How to draw shadows and shadows




Teaching video

The shape of the shadow

Shadow form

The shape of the shadow

The form of shadow

The closer the shadow is to the body, the deeper and sharper it is, and the farther it is, the shallower and more blurred it is. This part is easy to understand, as shown in the figure below.

Shadows and the emphasis of shadows are used for plaster portraits

The emphasis of shadows and shadows is used in painting examples

Draw the structure line of the portrait. This part needs to start with simple shape practice. You can also refer to the line structure diagram of the 3D object, as shown in the figure below.

Then draw the shape of the shadow along the structure line, and draw two shadow forms, with and without light and dark, as shown in the figure below.

Then we let the light source come from the opposite direction of the shadow effect, and draw the shadow along the structure line, as shown in the figure below.

Please be sure to understand and remember the four key points of shadows and shadows. Using this method, you can draw the effects of light sources from various angles. Thank you for watching.



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