Vector lineart.




Since one of this month's topics for tips is vector layers, I would like to share one of the videos I made explaining why I ink on vector layers and how vectors can make your life so much easier~


You can watch the video in English or in Spanish if you skip to minute 6:14.

Vector lineart: the video.

These are the points I explain on the video about vector lineart:


1) Editing the thickness of the lineart.

You can make parts of the lineart thicker or thinner using the line correction tool without having to redraw anything. Perfect for fixing stuff!


2) Moving lines around.

The way you can move the lines after drawing them helps you edit the lineart to make it more precise.


3) Resizing.

When you ink on vector layers, you can resize your drawing all you want without losing quality. It's very convenient!


4) Changing the look of the lineart (this one's my favourite).

You can turn a G-pen inked lineart into pencil, dotted lines, etc. On the video I explain how to register new pens so you can use them with this end.

Extra tip: the eraser.

There is one 5th advantage of using vector lineart that I did not explain on the video, and it's erasing.


I use the vector eraser with the "erase up to the intersection" option on. Let's see the following example:


I have this cube drawn in perspective and there are crossing lines that I want to clean (marked with red dots).



I simply click anywhere on the line I want to erase and it will be erased up to the next intersection point, leaving me with a clean cube.

This and especially the other tricks I explain in the video are the reason why nowadays I refuse to ink on anything that's not vector!


I hope this will be useful to you, thank you for reading~


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