Lineart Cheats with Clip Studio Paint [Video]




Hello, Kyorin here!

Personally, Clip Studio Features are really useful for me, especially for doing lineart. This time, I'd like to share some technical tips and tricks I usually do :D


Check out this video version bellow to see how I applied these featured!

1. Brush Setting

One of the most useful thing in Clip Studio Paint feature is its brush setting. You can customize your brush to your liking. Here's the brush setting I have for my lineart:

Click on [wrench] icon to see more of the settings.

I usually use [G-pen] for lineart with my own customized setting. Just to note, this setting depends on your tablet's specifications and preferences, so everyone might have different kind of setting.

I use 0 [minimum value] because I prefer to my lines to be sharp on both start and end.

Here's to compare if you use higher [minimum vavlue]:

[Stabilization] also affects your brush stroke. When you set it higher, your pen tends to be heavier, slower, and more stable. Here's the difference when I did a zigzag line with different stabilization at the same speed.

Those are a little bit about brush setting. You might need to do some trial and error to get the most suitable setting for yourself.

2. Sketching

Before going to do the lineart, there are some tips to make things easier.


First, you can change your sketch color by pressing [layer color] icon.

Changing sketch color will make it easier to trace. You can also choose the most comfortable color for your sketch. Here's how it looks like while I traced the sketch into lineart:

Another trick is to use [symmetrical ruler] for front profiles. [Symmetrical ruler] allows you to draw only a half part and it will automatically draws the other part. Here's an example of [symmetrical ruler]:

Note that [eraser] doesn't work with this ruler (eraser doesn't erase both part), but you can use transparent color to make your brush into an eraser as another alternative.

Click on [transparent icon] or outside your canvas area to make the selected brush into an eraser. If you use it on a layer with [symmetrical ruler], it will erase both part automatically.

When you need to draw something without the ruler, you can turn it off by pressing [shift] + click on the ruler icon beside the layer or [right click] on the ruler icon and uncheck [show ruler].

You can also delete it if you don't need it anymore, but instead of deleting it, I usually use it again when doing lineart. You can move the ruler into another layer by dragging the ruler icon beside the layer.

3. Vector Layer

Vector layer is probably my favorite feature that Clip Studio Paint has. Let's see how vector layer can make your life easier!


You can find [vector layer] beside the general layer or in other name [raster layer] icon.

a. Vector Layer vs Raster Layer

The first thing that makes [vector layer] very useful is that it won't pixelate your lines in any canvas resolution.

For example, you have to resize your canvas or any object on your layer into a bigger size. Here's to compare the result between [raster layer] and [vector layer]:

(1= raster layer, 2= vector layer)

b. Vector Eraser

[Vector eraser] is a feature that allows you to erase some certain parts automatically. There are 3 choices you can use:

1) Erase touched areas

This one works like a normal eraser that only erase the part that you touch.

2. Erase up to intersection

This one will erase a line until it intersects with another line. I personally use this a lot especially when drawing complicated lines like hair, etc.

3. Whole line

This erase the whole line that is made by one stroke.

Note that this only works with [eraser] and it doens't work with brushes that use transparent color.

c. Correct Line

[Correct line] or "Y" in keyboard shortcut is a feature that allows you to edit the lines that you have drawn on [vector layer].

There are some features you can use here:

  • Control Point

Every vector line is built of some control points. The more complex line, the more control point it has. This control point can be edited so you don't have to redraw the lines.


  • Pinch Vector Line

This works as if you pinch the line to another side and it makes a curve through your finger.

  • Simplify Vector Line

This is to less the amount of control point and turns a jaggy line into a straighter line.

  • Connect Vector Line

This connect some close line gaps.

  • Correct Line Width

This edits some certain part of the line width whether it is ticker or narrower.

  • Redraw Vector Line and Redraw Vector Line Width

This functions more or less like pinch vector line.

d. Operation Tool

[Operation tool] or "O" in keyboard shortcut works similar to [correct line] tool but I personally prefer to use this because this is simpler.

This feature allows you to select the lines, move, and edit the control points. You can also change the line color by changing [main color], change the line width from [brush size], and change the line shape from [brush shape].

(Changing lineart color)



(Changing lineart size)

(Changing lineart brush)

4. Extract Line

[Extract line] is a feature to turn any drawing (especially colored ones) into lineart by a single click. This feature is usually used for turning a photo or scanned drawing into lineart. But this time, I use an example from the same drawing as before that I already gave base colors.

Simply click the [extract line] icon in [effect] tab and you will have your drawing turns into lineart with white background.

*Note that [extract line] feature is only available in Clip Studio EX. For Clip Studio Pro users, you can do this trick:

Convert the drawing into black and white by using [Brightness and Contrast].

Or you can also change the [expression color] into [monochrome]. But this way, you won't be able to extract dark colors because it will be converted into black.

Now to remove the white background and make it transparent, you can go to [edit] > [convert brightness to opacity].


NOTE: Don't forget to rasterize your layer first if you use [extract line]!

Those are some tips I usually use when drawing. Once again, everyone has different preferences so you might find some new useful tricks for yourself!


Feel free to reach me out if you have anything to ask :D

Good luck!



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