1. Sharing Data Between Different Devices




Compatible with Clip Studio Paint Ver. 3.0


CLIP STUDIO's cloud service allows you to edit the same file across devices with different operating systems, such as the iPad, or Windows, macOS and Android devices. For example, you can upload works drawn on your tablet on the go to the cloud, and then download it from the cloud to your computer at home to continue drawing.

You can also upload and manage materials that you have created from the cloud.


You need to log into Clip Studio to use the cloud service.

Tap Account, after starting Clip Studio.

In Ver. 2.3.4 and earlier, tap Login.


Open the Manage works screen

To exchange artworks using cloud services, use the projects screen.

Select Projects to display the manage works screen.

In Ver. 2.3.4 and earlier, tap Manage works.



If the file name contains certain symbols or character strings (for example, / > < ? : " \ * | ; NUL), you may not be able to use it in the cloud service. We particularly recommend that you avoid the use of symbols in file names if you use macOS.

If a file cannot be synced, a warning will be displayed before setting up synchronization.


Works that can be shared with cloud services

Works displayed in Projects can be shared through cloud services.

The conditions under which works are displayed differ for the iPad/iPhone version, Android version, and Windows/macOS version.


■ For iPad / iPhone version

Only artwork saved to the Clip Studio app storage in the Files app will be displayed in In this app of the projects screen.

Works saved in other locations will not be displayed on the projects screen. When using cloud services, please save your artwork to the Clip Studio folder in the Files app.


■ For Galaxy/Android/Chromebook versions

All works saved in File operation/Share in the Clip Studio app are displayed In this app on the projects screen.


■ Windows/macOS version

All artwork saved on the computer and edited in Clip Studio Paint will be displayed in This device of the projects screen.


Uploading Works

Upload works to the cloud for editing on other devices.


On the Projects screen, tap In this app (This Device on Windows/macOS version), tap Switch syncing of the work you want to share, and set it to Syncing On. The works will be uploaded to the cloud.

Tap the Cloud to check that your work has been uploaded successfully.


Please refer to the later section “Updating Works to the Latest Version” to learn how to update works that are already synced.


Downloading Works

Download your works from the cloud to edit them on the downloaded device. You can also download works made in ibisPaint using this method.


Tap Cloud on the Projects screen. Select the Download as new icon on any works you want to edit.

Tap In this app (This Device on Windows/macOS) to check that your work has been downloaded successfully.


To open a downloaded work in Clip Studio Paint, select the Show menu button, then Open in Clip Studio Paint.



If you have already downloaded the work, the [Download and overwrite] icon will be shown. Select this to download the work from the cloud and overwrite the data on your current device. This will discard any changes made on your current device and change it to the version saved in the cloud.


Updating Works to the Latest Version

Works that have been uploaded to the cloud or downloaded from the cloud will have their Switch syncing set to Syncing On.


When you sync your data, the app compares the update times of the works on the device and on the cloud, and synchronizes to the version with the most recent update time.

・If the version on the device is more recent, the cloud version will be discarded and overwritten with the version on the device.

・If the version on the cloud is more recent, the local version will be discarded and overwritten with the version in the cloud.


Synchronization matches the local works and the cloud works to ensure you always have the latest data.


On the projects screen, tap In this app (or This Device in the Windows/macOS version), and then tap Sync Now of the work you wish to share.



If you want to upload multiple works to the cloud at once, check the boxes for the works and select Syncing On beside Switch syncing status.


After works have been uploaded once, check the boxes and tap Sync all selected to sync the works.



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