Mastering the sub tool details palette: ② Drawing tools




Supported from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.5


[1] Effect sources that can be used for drawing tools.

Depending on the item, the [Effect Source] can be configured. You can reflect the changes in the effect source to a tool’s set value. The effect source can be configured from the [Effect source settings] dialog.



Pen pressure Pen pressure is used as an input value when using a pen tablet. The relationship between input value and output value of the pen pressure can be configured in the graph.


(A) Since the relationship between the pen pressure and output is directly proportional, the magnitude of the pen pressure is reflected upon the size.

(B) When the graph bulges to the upper left, the output is large even when the pen pressure is low, so it will feel “soft”.

(C) When the graph bulges to the bottom right, the output is small even when the pen pressure is high, so it will feel “hard”.


The pen pressure depends greatly on individual preference and also on the features of the tablet device, so please adjust it to your liking.


Tilt : When using a pen tablet that detects tilt, the magnitude of the tilt is used as an input value.

Tilt, similar to pen pressure, can have its relationship between the input and output value configured in a graph.


Velocity : Velocity of the cursor is used as an input value.


Random : The input value is set to a random value.


  • The items that are checked in the box on the left of each input are used as the effect source.


■Minimum value

When each input value is at minimum value, you can configure at what percent the drawing will be effected given that the set value is at 100.

For instance if the brush size is configured to 100 and the minimum value of pen pressure to 50, the brush size without any pressure becomes 50.


[2] Brush Size

① Brush Size: Adjusting the brush size.

② Specify by size on screen : The size changes in proportion to the scale of the canvas. (The size of appearance in the display will always be constant.)

③ Minimum of 1 pixel : For example if the [Effect source] of the size is set to “Pen pressure”, at least one pixel is drawn so that the lines will not be interrupted even at a weak pen pressure.

[3] Ink

① Opacity : Adjusting brush opacity.

② Blending mode: Selecting the brush’s blending mode. The effect of each blending mode is the same as that of the layer.

However, there are some that do not exist as blending modes for layers. (For details on the effects of the brush synthesis mode, see "Setting item list (alphabetical order)> I > “ink” from the “Sub tool setting guide”)

Brush blending mode only affects things drawn on the layer. (Will not affect the layer below) This can be configured if the [Color mixing] is disabled.


③Color mixing: Draw while blending with the already existing color on the layer. [Mix Color] and [Blur] also blend the transparency levels.

  • Blend: Draw while blending all color you pass through.
  • Running color: Draw while blending colors of the brush and the areas the brush passes through.
  • Smear: Mixes with all the already present colors that the brush stroke passes through.


④ Amount of paint: Adjust the proportion to mix the RGB components of the background color (already existing color on the layer) and the drawing color. The larger the value, the more RGB components of the drawing color will be used.

  • Setting the density of paint to “0”. Setting the Color mixing option to “Blend”. 100: It will not be affected by the background color. 50 : Drawing is conducted while 50% of the background color blends. 0: Drawing is conducted based on the background color.


⑤ Density of paint: This sets the proportion of the background color (already existing color on the layer) and the transparent component of the drawing color. The higher the value, the higher the brush's opacity ratio. The larger the value, the higher the percentage of opacity set for the brush.

Note: Not available for [Smear].

  • Setting the amount of paint to “0”. Setting the Color mixing option to “Blend”. Left: When the amount of paint is “0”, the drawing color is applied as if there is no background color and when it meets a background color, the background color and drawing color blend until it gradually becomes the background color.


Center: When starting to draw from the background color, the drawing color will not be reflected at all.

Right: When paint density is set to 100, the brush paints color with the opacity set to the brush, regardless of the opacity of the underlying color.


⑥ Color stretch: Adjust how much of the initial color to use when starting a stroke above a ground color.

  • Setting the amount of paint to “0” and the density of paint to “0”.


⑦ Intensity of blur: You can configure this when setting [Color mixing] to “Running color”.

Note: From Ver. 1.10.5, [Blend with sub color] has been moved from the [Ink] tab of [Sub Tool Detail] to the [Color Jitter] tab.


[4] Color Jitter

* Change brush tip color


By enabling [Change brush tip color], you can change the hue, saturation, and brightness of the drawing color.

The higher the value, the greater the color change.


Mixing rate of the sub drawing color : You can blend the main drawing color and sub drawing color. The closer the value is to 0, the closer it leans to the main color, and the closer to 100 it is, the closer it leans to the sub color.




* Randomize per stroke


By enabling this, you can randomize the drawing color of each brushstroke.

The higher the value, the greater the color change.


