❖ Digital Artist's Guide to the Galaxy ❖




Seconds before Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, you are plucked off the planet by your childhood friend Gracya Lightning Sea, a researcher and secret service to the department of intergalactic engineering who, for the last twenty years, has been secretly working under government project called C.S.P - EX (Cyber Space Program - Extraterrestrial).


Together as a dynamic pair, you began a journey through space aided by a fellow of galaxy travelers: Mr. Dominych the humanoid-three-eyed-entity, former earth governor in disguise and totally low profile president of the galaxy; Mr. Zocho Wee. Most paranoid deputy of galactic police squad, Mr. Vatreex whom warranted you once upon a time zone with weird warning but you somehow ignored it. RU-81K, Gracya's brilliant but chronically depressed assistant robot; and Felixander (Feiro) Trixiant, alien in disguise and self-proclaimed motion graphic designer obsessed with the Japanese culture.


Who or what are these aliens? So they actually exist from ancient times? All forces of the Earth has been defeated? For all the answers, stick your thumb to the stars!

This tutorial contains a guide for you, young galaxy traveler. Many adventure awaits, but before getting too excited for your next destination, you'll need to learn a few basic things in order to be good as an artistic fellow. Right, you're currently disguised as the young artist, chosen one among human race. Your role is to learn, adapt, also survive and not be eaten by your intergalactic 'friends'; surrounded with its interplanetary culture diversities.


As your guide, I will be the one responsible for you to learn how to communicate with the other aliens, how to differentiate their traits-whether it's a flesh-eating mindless alien, or just an intelligence vegan ones. You don't want to befriend wrong creatures with corrosively acid tentacles and shake their 'hands', do you?


So listen up, take a deep breath, I know this is overwhelming to you and here we go for the introduction to our first fabulous alien friend...

﹝CHAPTER - 1﹞⬢ Principles of Encountering An Alien

👽 Mr. Dominych

Race: Rou'baeun

Title: Principerian (Principal of Alien Institute of Earth Humanity and Space Design)


I've found that the more bizarre of an alien, a character, or a creature appears, the more difficult it is to find emotions that you can relate to in the face. That's not to say; 'a really bizarre looking creature isn't cool', instead the specific task of making that creature feel 'intelligent' becomes a bigger challenge.




As I'm here to explain you about the fundamentals of galactic travel 101., I also need you to pay close attention to our study about the anatomy of an alien for the start. As you can see from moving image above that we called it G.I.V (Galactic Imaginary Vision): the construction of complex shapes begin with simple block of elements.


📌 Exercise to draw your shapes construction with Design Pencil.


Unlike big bang theory when I learned from my quantum professors back in 90s which has little to nothing supportive proofs; you can see my extended research images below ⛛



Picture the complexities from the overall shapes into smaller, even simpler shapes. You can always start pumping your brain with a mix of visual intelligence and logic behind it.


📌 Exercise to create those spherical drawings with Design Pencil.


⬢ 01. Circle without guides. Looks flat and you realize you can't even see the direction of it.


⬢ 02. Now using the guide lines as simple as atomic lines; it creates an imaginary perspective guides which you can see the direction of the sphere better.


⬢ 03. You can transform the sphere if you need to modify what it looks like. Squish, deform, inflate, twist, and turn it to your desire to see which one the best for you to understand the construction of shapes from complexities to simplicity.


⛛ My bot assistant, RU-81K shows you how to define directions with other type of shapes.

⬢ A - With a cylinder, you could see the surface,


⬢ B - It's simply because of that surface, you will be able to know where the orientation of it. Even the directions of where the cylinder facing.


⬢ C - A simple shape of 3 dimensional cube has 6 flat surfaces (or sides) like a Rubik's cube.


⬢ D - That's why a cube will be much more easier to identify the direction it points towards to rather than other objects with its sides and shadows.

⬢ 01. Now try to build the head with simple combination of three shapes -

A: cylinder for neck

B: circle for cranium

C: shield for jaw


⬢ 02. Imagine if you slice the circle for cranium and get a straight sides of the head.


Conclusion: it will be easier to draw in different angles with these shapes in your mind. You can see this as a base to build the rest of the alien face or even your own generally.



With the knowledge and understanding you've got so far. I think it's the best that we start everything from simple shapes and here's the idea of what our first alien friend composed of:


⬢ 01. The horn originally made from pointy tubes (cylinder) that can be rotated and pinched.


