Tips for putting together an illustration CLIP STUDIO TIPS





The first thing we are going to talk about and in my way of seeing and preparing a work is the sketch and its importance; These can be traditional or digital. In this first section we are going to see some examples of the sketch.

The importance of these sketches is that when it comes to going digital we can understand the composition and see errors when planting our drawing, in addition to working with the value of the image and sharpening our perception when observing people.


One of the important things about the sketch is that we can work with the dark light with pencil, marker or ink, even paint to be able to see how our illustrations will be

The Sketch

In the following image we see how with a gray scale we can work on the issue of contrast and value

We can even direct our gaze to where we want the center of interest of our image to be, as we see in the drawing below

The practices in analog are important since they give us the security when working in digital, in the following image we see a study of bone structure and color

Golden Ratio

Next we are going to see the golden rule or golden number, this is my consideration in this regard: The golden number (also called golden number, God number, extreme and average ratio, 2 golden ratio, golden ratio, golden mean, proportion golden and divine proportion3) is an irrational number, 4 represented by the Greek letter φ (phi) (in lowercase) or Φ (Phi) (in capital letters) in honor of the Greek sculptor Phidias.

This rule occurs in nature, but it is not necessary to draw this scheme to make our images, since there is a degree of intuition in the construction of the image, and this leads us to take into account other factors when illustrating.

In the same way, the mathematical account to make the golden number is the following.

we take the mean 1 + 1 = 2 then we add the result with the previous number, eg: 1 + 2 = 3

and so infinitely 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 5 = 8, 8 + 5 = 13 this spiral we can see that it is everywhere


Rule of thirds

On the other hand, with the rule of thirds something different happens, since this is a photographic technique, where the photographer is asked to look through the lens and imagine this grid where there are points of force and guide lines. For drawing it is very useful since we, keeping this rule in mind, can give importance to the objects that we want the viewer to observe.

One of the important tools when composing is symmetry, in studio clip we have this function that is good for us, since it gives us a balance in the image.

In the image above we can see the use of this tool, and where to find them in the program. If we use the Shift key and click with the tip of the pencil we can pull a perfectly vertical linear, otherwise we can move the symmetry rule as it suits us.

Other important things to take into account when putting together our illustration is the weight of the composition, where the elements are located on our canvas will generate a visual weight.

symmetry and balance, contrast of value, weight in the image and visual accents.

Once we have an idea, we can balance our image with different elements that will enrich our illustration.

We already have our example spheres balanced, but we have another problem which is the weight of the image, it is located in the lower area, the compositional weight is in one place. With the following image we can balance that weight.

Now we have a balanced image with these spheres. But we have more things to add, we can play with this, and that is where the weight and the accent in the image come in, our illustration may have an object in the corner, but there is another that can attract our attention. as shown in the example below.

There is something in the visual language and the image, it is that it allows us to play, by this I mean that if we make a drawing and it occupies a large part of our page, it is not necessary to complete what is missing since our brain completes what missing, that's where the Gestalt study comes in

In the case of the image where the iguana is, the attention is focused on the face, and the tail or the back is not there, and it is not necessary to draw it since the brain completes what it lacks.

But with that it is not enough also in the image forces and directions enter, these determine the static or the dynamic in the illustrations, in the image below we can see how these forces are directed to the center, marking our point of interest in a certain place.

We even have material at our disposal to make this element stronger.

Now other elements also enter when composing, and how to establish hierarchy in our image, by this I mean what is further forward and what is further back. In addition to weight and balance we have to consider the issue of value in the image. In the following drawing we divide it with numbers to exemplify.

In value contrast (also known as brightness contrast or light-dark), colors of light and dark values are juxtaposed whose contrast increases the greater the difference in brightness. Value contrast example: A combination of black and white.

This also gives us a visual tour as we go from one figure to another.

In the next image we see how perspective also enters, and how a horizon line appears and how the different elements give us balance in the image.

Another of the chosen ones that appear in the composition is to generate a journey or dynamism through the gaze of the subjects or characters that appear, these directions that appear as direction lines help us to establish a journey or narration in the image. We exemplify it simply in the image below.


This does not end, now the theme of geometric shapes is added to the composition when composing, we can use the pyramid or the triangular one, it is used by the covers, illustrators at the time of making the composition, and directing the eyes to make the visual tour , your reading.

Once we put together our image we go on to make details and use different tools at our disposal and a very important one is the references, you always have to have a good library of reference images, this is very important because if I have to make an image, suppose, a Roman soldier cannot invent elements that are not suitable for this character.

already having the idea we are beginning to make our image, we can use tools such as perspective.

In the following image I show how to put images on the canvas.

One of the things we can do is add elements from the clip studio library, many times these materials help us to be faster in the realization of our illustrations.

Once we add, as the image shows, some specific material such as a tree or clouds, we can use different functions to integrate these elements.

Finally in the video there is a bit of the use of perspective and its use. something that is undoubtedly a powerful tool when putting together our composition. Its study helps to understand space in a representation that is two-dimensional.

This video and images is not complete since there are many tools used for our illustrations, in this video the image is unfinished since the video was extended to more than two hours, I think they are interesting topics and that the cartoonist has what to learn; Nowadays we have the internet that is a huge source of references, something that when I started drawing did not exist, so I hope this video will be useful for you and that you draw a lot.

The final part of this tutorial is already loaded! Look for the following video



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