Design and Draw a Cute Humanoid Robot! (Video Tutorial)




[A] Introduction

Hey there, welcome to this tutorial! I'm AzzouBK and today we'll learn how to Design and Draw this Cute, "Very Cute" Humanoid Robot!

This time with a Video Tutorial!

[B] Concept Art

Whether you're creating this for a Game, Animation or just an Illustration.. Here are some useful tips to keep in mind.

1st Tip: Before you start designing, decide the "Class" or "Job" of your robot. This will greatly change the final shape and design. For example, a Fighter robot will be Bigger and Stronger to withstand a beating; Where as a Maid or a Servant robot would be best Smaller for maybe Storage space or General maintenance.

In addition, use Sharp Angular edges for Boxy-looking robots, and soft curves to give a feminine look.

2nd Tip: Related to the previous point, choose a color scheme that best matches the purpose of your Robot. Again, if you're going with a War machine maybe throw in some camouflage paint or something evil like a Black/Red color combo... And maybe Pink/white for a nurse robot.

Also, use Accent Colors such as Body lights to display the robot's Feelings or.. Its Battery level!

3rd Tip: Relying solely on the "Circuit Board look" won't be much of help here, as can be seen in my early designs. Humanoid? More like Really Bad Cosplay...

Thus, you have to emphasize the robot look by including Bigger/Smaller body parts, Gadgets and Gear, Lights and See-through surfaces, Mechanical joints and Hydraulic muscles, Energy sources... etc. Do your research and source out as many references as you can!

With all that in mind, start designing!

You may use 3D models to help you with human anatomy or try to find a pre-made robot one at the Clip Studio's Asset library.

I know these designs won't win awards but they're just examples, so bear with me~

By the way, I made a full guide on how to use 3D models for anatomy referencing on this tutorial!

Anyway! I sketched a normal human's anatomy then Dissected it to pieces to transfer my robot design to a human body, creating this Humanoid Robot..

[C] Drawing Process

Obviously, Launch CSP and create a new file with the desired dimensions...

Drawing the Lineart is the process of tracing over your sketch. Feel free to draw each body part on its separate layer to ease up the correction of any mistakes.

Also, I Highly recommend you Name and Organize all of your layers to help save Time and Headache!

After that, with the “Auto Select” or the “Fill” tool, select and fill the character shape to create a Base Color layer; Then clip a new folder to it.

Then start coloring! Same as before, you want to separate each color to its own layer "Skin, Metal, Blue..."

Next, add two more layers clipped to each Color, one for Shading and the other for Lighting. "Lots of layers I know haha"

[D] Reflective Surfaces

Here's a beginner's Tip to drawing Reflective Surfaces!

There are 2 things to keep in mind.

Each surface refracts light differently, you can clearly see that in Circular and Square pieces of metal.

Light bounces off, and carries colors from its surroundings. Thus, metal will reflect colors of nearby surfaces.

[E] Effects

There are a lot of effects you can apply here, such as a Rim light, Color dodge, Instagram filters... "Just don't overdo it" I decided to stick to these simple ones :p

Depth of field: You can achieve this effect by either blurring out distant objects or painting over them with a light color.

Locate your Base Color layer, and left click on its preview icon while holding the "Ctrl" button to select the shape of your character; Then create a new layer above your artwork and paint over distant parts with a light blue color.

Adjust the opacity until it looks good!

Next! LED glow! Add a new layer on the very top and set its Blending mode to "Add (Glow)" or "Glow dodge" Then simply paint over the blue lines with a darker blue to Hhighlight it.

Subtle yet Very Cool Effects!

[F] Thank you

The End!

Thank you for reading, I hope this was useful.

If you have questions or need any help, feel free to DM me on Instagram: @azzoubk

Stay safe and have a Great day!



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