3.Downloading brushes from CLIP STUDIO ASSETS





Although there are pens and brushes pre-installed in CLIP STUDIO PAINT, using other users’ settings may be the quick way to find a brush that suits you.


Many pen and brush settings made by other users have been published on CLIP STUDIO ASSETS already.


By downloading with the following steps and importing into PAINT, you can easily use brushes with various settings.

  • To use ASSETS, it is necessary to register a (free) user account on the CLIP STUDIO site.


1. Downloading materials from CLIP STUDIO ASSETS


① Display CLIP STUDIO by selecting the Swirl-like [CLIP STUDIO] icon in the [Command Bar] at the top of the screen.


② When CLIP STUDIO is displayed, tap [ASSETS] from the left menu.


③ A browser will open and display “CLIP STUDIO ASSETS”.


④ Tap [Detail] in the top right, next to the search bar, and select [Brush] from the displayed options.


⑤ Brush materials will be displayed. By tapping [Popular] below the search bar, popular materials can be found.


⑥ Tap the thumbnail of a material that catches your eye, and display the details. After conforming the displayed details, tap the upper right [Download] button to download the material.


2. Confirming downloaded brush materials


① Switch from the browser to CLIP STUDIO’s screen.

Tap [Return to PAINT] and return to the PAINT screen.


② Tap the [Material] palette icon, and display the [Material] palette.

Tap [Download] from the palette’s tree display, and conform that the previously downloaded material is stored.


3. Registering brush materials to sub tools


Register the downloaded brush material to the [Sub Tool] palette.


① First, choose the [Tool] and [Sub Tool] palette to register the downloaded brush to. Brush materials can be registered in any [Sub Tool] palette, but it may be best to match with a similar tool.


② After displaying the [Sub Tool] palette to register to, tap the clipboard icon at the bottom of the palette.


③ When tapped, the [Import sub tool material] dialogue will be displayed. Select the brush material you would like to register from the displayed list, and tap [OK].


④ Although all of the palettes will close after tapping [OK], the downloaded brush will be registered once the palette selected in ② is opened.

Brush materials registered in the [Sub Tool] palette can be used in a similar fashion to other default sub tools.


Try different brush settings and materials using the same procedure, and find the brush that suits you.



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