Perspective Rulers: Default and Custom




Hi, it's Nadia!

And this is how I use Clip Studio Paint perspective rulers!


There are two ways on creating rulers

-First method: Layer > Ruler-Frame >Create Perspective Ruler... and select what you need (if you click "Create new layer" it will create a new layer with the ruler. If you don't click it, it will create the ruler on the layer you choose.):

  • Second method: in the tool bar click on the "Ruler" icon and select "Perspective ruler":

First method: Default Ruler Layer

Creating Rulers by using default rulers


Layer > Ruler-Frame >Create Perspective Ruler... and select what you need

1 Point Perspective

When you create a new ruler layer, the tool you are using would be the "Object tool" and it will appear like this:

When you click the ruler, all these symbol will appear:

1) Hold this and it allows to move the "2" symbol everywhere without moving your ruler

2) It moves the ruler, but without modifying the settings

3) It disable the entire ruler (it changes colors), click again to enable. There is another way to disable/enable the ruler, it's by clicking the "Snap to Special Ruler" button on the above tool bar, image:

4) it's the focal point but since it's just one point perspective this symbol it's like the " 6) " that moves the "Horizon Line (or Eye Line)" so it's like moving a camera. It can goes out of the canvas if you want! Examples:


(To add the "floor" grid, click the "XZ plane" button on the "Tool property [Object]") :

Also, when you add the "floor" this symbol will appear and it changes the floor as it's seen, but it doesn't change the ruler setting:

5) and 7) it allows to rotate the ruler

8) it disable only the vertical guide (it becomes green), click again to enable it

9) it disable only the horizontal guide (it becomes dark blue), click again to enable it

10) and 13) it moves the ruler according to the diagonal line selected without modifying the other one

11) it moves the diagonal line without modifying the ruler. It's to let you see if your perspective ruler fits on your hand drawn sketch, but if you do a sketch with the rulers it doesn't need to be moved

12) it disable both the diagonal guides

So, here is a quick example on using the 1 point perspective ruler.


First I've created a ruler layer and changed it. Then I've created a quick sketch of a room with the layer opacity to 40%:

Note: when you draw above the horizontal guide (the horizon line or eye line) objects are seen from below. While when you draw under the horizontal guide (the horizon line or eye line) objects are seen from above.

Then, in a new layer I did the ink:

But something was missing, so I added a plant hand drawn by clicking the "Snap to Special Ruler" so I could still see the ruler but it didn't affect my line.

Lastly, I've hidden the ruler layer (with the sketch) and on a new layer (below the ink layer) I added some grey color to study the light:

2 Points Perspective

The 2 points perspective ruler, it's like the 1 point but it has 2 points on the horizontal line. So point "1)" and point "2)" can just be moved on the horizontal line, and if you want to move the horizontal line (or "camera") you have to use the "3)"

Here is an example with one point "1)" out of the canvas and the second point "2)" in the canvas. When I've enabled the "floor " it's appeared the "4)" symbol, that it's like in the 1 point perspective, which it let you move the floor view without modifying the ruler:

I've changed the ruler by moving the focal points and moving it a bit up, then I've done a quick sketch and then created a frame with the "Straight line" :

This is like the sketch, but I will add more details so it looks like real. A little note: I've drawn the line of closer building thick and others thinner. And also, the closer building has more details, while the distant ones have less and less details:

For adding details I first did a sketch of them:

And then done the ink:

Lastly I've added some grey scale colors to make readable the image:

3 Points Perspective

It's also called "Bird view" because it's usually used for drawing form very high.

With 3 points perspective, this is what will appear:

"1)" and "2)" are the normal 2 points perspective, which you can move as usual on the horizontal line. And now it has been added "3)" that it's the third perspective point:

When you want to draw something from below, you should put the "3)"third point up the horizontal line. While if you want to draw something fome above (bird view) you should put the "3)"third point down the horizontal line.


The 3 points perspective is also used to do the rooms section and houses studies and concept.


