Drawing manga eyes with Screentones




Welcome to this tutorial!

Hello, welcome to this tutorial.

Today I'm going to show you how I make use of the screentones in Clip Studio to draw different manga eyes.


Video tutorial

If you want to skip the tutorial, you can watch the full video process with the explanation here:

Tools used in this tutorial

  • G-PEN. For lineart.

  • Maru PEN and Bucket for Black tone.

  • Airbrush (for screentones).


Layer properties

  • The grayscale layer option:
  • The Effect button to create ScreenTones:

STEP ONE- Creating a Black and White canvas

First of all, since we are going to work with screentones we need to make a black and white comic canvas.

I'm going to use these presets sbut you can use your favorite ones.

STEP TWO- Draw your eyes lineart

I used the default G-Pen to draw the next ones, you can draw yours or use one of these to practice!

STEP THREE- Selecting our base color

Now, with the bucket tool or any brush we are going to add a dark tone that will be the base of our eyes. You can go as dark as you want.

In this tutorial I'm going to use a very dark tone but at the end I will show different eyes with a more clear tone too!

You can make a mask with this layer and use it for the rest of the layers in order to save time.

In order to do that, select the eyes with the magic wand and then click on the mask button.

STEP FOUR- Add the base screentone

Create another layer and:


Go to color expression and change the option from monochromatic to grayscale!

Just above that option, select the screentone option in order to make the layer into a screentone one:



Use the brush that you prefer and with a dark tone (as dark or white as you prefer) paint over the eyes in order to make a screentone.

STEP FIVE- Adding a lighter tone

Now, we are going to create another layer (with the same layer properties) and select a lighter tone than the one we used before.

Select the brush that you want (I used G-pen) and paint in the lower part of the eyes.

I recommend to not go to white with this tone, otherwise later on the eye reflections will not look well because there will be no contrast between them.

STEP SIX- Adding some shadows to our eyes

If there is light, we need some shadows too!

This time we are going to add another layer with the same layer properties.

Select a brush and a darker tone than the one we used for our base eye.


We are going to paint in the top of the eye in order to show the shadow that the eyelids cast in the eye balls.

STEP SEVEN- Drawing the center of the eye pupil

This one is easy!

Just select the darkest tone you can and grab the G-Pen.

Create a normal layer and draw the eye pupils on the center of the eye.

STEP EIGHT- Adding white reflections

This time we are going to do the same than before but this time with a white tone in order to add the light reflections.

Select a white tone and grab the G-Pen.

Draw a white circle in the side of the eye where the light comes from.

In order to make it more shiny I used the Airbrush tool in another layer set with the screentone and grayscale effects activated (the same we are using in each layer).

As you can see, I also added some tiny dots to make the eyes more interesting.

Don't make them to big!

STEP NINE- Add more details

Create another layer and add more details to your eye, this time I used a white tone in order to add a white line around the center of the eye to make it stand up more.

STEP TEN- The eye lids

In this step I'm going to create another layer with the same properties as the others.

This time, I will select a dark tone and paint over the eyelids!

This will cover all the eye lid, so if you don't want that to happen you can make this layer below your lineart layer and will only cover the white parts of your eyelid!


I will also use the airbrush tool with a white tone in order to soften the edges of the eyelid and make them more appealing.

Final result

As you can see this is a easy way to draw your manga eyes with screentones.


I hope it was useful!

Other results

As you can see you can draw different eye types with the same workflow.


Just keep experimenting and try different things!

If you want to read more about this screentone method you can see my other tutorial here where I explain it too:

Thank you for reading!



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