4. (Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) Saving and sharing works




Compatible with Clip Studio Paint Ver. 3.2.0


Once your artwork is finished, try saving and sharing it.

You will need to purchase Clip Studio Paint in order to save your work.


Saving and opening your work

■ Saving your work


To save, tap the Save icon from the Command Bar or select Save from the File menu.

When you select Save, a screen for selecting the save destination will be displayed.

Once you have saved the file, selecting Save again will save it automatically.

Note: If you want to change the file name, select File menu > Save As.

Select from storage: The OS save dialog box will open, allowing you to choose the save destination folder.

Add a directory: You can register up to 30 folders. The next time the system is launched, the added folder name will still appear in the reference list.


Select "..." in the upper right corner of the screen to create a New Folder.

When you select the display toggle button in the upper right corner of the screen, you can change the display order between list view and block view, as well as the display order by file format.

Autosave (Ver. 2.3 or later)

From Ver. 2.3 onwards, you can set up auto-save data at certain intervals.

If you want to change the settings, select Clip Studio Paint menu > Preferences in Studio Mode.

Select File and turn on Save at regular intervals to change the Save mode, Save interval, etc.

Save interval: You can set the time in 1 minute increments between 5 and 60 minutes.

Save mode: You can select Overwrite or Save recovery information.

In the default settings Overwrite is selected.

If you select Save recovery information, if Clip Studio Paint terminates unexpectedly, the canvas will be automatically restored from the restoration information the next time you start it.


For more information about Autosave in the tablet interface of Galaxy Fold devices, please read the article below.

■ Open a work


To open a file, tap Command Bar > Open or select File menu > Open.

When you select Open, a screen for selecting the reference destination of the file will be displayed.

You can narrow down the data format within the folder by selecting it from the icon in the top right corner of the screen.


Publishing to social media with Quick Share

With Quick Share, you can effortlessly share artworks that are open in Clip Studio Paint.

If the image is is larger than 4096 pixels, the output image will be automatically shrunk to fit this size.


(1) Tap File menu > Quick Share.


(2) Select the service you want to share from in the menu shown.


(3) Images are automatically exported and shared with the service selected.


Exporting in Common Formats

Files created in Clip Studio Paint are saved in Clip Studio (.clip/.cmc) format.

If you want to use your artwork in other apps or services, you can save it as a general-purpose image format such as png, jpg, or psd by selecting File menu > Save As.


Change settings and export

To change settings like the Expression Color and Output size, export from the File menu > Flatten and save to device storage.


Adding a watermark to your artwork (Ver. 2.2 and later)

For details, please refer to the following.


Export Projects with Multiple Pages

When exporting a multi-page project on the Galaxy/Android version, select File menu > Export multiple pages > Batch export, and export it to the desired location.


When you select a destination, multiple pages are exported together in a single folder.




Projects saved in the application in versions prior to Ver. 3.2 can be viewed in the File operation/Share dialog box by selecting File operation/Share from the Clip Studio Paint menu.

In the File operation/Share dialog box, you can change the name of the files saved within the app, share them to other devices from Share, and post them to social media.



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