⬢ 02. The horn shapes can be adjusted with its pointy direction.


⬢ 03. The details of the actual face consists of 3 basic shapes breakdown: a ball, a cube, and a couple of deformed cylinders.




Trying to come up with an idea of what the actual alien looks like can be a tedious process for most of us, human. Since I usually get a million of them to face and identify everyday; some of the aliens were a rare type - but this one is the most common terrestrial which appears as humanoid form - but of course because it's your first encounter; he seems like an unfriendly demonic creature, hence the name Dominych.


As you can see from my G.I.V above, Dominych facial structure that's fairly close to what we recognize as a humanoid with two eyes and another additional eyes on his forehead, nose that looks like a bit of lizard and a mouth arranged in a more or less bilaterally symmetrical arrangement.


📌 Exercise to give construction details with Textured Pen.





Technical wise, you can try to squeeze the line drawing using following commands:


⬢ Windows user: 【 CTRL + T 】 for Mac user: 【 CMD + T 】 to transform your image.

⬢ You can also use Layer Move tool to adjust your image position or arrow keys on the keyboard 【 ← → ↑ ↓ 】 as well to nudge it a bit.

⬢ Whenever you're finished, just press Enter on your keyboard or click OK.


〔 TIPS 〕: sometimes you can check your drawing whether it's already good or not by flipping the transformed image before you're clicking OK. By doing so, you will always try to look whether your final image position will be better to look at - even rotate a bit if you wish.





Sometimes you know exactly how you're going to color a painting and sometimes you don't at all. Maybe because you're currently facing a terrestrial creature portrait that seems kind of a demonic type at a glance with all its features: many horns and eyes; you doubt where to start.



Fear not, young traveler. You just need a new layer on top of the inking layer. I suggest to pick Turnip Pen sub-tool and start the outline with bright green color. The green (or any other bright colors) will make you easier to look at and retrace the drawing, then with Fill tool to fill entire outlined area with left click.


I reorder my layers, the color-blocked layer under the ink layer. Whenever you're done, I think you might want to try these following tricks:


⬢ Shortcut Fill - Windows user: 【 Alt + Backspace 】 for Mac user: 【 Opt + Backspace 】 to fill your image with another choice of color. Mine is a grey stone color because up next, I want to show you the shading with values.

⬢ If you wish to change the ink color from red to white or black as seen on my G.I.V above, you need to Lock Transparent Pixels first. Then do the same shortcut keys above with your chosen colors.




Preferred sub-tool with session about values:


⬢ Pen: Turnip Pen

⬢ Air Brush: Soft

⬢ Watercolor: Smooth Watercolor

⬢ Oil Paint: Flat Brush


Generally speaking, I can't say you need to follow through my G.I.V above, I speed it up so you could see a glimpse of what I did for tones; from light to dark and lighting up the entire alien portrait. Remember, adding highlights and shadows can be a bit tricky to make your flat image becomes 3 dimensional like a sculpture.


In fact, it's better for you to explore this in-depth tutorial presented by our fellow earthling and artist: 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐚 ⛛



With the careful separation of tone shading between dark and light - which we called it values and also using standard lighting on the top left, eventually the outcome will be like image above.





⬢ Create a new layer on top of your value layer, then set it's mode to Overlay.

⬢ Use the function: Clip to Layer Below which enables you to brush or paint the entire picture without worry about getting the colors out of the place.


📌 I only use sub-tool Air Brush: Soft for the entire process.

⟁ G.I.V above shows you an idea of what basic color rendering I would like to use to define Mr. Dominych. The coloring of this alien portrait doesn't have to be precise at all because it is just a simple guide as your starting point.


You could even try another combination of colors if you wish, but mind you: don't show it to him, Mr. Dom is a friendly alien despite his appearance. He might be hurt, just like you-if you try to color his skin with red or even shocking pink. That's one of intergalactic insults for the aliens you should aware of.



👽 Mr. Zocho Wee

Race: Dhodorean

Title: Pakdhe (7th President of the Galaxy)


Many crew of our spaceship being told that Mr. Zocho Wee was a former earth governor in disguise and currently he's disguising as a fellow passenger - he's totally a low profile president of the galaxy that I fond of. He needs no guardian nor escort by the elite galactic police squad, by his charming smile and warm welcome alone; many earthlings love him (especially me). He ruled over the peaceful Milky Way by his famous quote: "Work, work, work. Work not for yourself, but for the All Highest; Creator of the Universe."



