PLOTS in Clip Studio PAINT! Very easy!




Hello! In this article I will teach you how to apply Screens in Clip Studio PAINT in a simple way and with some example illustrations, so you can see how easy it is to use Screens in Clip Studio PAINT.

What we are going to do:

I will show you how to apply hatches in 4 simple examples.


The first of them will be through circles, so you know the most basic way to add frames.

In the second example I will use the Noise plot type to Sophie, one of the protagonists of my Webtoon Penalty manga.

In the third example I will show you how to apply the Circle pattern in different shades of gray, making our illustration have volume and look great!

For this I will use Ryoda, the Protagonist of my Webtoon Penalty Manga.

And finally, I'll quickly show you how I work the plots on one of the pages of my Manga Penalty.

If you are interested in reading my Manga you can find it at the following link: (It is in Spanish)

For this reason and since I know that the best way to learn is by watching the steps through a video, I want to invite you to see my super tutorial called:

How to apply Screens in Clip Studio PAINT (VIDEO TUTORIAL)

Remember to activate the subtitles in your language, you will surely find it :)

What do you think about the video? We saw step by step through examples how to apply Fills.

Step by step to add fills

Now I want us to review what we have learned, for the same reason, I will show you through images the process to add frames in Clip Studio PAINT, to understand it even better.

1. Add frames easily

Without a doubt, this is the most basic way of using hatches, when we have a closed figure and using the Automatic Selection tool (known throughout the world as a magic wand)

We select the area in which we want to add a Screen and a bar with options appears at the bottom.

And we have the option: New Plot

Which allows us to easily add Screens by showing us a new window with new options to edit the type of Screen that we will use, its Frequency, Density, Type and Angle.

In Frequency we can change the values and see a preview on the right side of the Simple Screen Settings window.

And in Density we can change the percentage achieving different types of frames just by changing this option.

And in Type we can change the Screen, we have many options, although the most used are Circle, Line and Noise.

After clicking OK we have the pattern, but if we don't like it we can change its attributes again, such as the type of Pattern, Frequency or Density, this is changed in the Layer Property panel.

(Remember to activate this panel in the top menu called Window - Layer Property)

With the second circle we do the same action, with the Automatic Selection tool after making the selection in the second circle we activate New Screen and in the Layer Property panel we can change its attributes.

And with the third circle we make the selection with the Automatic Selection Tool and we choose the Gradient tool, in the Manga Gradient sub-tool. We make the vertical gradient.

And in Layer Property we activate the Screen option.

In Point Settings we change the size type to Noise achieving the following result, a raster gradient.

2. Screen Noise in Clip Studio PAINT

Now we are going to apply the Noise pattern to an Illustration of a girl. In this case I have separately in different layers the black color of the clothes and the gray color in a different layer below all the black colors, in this gray layer we are going to apply a Screen, at first it will be a Screen Circle.

Then we switch from Circle Screen to Noise Screen in Point Settings.

And we apply the Noise Screen to the other layers, like the shadow of the hair, face and the shadow of the ground. When you do this, the Noise frame may appear to you to not be looking right.

But when exporting the illustration image it looks great.

3. Screens with different shades of gray

Now we are going to apply patterns from the beginning, this time we are going to do it with different shades of gray. To do this, in a layer called Tones I create the shades of gray that I will use for the character and I create a layer called Screens with Expression Color in Gray.

And with the Eyedropper tool I am taking the tones that I need for the character, and with the Fill tool I will be filling in the areas where I will apply the patterns.

Achieving this first result:

Now with the Pen tool we are going to add the darker gray tones, to create the shadows.

Achieving the following result:

We activate the Circle Screen in the Screens layer, making our illustration look like this:

Then we change the color of the paper layer to a dark gray tone and create a new layer called: White. Where we will paint our character.

And we make the Plots layer visible again, making it look like this:

And we leave the paper layer white again.

Finally we are going to add a vignette with a background, to do this, we go to the toolbar to choose: Vignette Border in Rectangular Vignette Subtool, with the line size of 30 and make a rectangle.

And we leave this rectangle behind all the layers of the character.

And we activate the Material option and I'm going to choose a natural background of a sky, and I take it and import it into the vignette.

Making it look like this:

And when you export the illustration the image and the patterns look really great.

4. Plots on a Manga Page

And with the same steps that we have learned we can apply it in the different vignettes of our sleeves.

I hope all this information has been very useful for you to understand a little more about the Fills in Clip Studio PAINT.


See you in the next TIP!



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