[Lasso painting] Let's make a lasso eraser tool!




■A collection of frequently used functions in Crysta [Lasso painting]


The lasso painting tool can be used not only for drawing but also for erasing. Make the eraser more useful when combined with modifier key shortcuts

Create a lasso eraser sub tool

[Direct drawing] → [Lasso painting] Duplicate sub tool

・Change [Composition mode] from [Normal] to [Erase]

・Change the name in the sub tool settings

Execute [Register to initial settings] from the palette menu

(Even if you change the settings, you can restore it by initializing it)

Eraser tool modifier key settings

When actually using it, it's convenient to be able to switch between erasers (harder ones, etc.), so I'll register the lasso eraser in the modifier key settings.


Select [Eraser]-[Hard] and execute [Modifier key settings]

・Select [alt] or [Opt]-[Temporarily change tools] → click [Settings]

・Select [Lasso eraser] in [Temporary change tool settings]

Differential use of eraser and lasso eraser

[Eraser]-[Hard] is used to erase finely. Sometimes, if I want to erase something big or make use of the characteristics of the lasso, I temporarily switch to [lasso eraser] using the modifier key.


・Temporarily changed to a lasso eraser while pressing alt/Option

→Temporarily switch when erasing a large area, etc.

In the initial settings, the eraser tool + [alt/Option] is set to have an eyedropper that picks up colors, but since it is rare to pick up colors with the eraser tool, it seems okay to change the modifier key settings.


Modifier key settings are shared by the same output/input tools, so the eraser tool [hard][soft][vector eraser] can be set in common.



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