Technique: How to Color Hair. Downloaded Materials




Welcome to this tutorial. Here you'll learn about painting hair in 3 styles .


For this tutorial, you have to know: Color theory, light and shadow theory, the basics of Clip Studio Paint.

Before We Start:

① Using Downloaded material from the Assets IS NOT COPYING. Making comics isn't the easiest thing in the world, you have to work as fast as possible, so much of these artists create their own brushes to draw efficiently or download the brushes. For Download the brushes, you aren't copy, stealing, or anything like that, don't worry, you're free to use it. In this case, I'll put the link of these materials that I used.


② For all this 3 styles you must do:

❋ Lineart

❋ The select the area of work

❋ 2 layer: One where you'll work the light and shadows, and the other the color (That would be in the Blending mode, Color).


The color layer is where you'll put the base colors for the character (In Blending Mode ''Normal''):

And the Grey Layer is for working the light and shadows as I said:

❸ The Technique that I use is for 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲 painting, principal for those that need to get use to the program; transition from the traditional to Digital in the best way possible. I'll Focus for the Hair, as you'll see. If you want to know more about selecting area, Color and this method for coloring, here's a link for my Tutorial:

1.- The Simplest

❋ You can always work on a blending mode Up and Cropped to the layer you want to work without affect it.


❋ The eye open indicates that the Layer is enable, the eye close means that you can't see the Layer (Disable).


To work in the Layer below (example the Grey Layer is below the Color layer, and you only see the Color layer ), click the ''eye'' next to/Left the layer (So, you'll see your progress in the Grey Layer).



In the 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐲 Layer work the light and shadow of the hair, the method is:


① in the hair, paint how your light source would be, and how the shadow is created.

② Blend the colors. For this example, I create a separation, like two Strands of hair. (made with default Brushes)


❶With the Brush downloaded (Below Link), use it to create rough light and rough shadow.

This is how i worked:

❷Enabling the Color layer (With the Blending mode Color, that affect all what we did in the Grey Layer), looks like this.


※※※ Actually the color Layer have some modifications: I paint in the layer with others colors, this is for the shadows were seen more vibrant or richer. I'll explain it in the next style.※※※

❸ Only you have to do the finale touches and corrections:


  • Integrate better the Shadow: For this select the shadow, and apply the soft brush or soft airbrush in that area. With this the shadow looks not that intense, don't you think?

2.- More Detailed

For this Style I used:

The method:

①With the first type of the Downloaded Material (D.M), Trace the direction of the strands of hair. Try to follow the wind or movement of what you draw.


  • I used the called "birth".

②With the second one D.M, follow the lines made with the previous with the brush that I trace. Sorry, you have to identify it by trying it and compare it with the image below.

③Now repeat this with different “Varieties” of the grayscale until you like it:

See the gif how the trace of the brush follow the curve of the hair. This is how it finish:

Applying the method:

And this is how it looks, enabling the Color layer. It looks greyish, boring, right?.

※※※We are going to fix this easily.※※※


❶ In the Color Layer (in blending mode Color, of course) with the soft airbrush, start playing with the colors to change the greyish shadow to one more colorful.

This is actually how the color layer (Blending mode Normal) looks with that change.

❷ Keep working with the method in another layer in Blending Mode Normal

❸ And here's the results:

3.- Simple (Between)

We can use the same brushes that we used before, but, here are others:


-A soft brush that can be use for hair.

  • An awesome brush that not only work for hair, you can also can do shadows with it!

Method: Using the default brushes "Watery", "Transparent" and "the previous first type of brush":


①Blend the light and Shadow

② With the deafult Watercolor Brushes, we just need to delimit the colors avoiding mixing them too much

③With the brushes we draw the highlight on the hair

✧Also, here are more examples of types of Highlights with this wonderful brushes✧

So, again, implement the method:

I Hope the GIFs can help you to understand better the process.


Now, enabling the Color layer (With the Blending mode Color), looks like this:

Specials Thanks

Thank you so much for reading, I hope that I could help you to learn an easy way to paint. Remember to Like and if you want, leave a nice comment. You can also check my social media. Have a nice day.



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