📌 G.I.V above is a sketch of Mr. Zocho Wee from our database for your study purpose. As you get better at drawing with simple shapes; you need to see more complex shapes. Carefully look at the documentation with its more complex shapes being made with only Design Pencil.



👽 Felixander (Feiro) Trixiant

Race: Tjoahulhu

Title: Designer at Alive3D / Otaku.


As a tribute to our passionate (self-proclaimed) Motion Graphic Designer, who has been a good friend with Futopia, an earthling artist for the past 9 years on earth then suddenly had his own agenda to visit Japan while they're on the same dream to build Dreamslandia - an utopia, art studio for artists. Later Feiro worked alone under the company Alive3D after breaking his promise to stay loyal with his friend. Many histories and tears shed, but now after living apart; each one of them had move on.


G.I.V above is also the wish from Futopia to Felixander (Feiro's name on earth) and his wife. "Hope all is well with you and your wife, my friend!"



﹝CHAPTER - 2﹞⬢ The Earth Remains Forever

Will the Earth Survive?


Our planet Earth will not be destroyed by any cataclysm. Why can we be sure of that? Because God promises that the earth "will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever." (Psalm 104 : 5) Although "generations come and generations go," states the Bible, "the earth remains forever."-Ecclesiastes 1 : 4, New International Versions.


You with whatever beliefs that you had, questioning the article you found on the old aisle. After so many books about aliens, creatures, dimensional portal to the other worlds... They will remain science fictions until right now you're currently living inside a mother-ship among those 'used-to be fantasy' creatures.


If those aliens exist. Why do people still can't believe in God?





Perspective can be daunting. And it sometimes scares off people (like the article that you read above) to start working on environments - especially space and weird looking landscapes as we're going to see it often in this galactic journey. However, perspective is also a point of view (just as you question about why people believe in alien, but not God) - something you can actually learn and it doesn't have to be that hard to do like you did with alien head.


Check out some of the compiled guides recorded by RU-81K from our fellow Earth researchers and artists collaborate to make it as simple as possible for you to understand and follow.


⬢ Keep it simple in the beginning and work from there. Start off with drawing cubes. The big advantage of human cities compared to those alien home-worlds is that we, human tend to build everything in straight shapes, mainly cubes. That makes drawing cities in perspective really suitable to begin with.


⬢ Drawing organic shapes, like creatures or trees, are more difficult but you can build those shapes from simple shapes like circles or cubes just as you did with the alien head study.




⬢ The horizon is the line where everything seems to end. If you're one of those flat-earth believer folks; you'll either nod or having passionately heart beats. Anyway, when you're standing at the beach, you get a clear view of the horizon.




⬢ 01. The vanishing point is the point where all the lines disappear into. Like a road disappering in the distance. It's actually go smaller, further away; not really disappearing like some mad people think aliens were the ones behind people disappearance.


⬢ 02. The idea of abducting people was just a hoax, poor mindset people fear of something beyond their acknowledgements of horizon line.




⬢ 01. A horizon line is also called...


⬢ 02. The eye level line.


When you can see it, it's the separation between the sky or water.


There's always a fine red line between you and your own visions. It's not just a look into the sunset that's beautiful, but also separate yourself from your dreams and reality; your existence in the universe far more important than trying to look for a better job while you're alive.


Technically, you will need to see our database about Perspective Rulers, our great artist Nadia will explain in-depth about the default and customized ones using her versatile digital art tools within CSP. You can also scroll through to exercise directly without the help of digital rulers as another artist will provide with his own techniques.


RU-81K can help to direct you into Nadia's tutorial. Feel free to click the link below: ⛛



﹝CHAPTER - 3﹞⬢ Exercise Time

📌 Now it's your turn to exercise from what you've learned so far. Determine the position of vanishing point and horizon line from any of given examples of G.I.V below.



G.I.V above shows you within 1 minute of time frames (speed up by 5 times) from one of our earthlings artistic fellow Futopia when he took a walk on the Garden of Tomorrow project *.


A travel sketch done digitally with Futopia's mobile suit graphic tablet and sketching only with Design Pencil from Clip Studio Paint default brush version 1.9.5.


