Tips for speeding up layer movement-Let's use templates and auto actions





 When drawing a manga digitally, the operation that is more difficult than analog is the operation of "layer movement".


If there are many layers, it will be difficult to find the target layer on the layer palette. You cannot move to a layer that is not yet drawn with the [Select layer] tool.


There is an initial shortcut to move to the "upper/lower" layer, but it is still difficult to move between many layers with just this.



In this tip, we will explain how to use "layer template" and "auto action" to move layers and make reference settings with "one-handed keyboard shortcuts only".



If you get used to it, you will be able to finish the manuscript almost without touching the layer palette except for the case where special tones and image materials are pasted.



Preparation: Prepare a manuscript file with a unique layer name

First, prepare a set of frequently used layers according to the size of the original you are using.


At this time, the important thing is not to have "layers and folders with the exact same name".


If there are multiple layers with the same name, even if you specify the destination using a shortcut, the "top layer" will be selected and referenced, and you will not be able to move successfully.


If you change the name of the layer later, the move action will be recorded again, so please think carefully and set it.



In my case, I have prepared the following layer templates for black and white comics, and movement actions corresponding to them.


This is a layer structure that is premised on dividing one large frame into smaller frames using the "Border line" tool.

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English edition:


  • If you want to use the above material set as it is, you can skip the following items (1) and (3).



1: Record movement when moving layers

When the layer template is ready, record the movement when moving the layer in the auto action.


Open the auto action palette and press the red button to start recording.



-It is necessary to record not only the movement to move to that layer, but also the movement to reset the reference layer or lock the draft folder.



In my case, when moving to the "Fill" layer in the frame, the following actions are set.



In this action, before moving to the target layer


-By switching the display state of the blue and yellow "Selection" layers placed at the top of the document, you can distinguish "whether you are editing the vector layer or the raster layer".


-Lock the "Draft" layer that may interfere with the drawing


-Set the reference layer within the range that includes the character line in the frame but not the background line


Is being processed.


After recording, press ■ to proceed to recording the next layer move.



2: Set the recorded action as a keyboard shortcut

After recording the auto action, assign each action to a keyboard shortcut from "File> Set Shortcut".

 The combination of a single key or Ctrl/Alt key tends to overlap with the default shortcut, so basically we will consider it in combination with the Shift key.


The following is an example for people with a pen in their right hand. The layout of the layers and keyboard has a certain law, and they are all placed so that they can be entered with only the left hand.


Shift + 2 mat in the frame (white layer laid below so that the background is not transparent)

Shift + W White in frame

Shift + S line in frame

Shift + X Solid in the frame


Shift + 1 mat on top

Shift + Q White on top

Shift + A line on top

Shift + Z Solid on top


Shift + 3 background mat

SHIFT + E background white

Shift + D background line

Shift + C background solid


20% tone on Shift + 4 frames

Shift + R 10% tone on top

Shift + F 20% tone in the frame

Shift + V 10% tone in the frame


Shift + 5 draft layer

Shift + T draw character layer

Shift + G Move up one layer

Shift + B Move down one layer


Shift + 6 frame background mat

Shift + Y Top background white

Shift + H background line on top

Shift + N top background mat


Shift + 7 balloon mat

Shift + U balloon on white

Shift + J balloon line

Shift + M balloon mat

3: Register the confirmed layer template as material

After confirming that the auto action works normally, register the current canvas from the menu "Edit"> "Material registration"> "Template" at the top of the window.



4: Register the materialized template in the settings when newly creating

If you save the materialized template in the preset at the time of new creation as described above, you can start drawing with it introduced on all pages from the beginning.


You can also drag and drop it onto the layer palette of the canvas that is currently open.



Material: Template for black and white cartoon and auto action

As I posted in the "Preparation" item, the material set based on the template and auto action that I am actually using can be downloaded for free from the following.



in conclusion

Depending on your drawing style and type of manuscript, it may not be suitable to draw with a fixed layer structure.


However, it is helpful to remember just the method of "moving to a layer with a fixed name and setting a shortcut".


 For example, if you make an action that jumps to a layer named “Draft” or “Undercoat”, you will have many opportunities to utilize it.



About the author

Draws the manga "Kuja no Kuzu".



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