



The head is constructed of the eyes, nose, mouth, horns, and skull. The drawing below is a sketch of how I draw the side veiw and the 3/4 veiw internally of a dragon.

You can see that this dragon is more bulky than other dragons, this is becasue this type of snout is eaisiest to draw in my opinion (and also easiest to draw a skeleton on OuO)


The eyes on a dragon are the same structure of the human eye because in nature, prey's eyes face outword, while predator eyes face forward.


The ears on a dragon can come in many shapes and sizes, here are a few examples of ears that follow the guidlines mother nature has provided us with.

Sometimes I like to add a dear-like effect to the ears here are a few examples.


When you think of dragon what comes to mind? In my case its fire breath, horns, and flight. So thats what we are going to do next. Horns.

I have made here 3 of my favorite horn designs.

For horns try to get as creative as possible!!! There is NO limit to the things you creative with your true artistic ability!!!

Now onto underbellie. Or 'SCUTES'


The underbellie of the dragon is known scientifically as 'scutes'. It sounds like something I could've made up, but its true!!!

Here are 2 examples of inverted scutes, and outverted scutes.

Again, be as creative as you dare when creating these details on the dragon.


The body of tha dragon is about no diffferent then a body on a horse, cat, or dog

Here are a few examples of dragon bodies

Notice how the bodies are shaped and how the chest part is larger than the stomach part

Onto legs! One of the trickiest parts but most angular in my opinion!


Legs can be hard, for reference I like to look at pictures of mamal legs, especially cat legs becasue it is the same shape and base.

Here is an example of dragon legs

Notice how the legs curve, and apply that to your own dragon


Wings are defineatly the trickiest part of dragon art, but the most fun, and can really spark your creativity!

Here are a few structure drawings of wings that I put on my dragons

Notice the way that the wings are curved and sharp, this is where you will add spikes of your chosing!


The tail of the dragon is the most elagant part of the dragon, for this reason, make it creative to your liking


We have finished our tour of dragon anatomy according to me(DarkFlame377)

Thank you so much for staying with me untill the end, this is as you know my first tutorial and I'm super excited to see who I can help!! See you next time! And have fun drawing dragons!!!!



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