💡 Garden of Tomorrow whereabouts is classified on a small island due to a resort facilities for alien races to book as a transit planet, actually my Intel said it's in Indonesia. Since Indonesia is one country from South East Asia that passed by the equator which has been a favorite destination for galactic travelers who loves to feel similarity sun bathing heat to their home-world.

  • Garden of Tomorrow is part of Futopia's ❖ Essentials Guide for Fantasy Backgrounds ❖ tutorial, you can take a look and learn more about designing landscapes with this link below: ⛛





Another sketch revealed with the series of unforgettable travel sketches by Futopia in 2019 archive, it was part of government's secret project which harness the earth magnetic core and release its power to make a rocky hill afloat in the midair on top of a rocky mountain. – Can you guess, where’s the location?



Abandoned fort near Sreya Rock, it's not a post-war imagery, the fort itself has seen better days, but it might appeal to history buffs of harnessing earth's magnetic core rather than defending the earth. Before Fort Freya was built, the island was home to an earlier structure that was meant to protect the earth border, but was mistakenly built as a research facility for alien invasion. This mishap earned it the nickname "Fort Blunder". At that time, relations between earthlings and alien-governed council were somewhat tense, so the structure was torn down and Fort Freya was erected (for peace treate). It was built over the course of three decades and ended up being a proper fort with an alien embassy, drawbridge, and armed forces to boot from both sides.


💰 If you love old, abandoned places and don't mind a fixer-upper, this 19th-century fort could be yours for less than $1 million.



It is an image of lower steep and sandy hill with mysterious fragrance all over it, which has rumor of the unknown aliens were butchered and buried under. On top of the hill, there is a dying tree with a engraved indescribable sign in the center of it. A grainy trails leads to the hill. "Even the surrounding area feels eerie with misty morning and all till the noon..." said the artist who captured the image for our G.I.V documentation.

﹝CHAPTER - 4﹞⬢ Interdimensional Carrier

The Future Is Saved.


"But all was not lost. For far across the earth, from Northern Pole to Southern Region, earth researchers and alien scholars continued the quest for universal knowledge: The Creation, particles of God. In libraries of wisdom, the debated ideas and shared new discoveries with all who would listen."


Despite significant changes in each version, the overall theme of these ideas remains consistent: We are not alone in this universe. Should we collaborate or collide?


The scientists stress the importance of preserving wisdom and the dangers caused by the fall of earth to the aliens' existence. In other words, "our generation is in danger, and with them our dreams of the future endangered as well." These are transitional seasons of humanity learn about the unknown nature and motivation of extraterrestrial yet still push the ideology forward to some paranoia extent.


Keeping information afloat was a real challenge before the inventions that changed everything. We reached the depths of the new dark ages, but all was not lost. The pace of this journey is about to increase, and I can't wait to see it.


                                                                                                 Dr. Gracya L.S



Further to the stealth in space discussion, we built a type of spaceship perfectly suited to moving about the Solar System undetected. And that little fella was the one who helped you to be here in the first place. Remember?


It is called the 'Hydrogen Steamer' and some alien engineers called it 'Flag'ron' to suit their tongue. Flag'ron relies on using large amounts of liquid hydrogen.


📌 You can see the initial rough idea of Flag'ron was built with simple distorted hexagon shape intentionally to make it faster and lighter than other space shuttle. Our earthling concept artist sketch it out with Design Pencil adding blocks here and there with to visualize Flag'ron's engines before we go to the other department for approval.



While you'll listening to a discussion of the mechanisms involved, the capabilities and potential designs for the Hydrogen Steamer; you could see G.I.V above and learn how to create the idea from sketch to reality. It wasn't simple at the end although you may think using basic shapes help a lot for design wise; in fact, you could use the power of your imagination to add details but in order to make a design looks believable and useful; you need lots of practice and references.

Stealth in space relies on making sure that your enemy does not receive any of your electromagnetic emissions. Some methods of achieving stealth rely on redirecting or obfuscating your emissions. The largest component of these is Infrared radiation: the heat that your spaceship must remove.


In order to make our design multi-functional both for space traveler and adapt to any planet's terrains; the designer proposed the idea of making the wheel detachable.


⬢ You can receive the blueprint version of Flag'ron (and other vehicle designs) by sending message or through email to our designer below: ⛛



The agile and stable Martian Interceptor (M.INT) is our most versatile and popular space-bike model, and it's ready to take you and your gear wherever adventure leads on any planet's terrain — from road riding to randonneuring to full-fledged touring.


