Draw any Pose in 5 minutes!




Coming up with poses

There are many ways you can come up with poses, here are some:

  • you can grab reference of what you would like

-grab something that comes close to what you want, and tweak it with the following methods.

-Draw a line of action and use the methods below to create a pose from it.

-Draw dots on your canvas for where you want body landmarks to land and connect them to a line of action.

Example 1: Capturing foreshortening

1. Start with a circle for the head, and add an optional line for the tilt of the head.

2. Draw a curve for the neck, and another curve in the opposite direction for the upper spine.

3. Draw a vertical oval for the rib cage, and a horizontal oval for the pelvis. Make sure both ovals touch eachother.

4. Draw a line running through the front of the body to denote the angle of both the pelvis and rib cage.

5. Draw Lines of direction for the leg and add wrapping lines to describe foreshortening.

6. The lines from the knee down should curve in the opposite direction from the upper leg.

7. Draw a sock shape for the foot.

8. I drew a curve for the shoulders because they are prominent features in the pose.

9. I drew two lines for each arm, but added necessary line weight to show the overlapping arm over the leg, this clarity is crucial to make the pose easy to read when you flesh out your character. Gesture is loose but still legible.

10. I also added wrapping lines around the arm to add dimension to the form.

example 2: Capturing motion

1. Add a circle for the head

2. Draw a curve for the back of the neck.

3. Two ovals balancing on top of each other to denote the pelvis and rib cage.

4. Add a line running though the torso.

5. Add two pairs of lines for the legs, and simple triangle shapes for the feet.

>For the right leg, because it follows the line of action, one line is enough to capture its pose and movement. But always add as many lines as you find useful and that add clarity to your pose as possible.

>I added two curves of the base of the arm to capture the prominent connection between the arm and rib cage of the model.

I added hand shapes loosely to show that the character is grabbing something. I added a straight line to show where the character will be facing.

Example 3: Line of action

Make a line of action to show the general flow of the pose you want to make.


First draw a circle for the head

Draw a line to denote the spine from the back of the neck to the bottom of the pelvis.

Then add ovals for the rib cage and pelvis forms.

Add two pairs of lines for the thighs, and add pairs of lines for the lower legs angling in the opposite direction.


add two pairs of lines or more if you'd like, to draw the arms. And voila!



Thank you for reading! I hope you found it helpful! Please consider helping me with a like if you enjoyed. Thanks for getting me one step closer to winning CSP's contest!



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