8. Painting (3): Foreground Characters




[1] White Rabbit

Now I’ll paint the White Rabbit. I imagine the White Rabbit being behind Alice, so I add more shadows. I also blur the line art.


[2] Alice

I blur and overlap the line art layers.

I’ll start with painting the face. Because it a girl’s face, I try not to add heavy shadows.

I use both the "Textured Watercolor Brush and "Rough Watercolor Brush".


I use the slightly rough, textured "Rough Watercolor Brush” for the clothes.


I add shadows on the clothes.


Alice is the main character of this illustration, so I copy the line art layer to make the lines darker so she stands out more.


For now I’ve finished painting Alice. Parts are still a bit faint, but I will paint extra details later on.


[3] Humpty Dumpty

I imagine him like a fashionable gentleman, and paint him in a striped suit smoking a pipe. I blur and overlap the line art layers.

He is the foremost character, so I paint him with a lot of contrast.


First I paint the base colors.


I then add another line art layer to make the lines clearer.


I paint the pattern on the jacket and the mushroom.


Finally, I add another layer and make the colors a bit darker.


I make a new layer under this folder and paint the light in the background.


Now I’ve finished painting all the characters for now.



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