattern saved me a lot of time, I like to add more details so it feel nice!

Then it's time for wall. I've used both the pattern created to give more messy feeling and I've created masks for each wall

Lastly I add the carpet motif, using here as well the transform perspective tool to match the perspective view, and deleted other part with a mask and it's done!! ^^


I go again on


File > Save as...


In this way, I save a copy of this file ("Room design ink") and save it as "Room design color".


In this new file, I delete the sketch layers I don't need (so the file it's lighter and also I don't have too much layers!) and I merge ink layers togheter (but I don't merge the pattern layers because later I'll color them)


Lastly I select all inked layers and click on "change palette color" (the rounded square button near "normal"mode layer) and I select a color, so I know they are inked layer when I'll have more layers.

Color flat 1

I add flat random colors (I'll change them later, I just need to create these layers so I can use them to clip other layers on them. Basically I use them as masks, but also as base color!) and I create layers for every part with their name (so I can recognize them later!)


When that's done, I add a new layer on top of everything. I set it to "color" and I fill it with black. When visible, it will make all the colors in the canvas appear in grey scale.


On the video you can see I use this a lot, it's so useful for me! It helps me choosing the colors.

Because, as you know, colors has values, but seeing the values of the colors, for me, is difficult. So when putting all the colors in greyscale, I can see their values!

And as for the objects that I draw short, medium, tall, also for the colors it's needed variety in values!


Color flat 2

So when I choose colors, I try to use colors that are (with the black layer visible) in light grey, medium grey, dark grey, but never pure white or black! (black and white are too much, and if it is not for give a dramatic or strong effect (well, there are always exception ^^) I don't use them! Maybe pure white it happens when I sometimes add light with layers in "add glow" but if it feel to much strong I low the opacity)

And these are the colors with the black layer not visible. They feel right to me, so I can add shadows and light now!


Note: I just wanted to add that I usually use few colors. I've used just 2 brown (dark brown and light brown) and on the books I've changed them slightly. Then, for other colors, I've choosed them not to bright. I wanted that they feel nice with the brown palette!

Coloring patterns and motifs

For coloring the inked layer, I add colors on a new layer and then I click on "Clip to layer below".

You know the layer is clipped below because it appear that pink vertical line near the layer (that is slightly moved)

As you can see, for the Vine motif, I've used 3 different green with different values so it gave deep to the vine!


And lastly, I've added an "Overlay" layer (layer 18) to give a bit of light to the center of the vine.

Shadows and light

Shadow 1


I create a new layer on top of all, I set it on "Multiply" and I fill it with a grey/blue color. I then erase part with the same brush I use for adding. To do so, I click on the transparent rectangle under the 2 color squares.

It makes your brush act like an eraser! I use it a lot, also when I draw and ink and sketch, I just erase thing with the same brush! ^^

This is the shadow layer as if I set it on "normal" layer. You see, I've removed few things, but it gives a lot of light in the end!

Note: for adding the shadow of the vine, I've copied the vine layers, mergect all and rotate it. Then I've clicked "ctrl+click" on the miniature of the layer (so it select what's inside. Or you can go to Layer > Selection from Layer > create selection) and then I've colored directly on the multiply layer!

Shadow 2

I've created another "multiply"layer and with the same blue (or you can change it, if you prefer!) I've added more shadows to make the feeling of deep and create volumes!


I've created a new layer and set it to "overlay". I've then used a light orange and created light with a soft brush.


Then I've noticed that it was not dark enough in the lavender and not to light on the aloe, so I've colored quickly on new normal layer some dark and light color.


Then I add the signature, and it's done!

Download material

If you want, you can download all this material I've created, I hope they are helpful! ^^

Thanks for reading, I hope this is helpful!

Edit: Hi, I'm sorry I did some typing errors! I always read and re-read before post, but I don't see errors right away! Now I've corrected them, I hope it's right! And I want to thank you for reading!



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