[5] Anti-aliasing

Apply anti-aliasing to the brush tip image.


[6] Brush Shape

① Register to presets : Register the current brush to the presets.

② Apply brush shape: Select and apply a brush shape from the presets.


[7] Brush tip

① Tip shape : Select the pattern to use for the brush tip from “circle” or a “material”. Since it is possible to set your own patterns, you can create your own brushes as well. Depending on the setting, you can draw multiple types of patterns continuously with one brush.

② Hardness: At value 100, the edge is evident (hard) while at value 1, it has a vague (soft) touch. This is an item that can be configured only when the [Brush tip] is set to “Circle”.

③ Thickness : Adjusting the thickness of the tip image. “100” is the original thickness.

④ Direction of detection: Applying the setting of ③ in “horizontal” or “vertical” dimension.

⑤ Direction : Adjusting the direction of tip image with an angle. “0” is the direction of the initial registration.

⑥ Brush density : Adjusting the density of the brush.

⑦ Adjust the brush density according to the gap : When the interval get narrower, the density is lowered and the density of the drawing is adjusted as to become nearly constant.


[POINT The difference between Opacity and Brush density]

In [Ink] → [Opacity], you can configure the opacity of each stroke.


[8] Spraying effect

① Spraying effect: When activated, the tip image will scatter, similar to airbrush when drawing.

② Particle Size: Specify a size for the brush tip image. (This is different from the brush size.)


[POINT: The brush size and the particle size, when the spraying effect is activated]

The brush size refers to the area in which the particle are applied, and the particle size refers to the size of the brush tip image.


③ Particle density : Adjusting the density of the particle. The higher the value, the higher the number of imaged, and hence the higher the density.

④ Spray deviation : Adjusting the proportion of how the brush tip image is applied around the brush center. The higher the value, the more the brush tip image is brought to the center.

⑤ Direction of particles : Adjust the direction of the brush tip image. This is different from the direction of the brush. “0” is the direction of the initial image registration.


[POINT The effect source of the direction of particles]

While you can select the effect source for the direction of particles, the setting items will be different from others.

① None : Consistent (However, it becomes random when set to random.)

② Direction of line : Change the direction so that the direction of a line becomes the base position.

③ Direction of whole spray : This sets it to the same as is the [Direction] of the [Brush tip].

④ Spray toward center : Change the direction so that it is directed towards the center point of the spray.

⑤ Random : Changes the direction to random. You can configure the minimum value.


[9] Stroke

① Gap : Adjust the gap of the brush. You can choose to adjust this with numbers or from “Wide” , “Normal” and “Narrow”.

② Continuous spraying : This will continue to draw while the pen is pressed down in the same location

③ Ribbon : Drawing is done while the image is transformed to match the line of the stroke.

④ Reverse : If multiple tip images are used for one brush, this sets the display order.

⑤ Mix brush tips with darken : When the tip pattern overlaps, the overlap will be painted with a darker color.


[10] Texture

This is an effective option when the tip shape is set to “Circle”.

① Texture : Clicking this shows the [Select paper texture material] dialog, and you can choose an image to use for the texture.

To set texture to “none”, click on the [Trash can] icon on the right.

  • Materials that can be used for paper texture (displayed under [Select paper texture material]) are only those set to [Use as paper texture].

② Texture density: Adjusting how densely you would like to reflect a texture.

③ Reverse density : Used by inverting black and white from the image.

④ Emphasize density : Used by emphasizing the shade of a color within an image.

  • Set the brush opacity to “50”.


⑤ Scale ratio : Scale the image that is used as the texture up/down.

⑥ Rotation angle : Rotate the image that is used as the texture.

⑦ Method to apply textures: Select the method to combine the line on which the texture is drawn.

⑧ Apply per spray: “ON” → The texture is applied to a drawn pattern. “OFF” → The texture is applied to a drawn line. In case this is set to “ON”, the patterns that overlap when drawing become darker.

The image of the drawn line may change even when using the same texture, depending on hardness, opacity and whether it is applied per spray or not.


[11] 2-Brush shape

You can use this category when the [Dual brush] box is checked. What you can edit in the categories in the red box below is more or less the same as [6] - [10].


For more information on these settings, please see the following article.


[12] Border of watercolor

① Border of watercolor: Applying a watercolor blend effect around the edges of a brush. The larger the value, the larger the width of the watercolor border, and darker the color.

  • Set transparency effect to “50” and luminosity to “100”.


② Transparency effect Adjusting the transparency of the watercolor border. The higher the value, the higher the opacity gets.

