Kaleidoscope in movie




It is an animation using a file object that is a movie processed like an illustration.

It is a continuation of the previous "Kaleidoscope"

I made a "kaleidoscope" using a movie

The frame rate is 8, but it's painful (8 seconds)

It is important to reduce the number of colors in order to make a movie an animated GIF of 10 MB or less.

However, the number of colors is not actually reduced as much as it looks.

Prepare a movie

You need to prepare a movie for "Kaleidoscope"

It's good to shoot somewhere from now on, but it's a hassle at night and I couldn't think of what to shoot, so I gave up.

I remember taking a picture of the scenery seen from the Shinkansen a few years ago.

I thought it was just right because it was a small size (640 x 480px)

There is no long one as the soundproof wall will quickly obscure anything.

Load a movie

This time, we also include an experiment to eliminate missing dots in the selection range.

Create a "new illustration" of (480 x 480px)

Display "Grid"

Set "Grid ruler origin" to (center) in "Grid ruler settings"

Set the "Grid setting" interval to (120) px and the number of divisions to (4).

Changed interval to 120 instead of 100


Load the movie on the canvas

Select "Movie" from "Import" in the "File" menu.

It seems that "movie" is also treated as a file object

Create a "New Timeline" in the "Timeline" palette

Set the frame rate to (8) and the playback time to (8 + 0).

Determine the display position of the movie


First, draw the range displayed as the Kaleidoscope.

Draw a red triangle on the vector layer (line color is free)

Draw a triangle connecting the points "center", "120px from the center to the left and 210px above" and "120px from the center to the right and 210px above".

It looks like an equilateral triangle, but it's a similar isosceles triangle.


It only plays for 8 seconds, so look for a good-looking start.

I shifted the movie so that it starts from the part where the tower crosses


Resize the movie so that the tower crosses the triangle nicely

"Expansion rate" was set to (71)


Press the "Enable Layer Keyframes" icon on the "Timeline" palette

"Keyframe spacing" does not repeat, so it doesn't matter whether it is "constant velocity" or "smooth"

"Add keyframe"

The "Magnification" of the "Tool Property" palette has been changed without permission.

Is it a malfunction?


Shows the end of the playback frame

Moved the position of the movie to (80) with "magnification" so that the tree is at the center.

You can correct the deviation of the "magnification rate" value, but it will not be corrected.

Of course you can fix it

Adjust the color by reducing the number of colors

Add "Tone Correction Layer" above the "Movie" layer on the "Layer" palette.


Select "Gradation" from "New Tonal Correction Layer" in the "Layer" menu.

Set "Gradation number" to (6) (not 6 colors)

Set the "Composite Mode" of the layer on the "Layer" palette to "Brightness" at the bottom.

This is a big discovery!

If you select "Gradation", things that are familiar with the color will be sandwiched.

I solved it by selecting "Brightness" in the layer composition mode.

This can be used! !! !!


"Black" is created by "gradation"

I tried to suppress it with "Gradient map" of "New color correction layer" of "Layer" menu.

Check the "Mixing ratio curve" of the "Black to white" gradation map.

Raise the "left node". Keep the original state from the center to the right as much as possible.

This also sets the "Composite Mode" of the layer on the "Layer" palette to "Brightness" at the bottom.


Adjust the overall color with "Hue / Saturation / Brightness" of "New Tone Correction Layer" in the "Layer" menu.


There is "gray", but it seems strange

I would like to add color here

Select "Tone Curve" from "New Tonal Correction Layer" in the "Layer" menu.

Select "Blue" and lift the "dark area" on the left

Keep the area from the center to the right close to the original state.

Save the file name as (480 x 480.clip)

Close the canvas

This is the animation so far

The triangular part is the part displayed by the kaleidoscope

Create a file for tiling

Create a canvas (720 x 840px) with "New Illustration"

Display "Grid"

Set "Grid ruler origin" to (center) in "Grid ruler settings"

Leave "Interval" in "Grid Settings" at (120) and "Number of Divisions" at (4).


