How to make a pattern tone: "M's flower pattern tone"




My name is Mashiro93 and I post materials under the name "M's~" on ASSETS.


This time, I'll show you how to make a pattern tone.


The tone I created this time is available for free on ASSETS.


If you'd like, please download it and use it as a reference.


"M's Flower Pattern Tone"


・Create a 16x16cm, 600dpi paper

・View → Check Grid

(1) Creating an image for toning

・Place flowers



・Specify part of the left side with a square

・Edit → Cut → Paste

・Press [Shift] and slide the cut image to the right edge to move it

・Align the image


・If the balance is off, adjust it by adding or moving flowers.


・Merge layers

・Specify the upper part of the combined image with a rectangle, then Edit → Cut → Paste


・Press [Shift] and slide the cut image downwards to move it


・Merge layers

(2) Creating tones

・Enclose the image created in (1) in a rectangular area using the grid lines as a reference

・Edit → Register Material → Image

・The image of the material properties will appear

・Brush Material Settings → Check Use as Paper Texture (T)

・Paste Action → Check Tiling (L) (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)

(If white lines appear at the joining points, start over by enclosing the selection area)

・Specify where to save the material

・Set search tags (I've entered PN, Tone, and Floral pattern this time)


・Selection area → Select Stock selection area

(to use when redoing or retouching)

(3) Check the finished tone

  • Uncheck Display → Grid to return to a blank screen

  • Apply the tone

  • You can see a white horizontal line in the area circled in orange (there's a gap)

  • The shape of the flower in the area circled in blue is distorted

  • This tone is a failure, so put an x after the material name

  • Put an x in the stock selection as well

(4) Retry

  • Convert the failed tone to blue by changing the layer color.

  • Open the folder containing the layer and selection where the tone was created.

  • Move the failed blue tone to fit the toned image perfectly

・The green square is the area specified earlier, so adjust the area so that it matches the pattern.


・Redo it over and over again until it looks natural.


(The more detailed and complex the image, the more you will have to redo it. When I create it myself, I usually redo it 10-20 times. This is the most tedious part, but do your best.)


・I recreated the area selection many times and registered the material repeatedly, and finally succeeded on the ninth try.

・I created a PNG image at 900 x 900px, opened the image and checked again to make sure there were no problems.


This time, I just remade it.

(6) How to change the color

The original flower image is created in black and white, so you can change it to your preferred color by changing the layer color.



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