③ Luminosity effect: Adjusting the brightness of the watercolor border. The higher the value, the lower the brightness. (It will become black.)

④ Process after drag : When this is set to “ON”, the watercolor border will not be applied while drawing, but only once the drawing is completed.

⑤ Blurring width: You can configure this when the [ Process after drag] is set to “ON”. Blur the watercolor border.


[13] Delete

① Vector eraser : Configuring how to erase on a vector layer.

② Refer all layers: This can only be configured in cases where [Erase up to intersection] is selected for the [Vector eraser]. When it is set to “ON”, you are able to refer to a vector layers other than the current layer.

③ Delete all layers: This can be configured, when the blending mode of the ink is set to “Erase” or “Erase (compare)”. When it is set to “ON”, this will erase regardless of which layer it is drawn on.


[14] Correction

[Correction]: Corrects line distortion and smoothens curves.

① Make corners pointed: Make the corner pointed when a line with a corner is drawn.

② Stabilization: Adjusts the value of the correction. The larger the value, the stronger the correction. The correction configured in this item will be applied as soon as the stylus touches the tablet.  

③ Adjust by speed: When this is on, the stabilization level adjusts depending on the speed of the pen.

④ Post correction: Adjusts the value of the correction. The larger the value, the stronger the correction. The correction configured in this part is correcting lines, after the drawing is completed.

Depending on the value of the [Post correction], it is possible to correct a rough edged line as shown below into an extremely smooth line.

⑤ Adjust by speed : If this is set to “ON”, the faster the drawing speed is , the stronger the correction becomes. In case you want to draw detailed parts thoroughly, it is a valid option, to not use the correction.

⑥ Adjust by display ratio: If this is set to “ON”, you can adjust the strength of the correction by its scale. The smaller the display scale is, the stronger the correction will be.

This is because when the display scale has a large value, it is most likely that for drawing a detailed segment a strong correction is not needed.

⑦ Bezier curve : If this is set to “ON”, the curve with correction becomes a Quadratic Bezier. When used on a vector layer, adjustments will be made using a Quadratic Bezier when adjusting a curve at a later time.

⑧ Brush stroke : When a stroke is ending with diminishing pen pressure, this adjusts how much easing out will follow. The larger the value, the longer it will ease out.

⑨ Able to snap : Configure snap setting for the ruler.

⑩ Vector magnet: When drawing near a line that is already drawn on a vector layer, this setting configures how it will attract another line. The larger the value, the stronger the snapping becomes.


[15] Starting and ending

① Starting and ending: These settings reflect the specified parameters of the “starting “ and “ending” of a line, regardless of the pen pressure.

Configure the [Settings of effect source of starting and ending] which is displayed when clicking on the button right to the “What and how to change”.

② How to specify: Specify an area for starting and ending (easing in and out).

  • Specify length : Specify the area for starting and ending.
  • By percentage : Specify the proportion when considering the length of a line is 100%.
  • Fade : The value up to the minimum value within the specified length is gradually reflected. (You cannot configure the starting (ease in).)

③ Starting : When this is set to “ON”, the parameters change, depending on the range of the “starting”. Also, this specifies the area with a value.

④ Ending: When this is set to “ON”, the parameters change, depending on the range of the “ending”. Also, this specifies the area with a value.

⑤ Starting and ending by speed: When this is set to “ON”, the area of the starting and ending will be changed depending on the speed. The area becomes longer the faster the speed.


<Settings of effect source of starting and ending>

In the parameters below, changes are made from minimum value to maximum value for “starting” and vice versa for “ending”.


[16] Anti-overflow

① Not exceeding a line on a reference layer: When drawing while referencing a reference layer, configuring the setting can be done in the way that the drawing does not exceed the drawing on the reference layer.

② Stop filling at the center line (path) of a vector: These settings can be configured in a way, that a fill will stop at the center line (path) of a vector when the vector layer is set to be the reference layer.

You can only configure this setting when ① is set to “ON”. This allows to paint without missing the tiny areas even when drawing on the vector layer with anti-aliasing.

③ Color margin: Specify the range treated as the same color. The larger the value, the more colors would be considered in the acceptable range. You can only configure this setting when ① is set to “ON”.

④ Area scaling: Configure how wide (or narrow) to make the area. You can only configure this setting when ① is set to “ON”.

In case the reference layer is a raster layer and anti-aliasing is applied on the drawing, it is possible to leave out painting the area that uses anti-aliasing. By slightly expanding the area, you can configure the settings so that the layer would be painted without leaving out any areas.

⑤ How to zoom: Specify how to zoom when ④ is set to “ON”.



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