📌 You can try to replicate G.I.V above, starting with simple blocks of shapes. Think like 3D but don't struggle yourself to say it's complicated. If you do have your own references from earth (like normal super-bike alike) you can even start there.

💡 ⸨ T I P S ⸩ : You can choose to add a rider or not, it's naturally for any design to have a scale of something similar to your personal reference. It's not a joke that some brilliant but-somewhat wacky gunslingers compared their tiny prototype of gun designs to a banana.



"This gorgeous thing has gone everywhere I've asked it to go, navigating Minnerapolis traffic, road repair, moon hills, unexpected possum, on wet, dry, sand, grave, and sunlight road. I fully expect to ride it until it breaks down into its component atoms, or I do."

– Frozth Jax, planet Minnerasotha




Our earth's government always on the lookout for ideas that are out of the box; never mind out of this world. In the search for the next creative breakthrough the Space Innovative Advanced Program (SIAP) green-lit an asteroid-mining concept to commence with its third phase.


📌 You can try to replicate the idea of Asteroid Miner by starting from octagonal shape using Design Pencil, try to stretch its perspective into 3D shape then add some cylinders as its legs. Don't forget to draw the ground for any design brief and present the idea that our object isn't floating or hovering - unless it's meant to.


The Transacarta Asteroid Miner could potentially revolutionise sustainable and affordable space travel by 'Optical Mining' any near-earth objects, particularly carbonaceous chondrite asteroids.

Optical mining is not to be confused with earth mining - it doesn't involve astronauts being launched to asteroids with a pickaxe and shovel. Instead, SIAP has invested in the development of a prototype walker as seen on G.I.V above, part of the broader Asteroid Provided In-situ Supplies (APIS) family of spacecraft lead by our engineer at The Transacarta Corp remotely.

﹝CHAPTER - 5﹞⬢ Intelligent Beings

I know that somehow you'll feel exhausted, even insecure and bit overwhelmed with those newly intelligence data gained during sessions above. But it's just an easy tasks compared to what will you face in the real space with everything unknown in the universe thrown at you, young traveler.


Now, you MUST pay a lot of attention to the following sessions about Galactic Squad. No! Of course it's not like a movie that you might've seen back on earth: Guardian of the... Universe. It's just a science fiction. Right now; you're standing in-between the thin line that connects the fiction and the science...

👽 Mr. Vatreex

Race: O'zurrivant

Title: Emwayperian (Deputy of Machinery Galactic Police Squad)


A mechanical engineering Galactic Squad, operated by Mr. Vatreex - yes, the one you had trouble with while in the school. He's a vigilant International School educator, and little did you know that he's not just an alien, a deputy with high rank power on top of that.

G.I.V above shows you his current〘 M-Y-P 〙project which he cloned himself, mechanically engineered to his own preference obviously with one ultimate goal: to protect the so-called peace between us; human and aliens, also become the front line to face threats from the mutants - a genetically made for insidious agenda and cosmically born as the 'ender'.


⬢ Here we go again, those science fiction movies references will always pops-up in your mind, am I right?

Preferred sub-tool which presents coloring techniques for G.I.V documentation:


⬢ Pen: Turnip Pen

⬢ Watercolor: Watery

⬢ Air Brush: Soft


📌 Blocking techniques the same with Mr. Dominych's by using yellow color. Then I prefer Turnip Pen to add shadows of some hard-surface areas (after Lock Layer Transparency). Using Watery from Watercolor sub-tool gives a sense of blending or polished look. Finally, with a new layer on top of ink, adding some highlights with Turnip Pen and Air Brush: Soft for a few edges of the entire image.

💀 Kongrath

Race: unknown - cosmically born mutant

Title: Asteroid Devourer


Kongrath - The Asteroid Devourer is often called giga ape, because it resembles old, gigantic primates. Famous for their strength-like viciousness, Kongrath is no doubt an entity of immense destructive power which in one way or another is associated with death, destruction, or even the end of any worlds. Witness said that Kongrath jumped from his home-planet to break the wandering asteroid with its massive trunks, torn and ate right away.

The end, it would seem, is nigh. Well, relatively speaking, of course. Barring a terrible human-made disaster, rise of the mutants, or a cosmic catastrophe that may perhaps involve an asteroid or even a Kongrath itself.


