5 tips to create your own drawing reference !





We struggle with anatomy and perspective.


And that's a fact. Independently of our professional level.


Another fact is, Regardless of gifts and abilities, we are not born professionals, we learn to be.

And as such, we're not supposed to know only from imagination how to draw everything, however, we can memorize how.


Why the 3D Tools ?

To overcome this, we Usually look up a reference.

Photos on the internet have been the answer for a long time.


But it is objectively hard to find the exact desired pose, and thus time wasting, and patience testing.


In the past few years,

Easy access to 3D tools became a thing, and regardless of all the polemic surrounding it, you still need to know HOW to use it.


The video !

This video is just that. I'll explain how to use the 3D models within clip studio paint and you decide on your next step.

3D menu : what's in it ?

You can find the 3D menu using the lateral window.


The 3D menu has :

• Body types : you can choose either male or female from two different kind of models.

• Primitives : are like they name suggest, basic shapes and structures.

• Panorama : is a 360° view over some backgrounds.

• Pose : has a list of predefined poses and hands.

• Characters : are other predefined models but with multiple choices for clothes, hairstyle, and expressions.

• In small object : you can find 3D basic stuff like books, a chair, or a car.

• And finally a pretty diverse list of basic Backgrounds.


The 3 others categories comes empty, and there’s not much to them for now.


Let's strike a pose !

Let's strike a pose, shall we ?


First things first : choose your gender.

Drag it to your canvas and here you get a basic 3D pose in its own layer, and its own perspective rules.

If you drag the figures directly to the canvas, they’ll all exist within the same layer.


So if you want to give each of them a layer, just drag the figure to the layer window.


You can give each of them a pose by dragging the chosen one on them. And if you chose to drag the pose directly, it’ll be male by default.


This 3D figures are maneuverable.

You can either click directly on the screen to change its perspective, or on the figure itself to change its pose.


The upper toolbar

Or, use the upper toolbar to precisely maneuver it.


This upper toolbar has basically 2 types of buttons.

The 3 firsts of the left allow you to move your model and the whole perspective surrounding it, including other characters withing the same layer.


The 5 others buttons however, move the object within a stable perspective.

Look how the character is moving, while the perspective rules are not.


The lower toolbar

The lower toolbar allows you to personalize your 3D object.

The 2 arrows on the left are used to switch between figures.


These two will give you access to a subtool window. Inside of it are option you can customize you figure with: for example, here you can make it taller, fatter of muscular. Change the lights and shadows, the camera angle, and even the character outline.



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