5. How to Use the Manage works screen




Compatible with Clip Studio Paint Ver.3.0


On the Projects screen, you can manage files as well as select works to be synced to the cloud and download works from the cloud.

This section explains the main functions of the Projects screen.

In Ver. 2.3.4 and earlier, tap Manage works instead of Projects.


Functions of the Manage works screen (This Device/In this app)

Note: On Galaxy/Android/Chromebook, all works saved in File operation/Share in the app will be displayed In this app on the Manage works screen.


Note: On the iPad/iPhone, only artwork saved to the Clip Studio app storage in the Files app will be displayed in In this app of the Manage works screen.

See the following for more details.


On the projects screen, tap In this app (or This Device in the Windows/macOS version). On this screen, you can manage works created with any Clip Studio products.

(1) Label

You can categorize the works displayed in the Projects list.

Labels can be newly created, deleted, or edited. To categorize a work, select the work from the list of works, then drag and drop it onto the label.


(2) Select All

This will select all the works in the work list.


(3) Switch syncing status

You can switch the syncing status of multiple selected works at once. When syncing is turned on, the works will automatically sync with the cloud.


(4) Sync all selected

This syncs all selected works with the cloud. If a work’s Switch syncing icon is turned off, the work will not be synced.


(5) Delete

You can delete the selected work from the device.


(6) Works list

This shows the list of works saved in Clip Studio series applications or downloaded from the cloud.


(7) Select

Tap to select multiple works.


(8) Thumbnail

This is a thumbnail of the work. Tap to select works. When you tap a thumbnail, you cannot select more than one work.


(9) Switch syncing

You can set whether to turn on syncing for each work. If this icon is turned on, the work will be synced. If this icon is turned off, the work will not be synced.


(10) Sync now

The work will sync with the cloud. If the work’s Switch syncing icon is turned off, you cannot sync the work.


(11) Favorites

Tap to add a work to your favorites.

Tap Favorites on the left to view only those works that you have registered as favorites.


(12) Display menu

This displays options for the work. You can open the work in a Clip Studio application or export the work in various formats.


Functions of the Projects screen (Cloud)

The Cloud tab of the Projects screen looks like this. You can manage works created with Clip Studio applications that have been uploaded to the cloud.

(1) Select all pages

This will select all the works in the work list.


(2) New Download

The selected works will be downloaded to the device at once.

Works that have already been downloaded to the device will not be downloaded again.


(3) Download and overwrite

The selected works will be downloaded and overwrite the versions on the device.

When you download and overwrite files, any changes made on your current device will be discarded and the file will be changed to the version saved on the cloud.

Works that have not yet been downloaded to the device will not be downloaded.


(4) Delete

You can delete the selected work from the cloud.


Beware: If you delete a work that is not synced or downloaded to your device, the work will become uneditable.


(5) Works list

This is the list of works. As well as works created in Clip Studio applications, you can also see works downloaded from ibisPaint.


(6) Select

Tap to select multiple works.


(7) Thumbnail

This is a thumbnail of the work. Tap to select works. When you tap a thumbnail, you cannot select more than one work.


(8) Download and overwrite

You can download and overwrite works on the device.

When you download and overwrite files, any changes made on your current device will be discarded and the file will be changed to the version saved on the cloud.


(9) Download the previous version

Tap to download past versions of your work files, which are stored each time they are synced.


(10) Details

Tap to view detailed information about the work. You can view the file size and upload date.


(11) Teamwork

Tap to configure Teamwork settings.


(12) Download as new

You can download works to the device.

If you have already downloaded the work, this will change to the Download and overwrite icon.



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