Earth's final moments could see it torn apart in - dramatic pause... - 21 billion years' time.


But if that is going to keep you awake at night then consider this: the entire universe will also meet a terrible and around the same period, so by current calculations we're approaching the mid-way stage of its life.

💡 ⸨ T I P S ⸩ : To differentiate the scale between Kongrath and its surroundings without compare it to a mountain; can be simply using the birds (or even planetary spacecrafts).


Giant and titan-like mutants will be seen as gigantic beings just by comparing them with other tiny objects flying around. Yes you might think using a scene of buildings will be much more suitable, but you have to understand; these creatures will not roam on civilize planets unless you wish to show a devastating end of the planet-which is too depressing and traumatize fellow aliens.

💀 Kommodorre

Race: Varranoes, cosmically born mutant

Title: Mutant Assassin - mutated gen


With huge, lance-like claws of solid bone emerging from their forearms, and spikes fit to impale the strongest foe spread across their hard shell spines, Kommodorre seem more like spawn of hell than Mutants.

The men who fight beside packs of Kommodorre look at them with recollected fear from the days the Kommodorre hunted humans, not aliens on the earth. But the hunger, speed, and rage they bring to bear against the Galactic Squad are such a fearsome threat.

Although Kommodorre is a traditional hunter with fangs and claws, it wouldn't be an easy task for Galactic Squad to annihilate even one of them with their military grade technologies. Since ancient times, Kommodorre developed cunning strategies and can run through military places undetected, sliced through thick armor, and adapt to its battlefields.


💡 ⸨ T I P S ⸩ : if you watch the G.I.V till the end, you'll notice that the artist behind the Kommodorre 'criminal sketch' use some quick techniques of shading using unique textures composed by default CSP program: Decoration sub-tool.


📌 Practice using these following suggested decoration sub-tool:

⬢ Gauze cloud (best for adding quick tones for overall Kommodorre's skin)

⬢ Diagonal line (best for achieving scratched armor on Kommodorre's arm)


Also, as an additional method for Kommodorre's abdomen or muscles:

⬢ Airbrush: Tone scrapping

💀 Mutant Spidr

Race: Fangalarachnidae, man-made mutant

Title: A.K.U.M.A (Anti-Kommodorre Unit Mutated Arachnid)


Mutant Spidr is a species of genetically mutated huntsman spider, a family of large, fast spiders that actively hunt down prey from earth called Heteropoda maxima. The sole purpose of this spider to be existed only for the defense system to the Kommodorre.

Spidr constructs underground dens with hinged, trap-door like operculum made of sand and glue, in order to disguise the entrance from Kommodorre.

There have been reports of Spidr inflicting severe bites to Kommodorre who fled during the attack of the moon station. Spidr's venom destroys the walls of Kommodorre's blood vessels near the site of the bite, sometimes causing a large skin ulcer. The wound that is produced may require several months to heal, or it may become infected, which could lead to the death of Kommodorre in just several minutes without radical fast treatment such as cut the area of the bitten - if it's leg; you need to cut down your leg.


⬢ There are so many mutants to tell but we might don't have time to put all of them here, the ones with the acid tentacles and other terrifying mutants will be released later in the future issues.

﹝CHAPTER - 6﹞⬢ Something Beyond Droids System

It seems fitting that we think about our life's purpose and meaning this time of the year.


Humans are meaning-making machines.


We want to know why we're here. What we're meant to do.


And this is why each year, human reflect on their lives and think about what they want to achieve in the new year. Although human use the words 'purpose' and 'meaning' interchangeably, it helps to understand the difference between the two if we're going to figure out what we're here for... As droids.


⬢ RU-81K

Following G.I.V entries was personal record from RU-81K data. It's part of the glitch system that I tried so hard to decode but still no luck. Sometimes he's depressing (or what should I describe for a bot? Mid-battery life crisis?) for his purpose of living, or let's just call it: reason of existence. RU-81K thinks beyond what human made him to be, well...


What I made him to be my personal assistant.

⬢ Droid Experiment 01


Now, as you'll see from the documentation, it's clear that droids have a purpose to serve. From the first droid experiment 01 back in 21st century which unfortunately recorded without a given proper code name until RU-81K line of production started to develop and given under my robotic department installed with educational chip.


