learn to draw a group of people




learn to draw several people using sketches

for the creation of this illustration I started by making a general overall sketch while highlighting the characters and reassuring themselves of their morphology all this thanks to the realistic pen tool G in the toolbar

then we move on to passing the lines using the simple G pen to already have an overall overview of the morphology and many others, which should allow us to move on to the next steps as you can see in the image next

Start of sketching to get an overview of the morphologies

In this step we start with clarifying the characters simply by bringing out the visual and bodily patterns, using the G pen and especially in a new renamed layer and reducing the opacity of the sketch layer

Redraw characters more precisely using the G pen

Now I moved on to the general inking of the drawing, namely all the characters with the environment and subsequently deleted the sketch layers to have clearer illustrations ready to be colored.

Finalizing the inking and deleting the sketch layer

after this well-drawn image we will add the decor and background elements

Colorization, setting of light and shadow

to finalize our drawing we first put the surface colors using the fill tools then put the pattern of the characters' clothes, finally we move on to putting the shadows by creating a new layer and by configuring it on the product it will be able to darken all the colors and give the desired effect (shadow) and then we move on to putting the lights on the sides to show the direction of the light using this time the layer configure under overlay.



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