


Making your sky match with your environment!

The sky is very important in an environment drawing because it defines the mood and overall tone of the painting. It also gives information like the wheater and time etc..

Here (with the help of the perspective ruler) I have drawn a simple urban scene but i don’t know what I want my sky to look like yet.

So i will draw a random color on a lower layer.

But it doesn’t look natural so I will then duplicate this layer on top of the drawing and turn it to multiply mode.

Now it looks better and more natural !

But if it looks too intense just lower the opacity of the multiply layer!

In fact you can pretty much do it with any color , it comes in handy if you’re drawing a fantasy world where the sky is a different color than blue !

Adding details to make it natural!

I want to make it seems like the sun is setting so i added a more flashy yellow at the bottom with an airbrush!

Then i used the lasso tool to make the clouds , it’s important to choose a light color at first for the clouds.

I have also shaded the buildings with a multiply layer on top . When shading I recommend doing it with a color you color-picked on from sky!

Making your character blend in the background!

To do this you just Have to repeat the same thing form earlier! Add a multiply layer (from a color of the sky you color-picked) on top of your character’s layer and clip it.

If the color is too intense on your character; don’t hesitate to lower the opacity of the multiply layer!

Small tips to make the process easier!

If you don’t want to use an airbrush you can also just layer multiple colors on each others and blend them with a smudge tool!

Also if you’re lazy like me , you can just get brushes from the assets to draw clouds ! They make the process faster when you’re drawing a comic for example!

It is important that you remember about atmospheric perspective. The more far away an object is , The more it blends in with the sky and looses details!

Also if you don’t like the color of the sky you’re painting or just want to see how it would look like with different colors you can always change it with the gradient window !

I changed my blue sky to this more yellow like tone!

Thanks for reading!

So that’s it for now ! I hoped this helped you ! If you want to see more of my art i welcome you to my Instagram account :) :



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