This is how I've set the ruler:

First I did walls and floor of the room:

Then low the opacity of the room and in a new layer I added quickly shapes to know where to put furnishings:

Then, I refine better the furnishings (sorry, I usually start on doing objects directly, but don't do that, it's just confusing):

In a new layer I've done the sketch of the objects. It's better if you sketch it because doing so, you can add or remove things quickly without doing again the furnishings:

Then I selected "Layer color" on "Layer Property" of the sketch layer, so it became blue. Doing so, I can see better the sketch when I do the ink in a new layer:

Here there is the ink layer of the objects and the ink layer of the furnishings (I made it blue so you can see it better):

Lastly I've create a mask on the furnishings layer (click on "Create layer mask"icon near the "delete layer"icon) so I could "erase" things and if I need them again I just have to remove the mask:

This is the finished ink:

And then I've added some lights to make it readable:

Second method: Custom Ruler Layer

In the tool bar click on the "Ruler" icon and select "Perspective ruler"

When you click once on the canvas you'll see that one grey guide appear and when you click it, another one appear. Those are the guide lines for the focal point:

So if you click again it will create one perspective point (or vanishing point or focal point) ruler:

You can add any point you want (well, this is just an example. It would be difficult drawing with this focal points)

And if you add one that you don't need, you can delete it with "Delete vanishing point" on the "Tool property":

1) Add vanishing point: it creates a new vanishing (or perspective point or focal point)

2) Delete vanishing point: it deletes a point that you choose

3) Add guide: it adds a guide (the diagonal purple line) on the point you choose

4) Delete guide: it deletes the guide you choose

5) Fix vanishing point: it blocks the point you choose, so when you click the object tool it is grey and you can't move it. Click again with the "Fix vanishing point" tool to make it again unlocked

6) Infinitize: it makes parallel lines, because your vanishing point is so far away so the lines (purple guides, the ones tha usually are diagonal) are parallel


Example with Custom Ruler

So, let's say I have this sketch of some palaces:

I use the ruler to make the guide lines, and I try to do it similar to my sketch:

This is the second:

And when I click it looks like this, that it's perfect!

And here is the blue hand drawn sketch, and the black ink done with the perspective ruler:

And here, there is the finished image with a bit of grey and mist:

Here is a sketch with 2 points perspective:

With the ruler, I first do one point:

Then I do the second point, and I try to stay on the horizontal blue line. But it doesn't need to be perfect, you can adjust it later:

In fact, it wasn't on the horizontal blue line when I zoom in, so I've adjusted it with the "Object tool" moving it on the horizontal line:

Now it was perfect to draw, so here is the hand drawn sketch (blue) and the ink done with the perspective ruler (I suggest you to draw out of the frame when you do big palace so they are right. You can delete it later!):

Here is finished!

Isometric Ruler

With this rulers you can create any kind of ruler!

Here is how I've done to create the Isometric ruler

Make a square (holding "shift") with the figure drawing and then rotate it (hold "shift" so you have to rotate it just once) to make it like a rhombus:

Then duplicate it, and click "ctrl+T" or go on

Edit > Transform > Scale up/Scale Down/Rotate...


And on the "Tool Property" this will appear:

Remove "fixed aspect"(sorry I don't know why it was 99, maybe I've touched it a little. However both of them should be 100):

On "H" write 60 because Isometric drawings are usually done like so. And by writing 60, I think that should be right:

Then click the circle "O"to confirm and this is what you have:

Now use the ruler to make the guide, and make them parallel:

To make sure they are right, use "Infinitize"on one of them


(Well, actually sometimes, if I "Infinitize" it, then it doesn't work properly. But also, sometimes if I don't "Infinitize" them, they don't work properly. I say just try on both ways. However, I'll upload mine, so if yours it's not right, you can use the one I've created!) :

Then do the same on the other side:

And lastly add 2 vertical, hold shift to make them straight:

And it's done!

I've done this ruler also with "H" on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 so it looks like seen from below and 70, 80, 90 so it looks like seen from above.


And then I've saved them as a layer template (Edit > Register Material > Template > I choose where to save it > OK) so I've them always ready, and I don't have to do it again!

Isometric example

I first do a quick sketch:

Then I do directly the ink and for the roof I draw just lines:

1) I've created a new layer

2) in this layer I draw opposite lines so it looks like square

3) then I delete one line and one no

4) and lastly, I duplicate the layer and move it down to make it different from the one above

In a new layer I add details:

Then I delete the other parts and it's done!

Download Isometric Ruler

( P.S. Sorry, I've seen there were some typing errors, I've corrected them. Thanks for reading! I hope this was helpful!)



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