How to Draw Using Figure Tool




Before you watch the video, be sure to read this first because that will only be a timelapse of what I drew. Also, I'm not very good at english so my grammar might be off but I will try my best ^^


let's start ^^

Figure Tool

The figure tool is one of the tools that I always use when drawing since I don't use a pen tablet. It is very convenient and easy to use so I encourage you to use it :)



On the bottom left of your brush tools depending on your workspace or by pressing U, you'll find the figure tool and its sub tools.


Under the figure tool we have;

>Stright line > Curve > Polyline > Continuous curve > Bezier curve > Rectangle > Ellipse > and polygon


The ones that I use the most are continuous curve and ellipse or just continuous curve but all of the tools here are pretty helpful. The bezier curve and continuous curve for me is basically the same. Well, I can't say for sure since I don't use the other tools that much.


I'm sure a lot of artists already told you about this but the best way to use the figure tool is to draw with it under the vector layer.


In physics, vector is a quantity that has magnitude and direction while in art, Vector is made up of points, lines, and curves that are based upon mathematical equations, rather than solid colored square pixels. This means no matter the size or how far zoomed in the image is, the lines, curves, and points remain smooth.



Do you know Accelerator? The number 1 Esper who uses Vector control? We have the same power as him, only in digital though.


Since figure tool consists of lines and points, we can control those points however we want.

By pressing Y, you will be able to access "Correct Line" tool which will help you a lot. I


The sub tools under correct line are;

Control point Pinch >simplify >Connect adjust >redraw >redraw width


You can also use the remove dust sub tool after you erase the line but I suggest using the vector eraser cuz it's much faster and cleaner.


Control Point

When you go its tool property, you can see these settings right here. This will help you navigate your lines and turn your lines into shapes that you desire ◕‿◕



I hope I helped you on how to use figure tools ^^ I think I went out of topic and talked about rubbish. It's up to you whether you want to watch the video or not but it would be very much appreciated if you would watch it (◠‿◠✿)


Thanks for reading and have a good day ヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ







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