Select "Create File Object" from "Import" in the "File" menu.

Load (480 x 480.clip)


Appears in the center of the canvas

Duplicate the (400 x 400) layer on the "Layer" palette to make 6 layers.


Select the top layer

Select the line according to the triangle of the canvas with "Line selection" with antialiasing of "Sub tool" turned off.

"Layer mask"


Choose the second layer

Select "Object" in "Sub Tools"

Set "Rotation angle" on the "Tool property" palette to (120).

Select the line according to the triangle of the canvas with "Select line" of "Sub tool".

"Layer mask"


Choose the third layer

Select "Object" in "Sub Tools"

Set the "Rotation angle" of the "Tool property" palette to (-120).

Select the line according to the triangle of the canvas with "Select line" of "Sub tool".

"Layer mask"


Choose the 4th layer

Select "Object" in "Sub Tools"

Press the "Flip upside down from the center of rotation" icon on the "Tool Properties" palette.

Select the line according to the triangle of the canvas with "Select line" of "Sub tool".

"Layer mask"


Choose the 5th layer

Select "Object" in "Sub Tools"

Press the "Flip upside down from the center of rotation" icon on the "Tool Properties" palette.

Set "Rotation angle" to (120)

Select the line according to the triangle of the canvas with "Select line" of "Sub tool".

"Layer mask"


Choose the 6th layer

Select "Object" in "Sub Tools"

Press "Flip upside down from the center of rotation" on the "Tool Property" palette.

Set "Rotation angle" to (-120)

Select the line according to the triangle of the canvas with "Select line" of "Sub tool".

"Layer mask"


Combine the duplicated file objects in the "Layer" palette into one folder

Named the folder "Center"

  • Please save it as (720 x 840.clip) here. I forgot to attach it. sorry

Hide Atari's triangles and line up the hexagons on the canvas

Open (400 × 400.clip)

Hide the "Triangle" layer in the "Layer" palette

"Save" and close the canvas


When I return to the canvas I'm creating, I think the "triangle Atari" has disappeared.

If it has not disappeared, select "Update All File Objects" from "File Objects" in the "Layer" menu.


Close the folder on the "Layer" palette and duplicate the folder

Arrange the hexagons without any gaps

Press "New Timeline" on the "Timeline" palette

Set "Frame rate" to (8) and "Playback time" to (8 + 0).

Save the file as (720x840.clip)

Close the canvas

Animated GIF so far

You can see the tower crossing. The second half is messed up.

Since the file size is already large, it is reduced

I couldn't confirm it because it was reduced, but the missing dots were also fixed.

A kaleidoscope of 8 seconds!

Create a canvas (1280 x 720) with "New Illustration"


Select "Create File Object" from "Import" from the "File" menu.

Open (720 x 840.clip)


(720 x 840.clip) is displayed while sticking out to the center of the canvas


Set "Sub Tool" to "Object"

Set "Transformation Method" on the "Tool Property" palette to "Free Transform"

Check "Tiling"


Manipulate the points at the four corners of the file object on the canvas to add a cool perspective.


Create a "New Timeline" in the "Timeline" palette

"Frame rate" is (8), "Playback time" is (8 + 0)

Save with the file name (Kaleidoscope 8 seconds Shinkansen edition .clip)


The finished animated GIF

With no dither but no color reduction (480 x 480)

With the actual size illustration flavor reduced color version (PNG image) of the Kaleidoscope when completed

Arrange full-color (PNG images)


If you don't need an animated GIF (probably most of this)

You don't have to lower the frame rate, worry about playback time, or reduce the number of colors.

You can make it mp4 without thinking about anything

You can create a Kaleidoscope as it is

Or rather, it may be almost impossible to create a Kaleidoscope using CLIP STUDIO PAINT.

I think that you can create it quickly with the editing application for it

What is this summary! !!


It has become a trilogy, but what I want to do is to play with CLIP STUDIO PAINT.

It all started when I wrote a kaleidoscope and something appropriate in the movie ... well, that's the way it is.

Thank you for watching



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