The android mechanical engineer was also a humanoid droid, which called by the name: Atomat.

Many android technological studies have been published since then on earth, starting to develop for mobile phones, automaton, artificial partner that replaced relationship with other human, and factories alike for casual industries and military warfare.

⬢ Droid Experiment 02


Characterized by often purely theoretical attempts to define the purposes of the droids not only to serve but has a right to become a star-citizen as well and the intergalactic law finally released to redeem the droids something beyond machinery and system; that we call: pseudo-mindfulness.

Yes, an android with its fully citizenship and droid rights. How cool is that? Welcome to the world beyond your wildest imagination, young traveler.

⬢ Droid Experiment 03 - Trashe (Tracy)


As the name suggest, it's an android to clean up the lab mess. You know when experimenting, many scientist left behind lots of boxes, scrap papers, even unused boxes of metals, cables, and other research materials scattered around. It's Trashe duty to take everything and put them into her cabinet (disposal).

﹝CHAPTER - 7﹞⬢ The Landing

Numerous earth and alien authors; ranging from science-fiction writers, U.F.O enthusiast bloggers, as well as the certified cosmos journalists and android federations have hypothesized the most diverse interactions between us human with aliens and tried to imagine if and to what extent the possible Galactic Wars (I wouldn't wish to use a word 'Star') could have changed the state of the intergalactic peace treaty.


It is an open field of research and speculation, where the limited available observational data are stretched in every direction, seeking a plausible answer to a phenomenon that still escapes a clear understanding: what's our purpose to this vast universe?


For the following G.I.V documentation, the original document file sets-up with:


⬢ 720 x 1280 pixel size

⬢ 300 Resolution.


Preferred sub-tool:

⬢ Pencil: Design Pencil

⬢ Pen: Textured Pen


Techniques applied:

⬢ One point perspective

⬢ Simple shapes

Finally, our journey will be apart from here for a while. G.I.V above shows you the speed-up process of the crucial moment ever captured when we landed on the potentially habitable exoplanet called: Proxima Centauri b - also called Proxima b or Alpha Centauri Cb for the first time!

⬢ Proxima b is an exoplanet orbiting in the habitable zone of the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, which is the closest star to the Sun and part of a triple star system. It is located about 4.2 light-years (1.3 parsecs, 40 trillion km, or 25 trillion miles) from Earth in the constellation of Centaurus, making it the closest known exoplanet to the Solar System.

To sum it up...


Fellow earthlings,


If you want to make your 2020 and the rest of your life count, focus on your identity and the small daily habits required of that identity.


As an artist, start and develop your habit with draw 1 artwork per day and don't even think about how details and amazing it could be; instead be consistent on your content.


In our age of instant gratification and immediate rewards and results, we've forgotten to enjoy the moments that make up our life. Have patience and take each small step at a time to build your legacy.


Remember "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind"? You can create a whole universe by your own imagination with one small paper and pencil or...


⬢ One small tablet and a new file with Clip Studio Paint.

﹝AFTERWORD﹞⬢ Perfectly Placed



You can SKIP this final writing part, it's only a self-note as the reminder for the artist himself to keep calm when he's facing depressing moments from work, people around him, as well as demanding clients. Please don't be discouraged or even triggered from what Futopia's sharing.

Scientists know our planet is precisely the right distance from the sun to benefit from its heat. A little closer and all the water would evaporate, as on Venus. Only a bit farther and everything would freeze like it does on Mars. Earth is also just the right size to generate the right amount of gravity. Less would make everything weightlessly sterile like our moon, while more gravity would trap poisonous gases that suffocate life as on Jupiter.


The intricate physical, chemical, and biological interactions that comprise our world bear the imprint of a sophisticated Designer. We catch a glimpse of this complex craftsmanship when God speaks to Job about things beyond our understanding. "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation?" God asks. "Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone?" (Job 38 : 4 -6)


This glimpse of creation's magnitude causes us to wonder at Earth's mighty oceans bowing before the One who “shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, . . . [who said] ‘This far you may come and no farther’ ” (vv. 8-11). In wonder may we sing with the morning stars and shout for joy with the angels (v. 7), for this elaborate world was made for us that we might know and trust God.

Earth, Indonesia

5th January 2020


Change Log:

// 10th January 2020: fixed Japanese language automatic translation because of garbled alien linguist system for some parts of the guide.



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