4. Drawing Buildings - 1




[1] Filling in the details on separate layers (foreground buildings)

I divided my folders into two, one for the silhouette layers and the other for the line work layers. Keeping the perspective in mind, I start drawing the buildings while holding the [Shift] key. It’s fine if it gets messy. In this step, it is important to draw the line art and add more content based on that.

Note: You can draw a straight line by holding down the [Shift] key.


[2] Filling in details on separate layers (the second building from the front)

I draw the details of the second building a little smaller since it is located further than the first building.

I also add short straight lines to the windows.

This step is same as the step [1].


[3] Filling in the details on separate layers (the third building from the front)

I draw the line work for the third building located on the edge of the canvas.

Buildings on the edge of the canvas may seem unnatural due to the perspective so I make sure to draw them properly and express a sense of distance.

The line work doesn’t need to be perfect. You can fix it later by adjusting the highlights and shadows.


[4] Filling in the details on separate layers (the streets in the back)

I draw the streets. You don’t need to draw the silhouettes of the street in the front that are hidden by the buildings.


As I explained before, I don’t want to make the vanishing points in this drawing obvious, so I set the directions of the buildings accordingly.

It may seem better this way after adding shadows.

Buildings in the real world are not built based on perspectives so drawing them based on perspective does not make them seem realistic.


[5] Filling in the details on separate layers (final)

This is how it looks when I display all of the layers.

It pretty much looks like a city out of a science fiction story.

If you are an imaginative person, you may see small details like windows or a terrace.


At this point, check the overall shapes of the buildings and the perspective and then make changes an needed.



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