Oil Painting Tips on Clip Studio Paint
Hi, How's life?
let's talk about oil painting, again...
In this tutorial, I am not just showing you the simple steps to paint oil painting. but, I will also give you some TIPS to more oily your digital painting. Let's just start...
TIPS 1: Follow Traditional Process
Well, the first tips are about how to follow the traditional painting process. It's so important if you want to get the best result as the traditional media did.
Just think about that your CSP workspace is the real canvas. Start to draw the sketch for your painting and play color over it. But, we talk about digital so you don't need to worry about waiting for the oil color dry to take the next stroke.
every artist has their own way of painting on the traditional media, I suggest the simple way. generally after drawing the sketch, I paint the background over the oil painting. and the steps continue with the coloring object to the final steps that give the light reflection.
TIPS 2: Oil Texture
The big differences between digital and traditional media are about the texture. the digital media let you just play anything with repetitive texture. but adding too much texture make your painting become monotonous. so please be wise for it.
to get you easily play with this tutorial, I only use the basic brushes from CSP, you must behave them all.
mostly I use (Gouache) for the stroke both blending.
I use (Dry gouache) to get some texture in the painting.
and (gouache blender) to blend the edges.
TIPS 3: Limit Your Layer
To get the traditional painting feel, just try as you can to limit your layer. yep, it's cause the real canvas only has one layer. Also, try not to use Ctrl+Z (undo), because you cannot undo your real canvas. if you do any mistake just let it be like that, you can come over again and paint above it.
so limit your layer, it's better to play with only a single layer.
=>> this painting tutorial also uses a single layer. I do so many mistakes and try to fix it using another color to get the shape/volume/edges that I want. It hard at the beginning, but your painting skills will improve fast if you practicing the tips.
TIPS 4: Don't Paint Line, but paint Edges
something special about Oil Painting is about the mysterious edges. you play only with the light. Don't make a solid line because it breaks the edges. edges are the special effect that oil painting offers, so make sure you do the same things.
TIPS 5: Avoid Special Effect
Another different thing about the oil painting effect is the special effect. If general digital artwork plays a much special effect like glitter, the oil painting cannot reach that effect, but it's also the special thing oil painting offers to you. you will get the classic effect of both artistic textures on the painting.
Well, that's all about 5 tips for oil painting in Clip Studio Paint. use the specific brush for oil painting can give better results.
Befriend of mine at my Instagram: @awanndus
if you love my tips, please tag me in your artwork.
best regard.